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Indian Army killing its own people !

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Freedom of Speech doesnt mean talking BS .

It's a rule of the forum to give link before making a thread.

Yeah, but it does not means you show your pity nature and report someone. And same sentiments could be written about Indian BS. You are people who want to close their eyes from your reality, like I said, over a billion people live in abject poverty and you act like you are the richest and most developed nation on earth. How ridiculous you want to be? Talk about BS.
Indians need to be reminded of the cases, when their soldiers malfunction and turn their guns on fellow colleagues.
Unless off course, the likely hood is that only civilians are considered as ones own people.
A big LOL at the thread :lol:

This has nothing to do with the indian army....even tamil nadu police have insas rifle big deal?

OP why not provide the link what you waiting for? :what:
It makes me laugh, how Indians becomes sensitive when reality is shown to them. So they are blown by the Maoists, but can you escape the fact there is lots of violence and terror in your country? Pakistan problems are more to do with the foreign powers like your India, CIA and Mossad, but your problems are "Indigenous". A word you are very found of. The fact is India has home grown insurgencies in many of its parts. Mark my prediction, India number is next, you just can not escape it.

My question to the moderators here, why are you acting on the complaints of Our Indian guest here all the time? They abuse Pakistan with gusto, and you allow their posts without problems. But if someone shows them the reality of India or their terror, they start crying foul and report posts. Why this is allowed? I for years have tried to post comments on various Indian forums and websites, they never publish my comments. My comments are too truthful for them. Indians don't like truth. And they surely do not believe in democracy and freedom of Speech.

Surprisingly they are having a field day on forum like this. Instead they try to report the Pakistani participants because they don't like to see or read the truth. How do you guys allow this behaviour of Indian guests here? How do you want Pakistanis to feel on their own forum? I was reported by two Indians for absolutely no reasons. Why do I have to worry about their ridiculous attitude on supposedly Pakistani forum? Please remind me am I on a Pakistani forum or an Indian forum?

This is absolutely ridiculous.

1.Ask your Moulana sahib what is the meaning of 'Reality'...some photos with wrong captions?

2.Nobody is saying there is no violence in India. SO many incidents have already posted by Indian members themselves. But attempting a fake propaganda thread to counter a sad incident is first time in PDF.

3.RAW-CIA-MOSAD...be careful, nowadays moderators are not liking this conspiracy theories. Yes, we have indigenous problems too. We dont blame Maoists or farmer suicide or poverty or flood or famine on Pakistan...

4.India's number is always there thanks to her neighbours..But nothing happened till now...I dont think you will survive long enough to see that...

5.Moderators are sane people.

6.Words of a schezophreniac are not considered as truth...
Bharti terrorists who killed in 1971 were dressed in Bharti army unoforms too ;)
What do you wanna say now? Enough said?

If Bharti army at that time kill 1000s of innocents at that time, we need not talk about new cases, as that will always remain in our hearts.

Such cowards! (Now those Bhartis who would come and ask for proof and links, lemme tell you, it has been on the forum and orignal telegraphs and orignal letters were presented and even Bhartis on forum at that time agreed.)


And the Indian President at the time also said this too.

"Kill three million of them, and the rest will eat out of our hands."

and it was an Indian general that said

"It was a low lying land of low lying people."
Yeah, but it does not means you show your pity nature and report someone. And same sentiments could be written about Indian BS. You are people who want to close their eyes from your reality, like I said, over a billion people live in abject poverty and you act like you are the richest and most developed nation on earth. How ridiculous you want to be? Talk about BS.

stop ur bs first....a thread without any base and you are supporting it with both eyes closed.
what a desperate thread, shows his obsession with India, atleast check your source before you post a thread. Pakistan's main problem as always - pure obsession with India, cannot tolerate our growth.
It doesn't even looks like these forces are,from India. I think they are from SL and people killed might even be LTTE
Honestly i followed the above procedure. but could not find the above pics, rather i found another pic,


Indian army never kills.

you can find full story of the crime on ISI facebook page with all relevant sources...

even if indians were out of their state of denial, it was of no use to ask them about the inquiry on this crime... which ofcourse would not have resulted into anything to stop this kind of killing....they are not even accepting these criminals as their Army personnels, so shocked of what happens in your country city boys?
Indians need to be reminded of the cases, when their soldiers malfunction and turn their guns on fellow colleagues.
Unless off course, the likely hood is that only civilians are considered as ones own people.

just the other day, a 41 year old man was tied and dragged onto the streets by Indian Army in IOK. if there is no video or image that doesnot mean it didnt happen...

Like I always say Realization is the first step towards improvement.
what a desperate thread, shows his obsession with India, atleast check your source before you post a thread. Pakistan's main problem as always - pure obsession with India, cannot tolerate our growth.

This is what Indians actually believe.
indians need not get their pants in twist , there is a maoist rebellion going on in the middle of india and these dead bodies are proof of the henious crimes that being comitted by the indian securty forces.
I just want you guys to relax, and dont act like you know no violence...

tied up and banged in heads !!

who cares? as long as they are not doing it to kashmiris i support the indian army and their actions on their own citizens. :)
indians need not get their pants in twist , there is a maoist rebellion going on in the middle of india and these dead bodies are proof of the henious crimes that being comitted by the indian securty forces.

pure ignorance and bias nothing else. Nothing better to do.:mps:
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