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Indian army on 'Operation Alert' along China border

Yup, Pakistan would have a harder time than India convincing the biased Western media, which is why we are held to a higher standard of proof, and even then they would ignore it.

So, yes, India has an advantage in the West, but non-Western countries including Japan and Middle East would be more fair. And, once they are on board, we can take it from there.

Middle east and Japan would be much more interested in their trade with India and the influence of west cannot be denied in the middle east and on Japan. Indian trade of 100 billion with middle east will play a role here..... Money speaks more in today's world... Business has other beneficiary factors apart from money.

Do you really trust middle east to part with Pakistan just because of being a Islamic country and India has Islamic card too in its pocket for middle east along with trade and western pressure? Advantage India...:azn:

So it would be in best interests of Pakistan to keep itself away from sino Indian conflict if it happens because at any point of time west will press the panic button and if by any chance chinese and indians settled their disputes with Pakistan being aggressor people will be hardly interested and this will lead to isolation for Pakistan

Anyways I hardly see any such exercise turning into war as both sides are intelligent enough towards their economies. though their may military stances or kind of cold war but full fledged war is hard to be expected on both sides.
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Middle east and Japan would be much more interested in their trade with India and the influence of west cannot be denied in the middle east and on Japan. Indian trade of 100 billion with middle east will play a role here..... Money speaks more in today's world... Business has other beneficiary factors apart from money.

Do you really trust middle east to part with Pakistan just because of being a Islamic country and India has Islamic card too in its pocket for middle east along with trade and western pressure? Advantage India...:azn:

So it would be in best interests of Pakistan to keep itself away from sino Indian conflict if it happens because at any point of time west will press the panic button and if by any chance chinese and indians settled their disputes with Pakistan being aggressor people will be hardly interested and this will lead to isolation for Pakistan

Anyways I hardly see any such exercise turning into war as both sides are intelligent enough towards their economies. though their may military stances or kind of cold war but full fledged war is hard to be expected on both sides.

Trade pressure can work both ways, and Middle East/Japan are the customers. The customer is always right.

In any case, I wasn't talking about war, but convincing the world of Indian terrorism in Balochistan.

Pakistan wouldn't get involved in a China-India conflict. China is more than capable of handling India by itself.
Trade pressure can work both ways, and Middle East/Japan are the customers. The customer is always right.

In any case, I wasn't talking about war, but convincing the world of Indian terrorism in Balochistan.

Pakistan wouldn't get involved in a China-India conflict. China is more than capable of handling India by itself.

so same applies to Pakistan also. It is as simple as militancy in India would make militancy in Pakistan. things are proportional to each other. You dont do it in India and India wont interfere in Pakistan.

And probability to sino indian conflict is very acute.
There is no war happening. So, stop dreaming. Foreign policy of India, China or Pakistan does not start from this forum or from any other media (domestic or international).

Economic recovery has just started, who would waste billions of dollars now. Get real and start flaming something else now. And they talk about holding sanity!!!
“why always india should make peace?”

Because it is India who always behaves bellicose and utters war rhetoric.

Don’t worry mate, I’m a staunch one who against invasion of Iraq, and escalation of Afghanistan, if you have indeed read my threads.

American troops killing the innocent does not justify India’s sabre-rattling against neighbors. Does it?

I’m not against India. I’m against your foolish and hostile foreign policy. I’m against your comic media that are brain-washing India mass where large amount of people even can’t read, and are hurting India national interest by instigating a war against arguably your most important neighbor in the north.

By wise, kid!

sir that's even more funny. Its india killing people in neighbours? Sir you duck my question. America everywhere. Better ask any pakistani what your america doing. Your drones killed more innocent kids and women then terrorist itself. i have seen dead kids and womens in NATO and AMERICA's attack. All america does is simply says sorry. Your country can't get away by the sin your country created. Every evil ends one day. When sin's mud pot gets full then it burst. America already feeling the heat. Keep killing innocent people and ensure america's end sir.
Arunachal part of India: Krishna
Fri, Sep 18 01:13 AM

New Delhi, Sep 17 (PTI) Asserting that Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna has said integrity of country''s sovereignty will certainly have to be respected by China. The minister said that both India and China are "mature" and "powerful" neighbours who needs to have trust and faith in each other.

Asked about China''s objection to Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama''s proposed visit to Arunachal Pradesh in November and its efforts to stop Asian Development Bank from funding Indian projects in the state, Krishna said India''s stand is very clear "Arunachal Pradesh is an integral part of India". China has territorial claim over Arunachal Pradesh and its hackles are raised every time the Dalai Lama wants to visit that state.

"China has its own perception. India has a very clear perception about Arunachal Pradesh.

And the integrity of India''s sovereignty will certainly have to be respected," he said in an interview to IBN7 channel. Seeking to allay concerns over the Chinese incursions, the minister said "India''s borders are safe" and "Indian armed forces are capable of defending its frontiers.

" Pointing out that there were "issues and differences" between India and China over the boundary issue, Krishna said there was a mechanism in place to address such matters and hoped that it will be settled amicably.
'Chinese aggression indicates Beijing's nervousness over India's rise'
Wed, Sep 16 09:40 PM

New Delhi, Sep. 16 (ANI): A US think-tank has said that China's recent aggression on Indian border is direct result of Beijing's "nervousness over India's rise."


Seriously, I don’t know from where those people draw such a comical conclusion.

A rising India can provide China with more opportunities and money.

The fact is that the gap between India and China is enlarging day by day. Just read the below news. I feel bad that your freaking government and elected politicians have done so shitty for your vast poor. Your crazy media, instead of monitoring your inane government and corrupted officials, pump up the war rhetoric, and you (plural) are powwowing...

India's damned generation: young go hungry despite economic boom

From The Times September 17, 2009

India is condemning another generation to brain damage, poor education and early death by failing to meet its targets for tackling the malnutrition that affects almost half of its children, a study backed by the British Government concluded yesterday.

The country is an “economic powerhouse but a nutritional weakling”, said the report by the British-based Institute of Development Studies (IDS), ...

In 2001, India committed to the UN Millennium Development Goal of halving its number of hungry by 2015. China has already met its target. India, though, will not meet its goal until 2043, based on its current rate of progress, the IDS report concluded.


India's damned generation: young go hungry despite economic boom - Times Online

Be sane, friends, and fix your damned generation that could mean your children, your grand children, and your friends' children. That is the future of your country. Not war!
sir that's even more funny. Its india killing people in neighbours? Sir you duck my question. America everywhere. Better ask any pakistani what your america doing. Your drones killed more innocent kids and women then terrorist itself. i have seen dead kids and womens in NATO and AMERICA's attack. All america does is simply says sorry. Your country can't get away by the sin your country created. Every evil ends one day. When sin's mud pot gets full then it burst. America already feeling the heat. Keep killing innocent people and ensure america's end sir.

That's why I oppose wars.

As a fact, you are pumping up wars. Your government kills more people than any current wars. Check out my post above.

Thank you.
A Must watch for Indians.

I was expecting this to happen in nearly 10-15 years from now but looks like we are on the verge of mini-war already. Look at this Video and see what Zaid-Hamid is telling by translating predictions of Niamatullah Shah Wali. He has particularly mentioned area of Tibet as one of the battle grounds.

Start watching from 2:40:00

Tmon3U0QPYE[/media] - Zaid Hamid Brass Tacks Spiritual dimensions of Pakistan Episode 7 Part 1

It is good to see Pakistani people believe in predictions when it comes to international politics.

As far as Zaid Bhai is concerned please vote him to power. At least Indians want him to be in power. We will have to do nothing after that.
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