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Indian Army cowardly attack School Van full of Children

Well the good ones have gone long back...Others are being schooled by mods. Let them be.

but why are the good indian voices so silenced and so easily apparently by fanatical war mongers everywhere ??
We arent talking about that now arent we Genius of the South.
You ever had communal violence? I thought you cleaned off the minority to negligible percentages.

Anyway, I think I answered your question already, not this one. Rest I think we'll leave it to another thread.
You ever had communal violence? I thought you cleaned off the minority to negligible percentages.

Anyway, I think I answered your question already, not this one. Rest I think we'll leave it to another thread.

Well the dossier on Kulbashan Network suggests that as well.

You should read it up ISIS Mata
i would love to give in the theory that gandhi forced the brits out but that aint holding up these days even in india...

we are on a thread about children being targeted at LoC......by your side...... the gandhi people not the jinnah people... gandhi people.... strange irony in this

And you believe all your ISPR release as gospel truth huh ??

I mean look at the images posted in the Twitter handle, it looks more like a road accident rather than a mortar shell explosion, everything including the fabric in front of the steering wheel is well intact. I'm pretty sure that the van cant be targeted using small arms, because it won't be travelling on a road that close to the LOC. :-(
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