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INDIAN ARMY MEN RAPE WOMEN IN KASHMIR!! SAYS JNU Students' Union president Kanhaiya Kumar

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The Truth Often Hurts,That is Why So Many Ignore It...
People like Kanhaiya are rare in india..who have the courage to speak the truth..
If want kanhaiya you have it for pakistan
I am not sure whether this guy wants to get lynched or beheaded

A person is voicing concern over violence and rape against women - it makes you want to lynch or behead him? I see you received quite a few thanks from fellow Indian members - helps understand the contemporary Indian psyche better. :)
Indian soldiers are only a reflection of the rape problem in wider indian society its why Kashmiris hate them and throw stones at the indian army in support of rebels
Well he's speaking the bitter truth ... Hindutva Indians don't want to hear.

The Truth Often Hurts,That is Why So Many Ignore It...

People like Kanhaiya are rare in india..who have the courage to speak the truth..

People like Kanhaiya might be rare in India but there are non existent in Pakistan.

Pakistan army raped according to some reports five hundred thousand women in East Pakistan and it is almost five decades since then and not a single soldier has been punished.

So such hypocrisy about Indian army carries little weight especially when it comes from Pakistanis.

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It's not only in Kashmir that IA rape women with impunity, here's a picture from a protest organized by women in India's North East.. apologies for the graphic nature of the pic, but their message needs to go viral:

Hindutva ideology or RSS ideology whether this only influences the political class and middle class north Indian bhakts? he go deep into our army also? There are big secrets every nation has. People are taught a rosy picture, the one of unity in diversity, equality and secularism. But, all this had an abrupt end on that fateful day when RSS (BJP) got elected. All the photoshop work of RSS Internet unit and sakha workers working hard to create hatred against minorities all succeeded.
Hindutva ideology or RSS ideology whether this only influences the political class and middle class north Indian bhakts? he go deep into our army also? There are big secrets every nation has. People are taught a rosy picture, the one of unity in diversity, equality and secularism. But, all this had an abrupt end on that fateful day when RSS (BJP) got elected. All the photoshop work of RSS Internet unit and sakha workers working hard to create hatred against minorities all succeeded.

Says a choir boy.
All of you are anti nationals (including me) According to JNU which is super duper institution, India is illegally occupying kashmir in violation of unsc resolutions on kashmir, more than 40% of India is under military occupation, and now by design Indian army is raping women in kashmir.

You all (me included) have not been educated in this premier institute and thus do not have the sophistication to comment on such complex topics. This is purely NDTV/JNU/Lutyens domain.

you (me included) are bunch of intolerant, un-educated, RSS Suporting, durga worshipping brahmanical sanghis.

let JNU exercise it's freedom of speech through, maligning your religion, your nation, your sovereignty, your dignity, and your history. It's there right, and you have to subsidize them with your tax for this privilege. It's because of JNU's existence we still have greats like Amir khan still in India, if it was left up to you, such great actors would have left your/my intolerant society.

Cheers !!!

Dont worry mate

India is SAFE ; the number of people who are willing to DIE and KILL for
India is many many times more than these Anti nationals

These b****rds only HURT our feelings and get away with it
But they have only strengthened our resolve

Our hands are tied by the law otherwise when the D day comes
we will show them what we are willing and capable of
All of you are anti nationals (including me) According to JNU which is super duper institution, India is illegally occupying kashmir in violation of unsc resolutions on kashmir, more than 40% of India is under military occupation, and now by design Indian army is raping women in kashmir.

You all (me included) have not been educated in this premier institute and thus do not have the sophistication to comment on such complex topics. This is purely NDTV/JNU/Lutyens domain.

you (me included) are bunch of intolerant, un-educated, RSS Suporting, durga worshipping brahmanical sanghis.

let JNU exercise it's freedom of speech through, maligning your religion, your nation, your sovereignty, your dignity, and your history. It's there right, and you have to subsidize them with your tax for this privilege. It's because of JNU's existence we still have greats like Amir khan still in India, if it was left up to you, such great actors would have left your/my intolerant society.

Cheers !!!
Red fonts ... looks like JNU already won.
From where he learned these 'facts' is the main question.
@waz sir, please clean up this thread comments like the one above are totally unacceptable. Would such comments about any other proffesional military be tolerated?
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