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'Back-stabber' : Kanhaiya Kumar slammed for disowning Umar Khalid in viral video

Each country has a broad spectrum of political leanings and degrees. A moderate right winger from Europe might be considered a radical leftist in US.

A leftist from India would be close to a right wing fascist in most countries...
Those need to be jail are already there. OP is an Islamist masquerading as a communist. Let PDF be his crying den. Let him do that in peace.
And Samghi's RR continues. How he is Islamist is beyond me or this is habit of you guys to call every muslim guy an islamist?
. .
No one gives a F about your opinion.
And yet you respond, make multiple IDs on a pakistani forum and get your rear adjusted. Your masochism is on another level Sanghis. Even the stray dogs have more shame than you guys :agree:
. . .
Those need to be jail are already there. OP is an Islamist masquerading as a communist. Let PDF be his crying den. Let him do that in peace.
And Samghi's RR continues. How he is Islamist is beyond me or this is habit of you guys to call every muslim guy an islamist?

I must inform Protest_again that of all the older religions it is Islam which is closest to modern Communism. Islam is not just another way of ritual and dress code as has been misinterpreted from time to time unfortunately. The spirit of Islam is Communist. I quote a section from a 2016 thread of mine whose OP is an article by Pakistan journalist Nadeem Paracha and is about Socialist and Communist activism among Muslims since the early 1900s :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.

Building upon the initial thoughts of Sindhi and Sihwarwl were perhaps South Asia’s two most ardent and articulate supporters and theoreticians of Islamic Socilaism: Ghulam Ahmed Parvez and Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakim.

Parvez was a prominent ‘Quranist’, or an Islamic scholar who insisted that for the Muslims to make progress in the modern world, Islamic thought and laws should be entirely based on the modern interpretations of the Qu’ran and on the complete rejection of the hadith (sayings of the Prophet and his companions based on hearsay and compiled over a 100 years after the Prophet’s demise).

After studying traditional Muslim texts, as well as Sufism, Parvez claimed that almost all hadiths were fabrications by those who wanted Islam to seem like an intolerant faith and by ancient Muslim kings who used these hadiths to give divine legitimacy to their tyrannical rules.

Parvez also insisted that Muslims should spend more time studying the modern sciences instead of wasting their energies on fighting out ancient sectarian conflicts or ignoring the true egalitarian and enlightening spirit of the Qu’ran by indulging in multiple rituals handed down to them by ancient ulema, clerics and compilers of the hadith.

Understandably, Parvez was right away attacked by conservative Islamic scholars and political outfits.

But this didn’t stop famous Muslim philosopher and poet, Muhammad Iqbal, to befriend the young scholar and then introduce him to the future founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Jinnah appointed Parvez to edit a magazine, Talu-e-Islam. It was set-up to propagate the creation of a separate Muslim country and to also answer the attacks that Jinnah’s All India Muslim League had begun to face from conservative Islamic parties and ulemawho accused the League of being a pseudo-Muslim organisation and Jinnah for being too westernised and ‘lacking correct Islamic behavior.’

Apart from continuing to author books and commentaries on the Qu’ran, Parvez wrote a series of articles in Talu-e-Islam that propagated a more socialistic view of the holy book.

In a series of essays for the magazine he used verses from the Qu’ran, incidents from the faith’s history and insights from the writings of Muhammad Iqbal to claim:

The clergy and conservative ulema have hijacked Islam.

They are agents of the rich people and promoters of uncontrolled Capitalism.

Socialism best enforces Qur’anic dictums on property, justice and distribution of wealth.

Islam’s main mission was the eradication of all injustices and cruelties from society. It was a socio-economic movement, and the Prophet was a leader seeking to put an end to the capitalist exploitation of the Quraysh merchants and the corrupt bureaucracy of Byzantium and Persia.

According to the Qur’an, Muslims have three main responsibilities: seeing, hearing and sensing through the agency of the mind. Consequently, real knowledge is based on empirically verifiable observation, or through the role of science.

Poverty is the punishment of God and deserved by those who ignore science.

In Muslim/Islamic societies, science, as well as agrarian reform should play leading roles in developing an industrialised economy.

A socialist path is a correction of the medieval distortion of Islam through Shari’a.
So you see, a true Islamist is also a Communist. :)
I hope @lightoftruth considers his ban as an indication that he should calm down and start believing in humanism than any anti-human right-wing ideas he currently believes in.
So Kanhaiya was already a gaddar in the eyes of the right-wing, now he is a gaddar for the leftists and muslims also. He better start licking his party High Command's backside quickly if he doesn't want to be branded gaddar by them too. I recommend retweeting a few Rahul Gandhi pearls of wisdom with #oneandonlyRaGa. The glorious congress tradition must not die
Because some people like it rough just like Sanghis on this forum

They have an historical tendency to be gang-banged. :lol:
He better start licking his party High Command's backside quickly if he doesn't want to be branded gaddar by them too.

Which one? Rahul's or Priyanka Gandhi's? Kindly be specific. :p:
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it was known Kanhaiya is an opportunist the moment he joined Congress, and even before that. he was Communist while in JNU where Communism is popular. he ditched it the second he landed in real world where Communism is irrelevant. of course he doesn't care about his previous JNU associates who are only activists and aren't going to win elections.
Which one? Rahul's or Priyanka Gandhi's? Kindly be specific. :p:
The real High Command is Robert Vadra's business jaal. So we know where he can start. On second thoughts, I recommend he does 5-10 surya namaskars in front of Vadra bhaiya every day. His back needs to be in good shape considering that is what Congressis do well into their old age.
I recommend retweeting a few Rahul Gandhi pearls of wisdom with #oneandonlyRaGa. The glorious congress tradition must not die

Rahul and Priyanka are well-meaning people. They just have to ditch the fence-sitter ethos of the INC.

of course he doesn't care about his previous JNU associates who are only activists and aren't going to win elections.

Elections are not the indicator of true democracy. I will ask you to read this post of mine and contribute there.

another thing: Sharjeel probably understood all this a long time back. am article written by him about Muslims and Communism for News18 (from the original tweet):

Sharjeel's case and experience is a sad one. Didn't he spend some time in jail too ? He is correct about the "Jaichand" jibe against the ABVP member but he also should have considered that Shehla Rashid - a female and a Muslim - was from AISA and a vice president of the JNU Students Union. So it's a mixed bag of things about JNU. JNU is among the last few bastions of leftist thought popularization in academia and I hope infighting among leftists withers away and does not give chance to the right-wingers to take advantage and make themselves dominant.
The real High Command is Robert Vadra's business jaal. So we know where he can start. On second thoughts, I recommend he does 5-10 surya namaskars in front of Vadra bhaiya every day. His back needs to be in good shape considering that is what Congressis do well into their old age.

It seems that, now, in developing countries, no politics is possible, without abundant and ill-gotten money.
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