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Indian Army mapping out strategy to counter infiltration in Kashmir

When a 600 pound wrestler (if possible) points to a 60 pounder lightweight, and says "bachao bachao, mujhay marta hai" (save me save me, this 60 pounder is going to kill me) hahahahah

What you call it? Reality? yea,

Bu I call it "fear mongering reality".

Hope you see the difference.

Can the 600 pound wrestler simply laugh at the 60 pound fellow and take a nap, if the smaller fellow has indicated murderous intent? Won't the bigger fellow keep an eye on the smaller one, just in case? That is all that the Indian army is doing. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, when we have neighbours who covete our territory, and there are mujju training camps across the border.

Pre-1995 Muj were different

Post 1995 era has no Muj, just Talibarbarians.

Please quit living in the past.

Thank you

Are you talking about India or Pakistan here? There are still several lashkis and mujjus who mistakenly believe they will take our land. Hizb ul mujahideen, harkat ul mujahideen, lashkar e toiba to name a few. For us it doesn't matter what they call themselves - we will keep our eyes open at the borders, and kill any infiltrator who goes by any name.
Not fearful, just vigilant..

vigilant good

Fearful bad

Now if Indians go into chimp frenzy everytime LOC or Kashmir come up

then a neutral observer would simply call it anything but fearful and maddening response.

Hope you understand

....how many Indian posters here want India to take over Pakistani Kashmir?

They cannot. even if they want to.

That's the reality of LOC today.

It is blocked both ways.

Just saying it respectfully.
They cannot. even if they want to.

That's the reality of LOC today.

It is blocked both ways.

Just saying it respectfully.

I know neither side can take the other. But all attempts have been from one particular side to the other. That is also part of the same reality. You don't see delusional Indians with AK-47s going to Pakistani Kashmir to "liberate" it. Only the other way round. That was my point.
I know neither side can take the other. But all attempts have been from one particular side to the other. That is also part of the same reality. You don't see delusional Indians with AK-47s going to Pakistani Kashmir to "liberate" it. Only the other way round. That was my point.

It all depends on the region and geography.

Indians used insurgency where they could

and pakistanis did where they could.

Bottom line

It is time to quit living in the 60s or even 80s.

Hope you understand

60 pound lighter never play wrestling on rules.. he comes to ring with suicide belt.. that's why.. :o:

you are confusing nations with individuals.

please don't be confused.

Can the 600 pound wrestler simply laugh at the 60 pound fellow and take a nap, if the smaller fellow has indicated murderous intent? Won't the bigger fellow keep an eye on the smaller one, just in case? That is all that the Indian army is doing. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, when we have neighbours who covete our territory, and there are mujju training camps across the border.

Are you talking about India or Pakistan here? There are still several lashkis and mujjus who mistakenly believe they will take our land. Hizb ul mujahideen, harkat ul mujahideen, lashkar e toiba to name a few. For us it doesn't matter what they call themselves - we will keep our eyes open at the borders, and kill any infiltrator who goes by any name.

Keep an eye


don't cry

that's the difference here
What happen to plebiscite? Largest democracy ? HA don't make me laugh, so afraid of democracy that they can't hold a plebiscite to ask the KASHMIRIS what they want.

Yeah.. We had a refrendum in the whole democracy to decide whether we should hold a plebiscite in Kashmir.. Majority of Indians said No...:lol:
Indians are still living in 60s when ICK (Indian Controlled kashmir) was a totally different.

Now LOC is fully locked up.

And thus ICK is purely internal Indian issue with no significant military support from outside.

This is time Indians switch grears and use civilian methods and not military methods to improve law and order situation in ICK
Listen to the sane voice you got there,war and conflict does nothing to anyone! Do you want your son/daughter to say im from this nation and i can't do anything so they want USA etc.son/daughter says please give me some platform to prove my talent etc.
Well you finish the hostility about trade, once more people get money and better living they forget hate! More Prosperity brings More money and lesser hate.
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Can the 600 pound wrestler simply laugh at the 60 pound fellow and take a nap, if the smaller fellow has indicated murderous intent? Won't the bigger fellow keep an eye on the smaller one, just in case? That is all that the Indian army is doing. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, when we have neighbours who covete our territory, and there are mujju training camps across the border.

Are you talking about India or Pakistan here? There are still several lashkis and mujjus who mistakenly believe they will take our land. Hizb ul mujahideen, harkat ul mujahideen, lashkar e toiba to name a few. For us it doesn't matter what they call themselves - we will keep our eyes open at the borders, and kill any infiltrator who goes by any name.
I believe he knows the ground reality bro, well we sit tight and watch.
Yeah.. We had a refrendum in the whole democracy to decide whether we should hold a plebiscite in Kashmir.. Majority of Indians said No...:lol:

AGain sir

you are living in the past.

What happened to referendum thingy is invalid by the actions of both India and pakistan

We can't undo what has been done
Yeah.. We had a refrendum in the whole democracy to decide whether we should hold a plebiscite in Kashmir.. Majority of Indians said No...:lol:
How do you think China is racing ahead against India?They are playing India vs Pakistan in chess, i know we been past that , but closing this game/border will let us allocate our full strength on eastern border.
China wants to keep us down using pakistan so they can be capable and challenge usa in future untill then china will never resolve border disputes..Now Usa Knows this game,They are merely playing chess.
I ask the land where chess was invented"Shatranj" do they have grandmasters still or not?
you can easily count with your fingers the muj coming from Pakistan in the last decade

The number is even smaller nay tinier for those who actually crossed LOC.

That tiny number hardly qualifies the level of fear you show in your post. Sadly.

It is time to rid your fears bro

and see the reality.

1st hand rule for a fire fighter - don't leave even a spark, you never know when it turn into heavy fire.

Pakistan is doing the same. By whatever numbers, its keeping the flames alive and showing a token gesture of support to separatist. If we can eradicate that little, that would be a huge moral loss to separatist and common kashmiri will start looking for progressive development within Indian state rather than wasting their lives fighting for some mirage of freedom.
I ask the land where chess was invented"Shatranj" do they have grandmasters still or not?

Wah Sir Ji


Kiya baat ki

If I understood correctly. You are saying that both Pakistan and India must understand and properly respond to the outsiders' game.

1st hand rule for a fire fighter - don't leave even a spark, you never know when it turn into heavy fire.

Pakistan is doing the same. By whatever numbers, its keeping the flames alive and showing a token gesture of support to separatist. If we can eradicate that little, that would be a huge moral loss to separatist and common kashmiri will start looking for progressive development within Indian state rather than wasting their lives fighting for some mirage of freedom.
good life leads to less hate, cos you live good so where is the time to hate?: as per human beings if you and neighborhood is happy then everyone is good.
When a cup is filled it spills over, likewise when people are happy it spills over and makes others around them happy..
1st hand rule for a fire fighter - don't leave even a spark, you never know when it turn into heavy fire.

Pakistan is doing the same. By whatever numbers, its keeping the flames alive and showing a token gesture of support to separatist. If we can eradicate that little, that would be a huge moral loss to separatist and common kashmiri will start looking for progressive development within Indian state rather than wasting their lives fighting for some mirage of freedom.

you talk like zaid hamid.

We are tired of same old $hit5.

Please bring fresh thinking to the debate.

Thank you
Wah Sir Ji


Kiya baat ki

If I understood correctly. You are saying that both Pakistan and India must understand and properly respond to the outsiders' game.

Yes sirji,i know the game being played, its just people are too immersed in local tournament games, they forget the grandmaster games being played.:D( i say use your minds).
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