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Indian Army officer detained by Chinese Forces in Ladakh last week - NDTV Reported

Chinese are bringing heavy equipment, another 10,000 troops and ready to capture more Indian territory. Nepal also recently captured Indian territory and released new map. Bad days are coming for India.... India must protect Chicken neck otherwise it will lose 7 eastern states. Best luck to hunuman Army.
one more stupid and confused thread, they jump on us when we quote Indian media. But these same bunch of confused folks quote from same media and satisfy their ego.... i mean come on guys.

our army correspondent clearly given a statement on this topic with rejecting it completely. but you guys just want to troll and satisfy that itch of anti India propoganda.

but i realize that only PDF is where you guys are tigers.... in real world you are nothing. and you will stop me so i dont rob you the satisfaction of being tigers somewhere....

pakistanis are so confused.... its in their DNA. They are confused about everything, that is why they are not heard by anyone.... even their backyard OIC ignore them.

now some troll and unsatisfied poster will give me same shit that they are doing in over and over.....

one liners? from you? come on you are a think tank consultant... show some respect to your own.
This is based on some unnamed sources by NDTV.

Can't be believed unless the government or army confirms it or NDTV categorically names its sources.
Have not heard about this only Nepal border and Bhutan border issues. I don't think anything is going to happen between India and China because at least for China, it 100% will want to avoid war. Only possible war is between China and USA soon. These stories are quite strange. One week some big fights and another week some soldiers captured but nothing in other media. Anyway if big changes happen in border, we will hear about it everywhere across the world and only then maybe there will see some action. But these attentions are quite fake like recent broadcast from Pakistani president about Indian imminent invasion. Everything between Pakistan and India is about Kashmir right now at the forefront.

PLA generals in two years old debriefing video explained India and China dispute in Doklam past years and explained how war very close could have happened but CCP and Indian leaders decided no to war. I think at that level both sides have much grander plans and attention elsewhere not just talking about who win or what. It's safe to say both sides have a certain kind of understanding which means definitely no war. However Pakistan and India is another issue and China will of course stand with Pakistan side due to politics. For China's considerations on why to avoid war is because it is too distracting from China's real problems. However Indian narrative is growing stronger and stronger against CCP about same level as CIA or whatever western plans for sabotage. So perhaps the issue becomes more severe between India and China in future but now everything can turn in any direction still. War is expensive and will be too unpredictable. Before when British conducted Opium war and eight nation war on China, Russia immediately seized many parts of north eastern China. Something similar can happen with USA and SCS bases if PLA gets too distracted. All these talk about fighting etc never come from Chinese side when the topic is India border. I think most Chinese don't even know much about the history except until last few years.
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I don’t think that this will become a real armed conflict. Wars only happen between Super Powers and weaker powers. The Sino-Indian conflict of 2020 will end in another standoff (most likely with Chinese domination).

I am not a China fan and if India would be nicer to its Muslim population and not an unbearable tyrant in Kashmir I would openly support India rather than China in this conflict.

The rise of Islam took place when the two major powers of that time - the Romans and Persians - were busy fighting each other. My hopes are that Pakistan can do the same trick and profit from this situation.
China and India is too difficult to fight anyway. All natural borders except in some parts of disputed lands. Just going to be airforce fighting and the region is too far from both side's main focus of military. For China it is on eastern side and oceans there. For India it is western side mostly.

I don’t think that this will become a real armed conflict. Wars only happen between Super Powers and weaker powers. The Sino-Indian conflict of 2020 will end in another standoff (most likely with Chinese domination).

I am not a China fan and if India would be nicer to its Muslim population and not an unbearable tyrant in Kashmir I would openly support India rather than China in this conflict.

The rise of Islam took place when the two major powers of that time - the Romans and Persians - were busy fighting each other. My hopes are that Pakistan can do the same trick and profit from this situation.

Every leader seeks to profit somehow. But other's leaders also know this. Pakistan trying to fool a war between India and China will not be good for any of us three or this region's stability in future. So it will be an idiot's plan.
Every leader seeks to profit somehow. But other's leaders also know this. Pakistan trying to fool a war between India and China will not be good for any of us three or this region's stability in future. So it will be an idiot's plan.
I am not advocating a war between any of these countries. A war is not gonna happen because of MAD. The best case would be that Pakistan and India contain China together. But for this to happen we need to overcome our differences on Kashmir and India must respect its Muslim minority and not demand from them to become Semi Hindus. A dream I know. Not gonna happen unfortunately.

So may hopes as Pakistani are that Pakistan does something smart in order to utilize this situation for its own good.

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