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Indian Army officer detained by Chinese Forces in Ladakh last week - NDTV Reported

indian PDF fan boys right now :rofl::rofl::rofl:

LoL your own journos are tweeting and writing about Chinese intrusion inside indian held territory so it's hard not to believe this as well
Both ANI & NDTV are India...which one are you gonna believe and why?
Chinese are bringing heavy equipment, another 10,000 troops and ready to capture more Indian territory. Nepal also recently captured Indian territory and released new map. Bad days are coming for India.... India must protect Chicken neck otherwise it will lose 7 eastern states. Best luck to hunuman Army.

Good morning....

NDTV is also indian media

Still Better than this :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sikkim Clash: ‘Small’ Indian Lt Who Punched a ‘Big’ Chinese Major


According to him, in the scuffle, weapons of ITBP jawans were also snatched. "But eventually weapons were handed back and our jawans also came back," he said.

According to him, both sides now have equal amount of presence. "China has erected tents on three different locations along the Galwan," he said. The Galwan river flows in Sub-sector North in Ladakh.

Hilarious, pakistani trolls going bonkers over a fake news reported by a known fake news disseminating channel. Chinese get bloody nose even if they come close to our borders, forget detain they get severe beating if they dare touch our soldiers. That comrade major must still be in hospital after getting his teeth and nose broken.

Both ANI & NDTV are India...which one are you gonna believe and why?

Pakistani believe what they want to. One of there news channel even reported casualties of 150 Indian soldiers during doklam standoff.

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