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Indian Army Officer Killed in Gunfight in IOK

FIRST of all, R.I.P brave son of motherland, your sacrifice wont go in vain for sure.

Secondly, Desperateness of OP can be seen by the change of words from the original article , "Controlled" from the original article to "Occupied" and apparently the link is from Higher than mountain friend.

Here is the original language used.

Lastly, as i myself preparing to join IA, if got selected,(god willing) then i swear to god, i will myself request my first posting to be in kashmir, to f@#k these MF's by myself!
I had to bash you on your previous post that you have now conveniently changed!! So how can I dream that you are going to amend your post even before you have changed it? :angry: :P

That why I said "Stupid DON'T REEEEAD" Do you need some Special need?

I posted my post at 7:06 AM. I alter the post 3 minutes later after I realise I forgot the US Warrant Officer system is different than the UK system, immediately after I post, it take a minute or so give or take. The post is altered at 7:09 am

Then you bash me on my post at 7:17am.

If I conveniently changed my post after your bashing post, like you said

I had to bash you on your previous post that you have now conveniently changed!!

then my altered time stamp should be later than 7:17 am. Not 7:09 am

It does not take a genius to figure this out. I change my post LONG ( full 8 minutes) before your bashing post. Hence I said you never read. And all time stamp are shown so people have eyes and a brain can read.

By the way, the US System is 1 on 1 for warrant officer to Commission officer Where CWO-2 is the same as O-1, CWO-3 is the same as O-2 and CWO-4 is the same rank as O-3 and CWO-5 is the same rank as O-4.

In the Swedish System, Professional Officer (Senior NCOS) are actually hold command over Commissioned officer.

OR-9 (Regements-/Flottiljförvaltare) trump Major (OF-3), OR-8 (Förvaltare) trump Captain OF-2, and OR-7 (Fanjunkare, Flagg- styrman,konstapel,maskinist) trump Franik OF-1

Military ranks of the Swedish Armed Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warrant officer (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, as far as I concern, you are just a troll trying to bash something WITHOUT actually reading, it will take you about 100 years to get to where I know, period.

BY the way, my point are highlighted in color for you, just for your special need

You are right... but in the end most of the deserving JCOs are given honorary commissions..

Good for you... although indian forces are pretty frustrated they even lodged FIRs against the people.. :lol:

lol yeah, the problem is that, honorary commission is still not a full commission.......

Guess it's more or less put you guys in the same respective in the British Modelled Rank structure then hehe
1.Commissioned Officer:

a.Field Marshall b.General c.Lt.General d.Major General e.Brigadier f.Colonel g.Lt.Colonel h.Major i.Captain j.Lieutenant k.2nd Lieutenant

2.Junior Commissioned Officer:

a.Subedar Major b.Subedar c.Naib Subedar

3.Non Commissioned Officer:

a.Regimental Havildar Major b.Regimental Quarter Master Havildar c.Company Havildar Major d.Company Quarter Master Havildar e.Havildar f.Naik g.Lance Naik h.Sepoy

Army JCOs are class B officers with class II gazetted status.Deserving JCOs can become honorary commissioned officers (Lieutenant/Captain) with proper rank insignia but they can not become member of officer's mess.
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