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Indian Army holds massive Exercise --CHAKRAVYUH

Its like our army becoming more offensive than defensive after Mr. Modi came in power. So its obvious army have to go through different types of exercises to became offensive.
Its like our army becoming more offensive than defensive after Mr. Modi came in power. So its obvious army have to go through different types of exercises to became offensive.

Actually it is nothing to do with Modi or Congress but learning from the past, Army is constantly evolving and tactics adopted since Kargil and 26/11

Helicopters from Russia were ordered soon after 26/11, Israeli spy satellite was launched as well as tank missiles. Army does not play politics but is interested in safe guarding borders irrelevant of who comes into power.

The Parliament attack and our response was a total blunder which costs as over £1 billion this old fashioned approach will never happen again.

Our mobilisation response time was shockingly bad but we live and learn.


  • Pakistan must not enjoy the luxury of time. Cold Start aims for eight “Battle Groups”, comprising independent armoured and mechanised brigades that would launch counterattacks within hours.
  • These Battle Groups will be fully integrated with the Indian Air Force and naval aviation, and launch multiple strikes round the clock into Pakistan.
  • Each Battle Group will be the size of a division (30,000-50,000 troops) and highly mobile unlike the strike corps.
  • Ominously for Pakistan, the Battle Groups will be well forward from existing garrisons. India’s elite strike forces will no longer sit idle waiting for the opportune moment, which never came in the last wars.

The key is we will strike at a time of our choosing not when the terrorists expect us to attack

What has changed is Modi has given a free hand to armed forces in Kashmir, if they fire at us we will fire non-stop as witnessed in the last border clash.
Actually it is nothing to do with Modi or Congress but learning from the past, Army is constantly evolving and tactics adopted since Kargil and 26/11

Helicopters from Russia were ordered soon after 26/11, Israeli spy satellite was launched as well as tank missiles. Army does not play politics but is interested in safe guarding borders irrelevant of who comes into power.

Actually it is nothing to do with Modi or Congress but learning from the past, Army is constantly evolving and tactics adopted since Kargil and 26/11

Helicopters from Russia were ordered soon after 26/11, Israeli spy satellite was launched as well as tank missiles. Army does not play politics but is interested in safe guarding borders irrelevant of who comes into power.
True, but not to forget our army comes under GOI . So whenever we get a strong DM , a positive impact will seen on army
The Pakistanis were shocked at this and went running to the UN

True, but not to forget our army comes under GOI . So whenever we get a strong DM , a positive impact will seen on army

Yes the gloves are off now, they are being given a free hand now.

if at all Pakistan uses tactical nuclear warheads on Indian armoured columns thundering towards its cities, it would end up devastating its own Punjabi heartland. Most Pakistani cities are close to the border and would become uninhabitable while India would lose only a small part of its army.

I call their bluff as a poker player they are not stupid enough to launch tactical nukes on their own territory.
Actually no first thing would be a massive Brahmos attack on key airfields, energy stations, bases etc next would be scramble air assets

India studied various US Iraqi operations especially the last one where key targets were hit first in a massive onslaught by missiles and stealth bombers, only after you will see fighter jets.

Interesting thing is our AWACS can stay well within our borders and still keep a large eye on Pakistani jets taking off and monitor them in the sky due to the range.
Can we expect NASR and RaaD attacks from Pakistan in turn??
As you said we need a range of lrsam, mrsam and a good qrsam, and that too very close to border airfields and logistical bases....
I think the command structure and a joint command in new delhi should be a priority, a coordinated attack from army, airforce and navy will ensure a high destructive damage that too within just few starting hours of an operation.....
Navy can play defensive, whereas army and air force should spearhead the operation....
Can we too have the PAK DA??it seems to be a good strategic bomber and that too supersonic.
I would like to know, what do you think about the role of navy in future warfare, should they be only restricted to blockade or spearhead the operation and cause destruction of enemy forces....
How about defense against northern neighbour? Is that going to be all defensive?
Can we expect NASR and RaaD attacks from Pakistan in turn??
As you said we need a range of lrsam, mrsam and a good qrsam, and that too very close to border airfields and logistical bases....
I think the command structure and a joint command in new delhi should be a priority, a coordinated attack from army, airforce and navy will ensure a high destructive damage that too within just few starting hours of an operation.....
Navy can play defensive, whereas army and air force should spearhead the operation....
Can we too have the PAK DA??it seems to be a good strategic bomber and that too supersonic.
I would like to know, what do you think about the role of navy in future warfare, should they be only restricted to blockade or spearhead the operation and cause destruction of enemy forces....

The IN has and always will be involved in any conflict, the main threat we face is from their AIP subs. Now we possess the sub hunter killers in the P8, but still we desperately need more diesel next gen subs either from France or Germany.

Also if we position our aircraft carrier it would have to be protected by various naval assets

(They also have a sea cruise missile from China) which is very dangerous especially if they try to target our carrier. Right now we still need to fit the Barak 8 system on our carrier and frigates/destroyers this will offer protection against that.

There is no way in my opinion they would use tactical nuclear weapons, the reason is our response to any nuclear attack would be a complete nuclear onslaught (there is a reason why our doctrine is no first use)

Why we going for a nuclear triad? Think about a submarine lurking near the Arabian sea undetected which has nuclear tipped missiles. The response time is so fast compared to ground based missiles by the time it is launched it is too late.

Right now I say our priorities should not be a stealth bomber but obtain the S-400 system, give the Army their own Apaches so they can use them for the rapid thrust and more attack diesal submarines with AIP.
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