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Indian Army Chief Wants Talks With the Taliban.

India will want to keep friendly relation with Afg. We will do it to protect Afghani people.slowly we will support Taliban demand to we recognise Durand line and they will demand KPK. After we take over Azad Kashmir and gb as is our right we will absorb Afg into India. Ok?
What's Afghani people? Also there are more "Afghani people in one Pakistani city then there are in all of Afghanistan. If the call is given they will overrun that puppet country and claim back our rightful lands.

Peace talks with Taliban welcome as long as there are no preconditions: Indian army chief
Dawn.comJanuary 09, 2019
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Indian Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat says peace in Afghanistan was in the interest of India, Pakistan and the region. — Photo courtesy The Hindu

Indian Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat welcomed peace talks with the Afghan Taliban as long as they did not have any "preconditions" attached to them, The Hindu reported on Wednesday.

Rawat was speaking at the Raisina Dialogue — an annual multilateral conference arranged in New Delhi jointly by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation, a think tank in India.

"Yes, there should be talks with Taliban as long as they do not come out with any preconditions, and so long as they are looking at lasting peace in Afghanistan and bring stability in that country," he explained.

Rawat admitted that peace in Afghanistan was "in [India's] interest, in the region's interest and in Pakistan's interest" but added: "When you start attaching preconditions, it gives a sense of a notional victory that one or the other side is talking from a position of strength."

He claimed that Pakistan treated Afghanistan as its "backyard" and was therefore striving to reach a solution to the Afghan conflict that would suit itself.

Pakistan has been working closely with Kabul and Washington to reach a political settlement to the Afghan conflict. The government has facilitated talks between the Taliban and US officials, and Pakistani leadership has reiterated its resolve to reach a peaceful solution to the 17-year-long war.

Is this that India will have a say so strong that they can convince US OR put pressure on Taliban for any preconditions?
There is a pakhto saying that goes something like "za sook? Za khamakha" fits perfectly to this situation. India is acting like a desperate who*e, running around, trying to show the world that she is relevant.
"The Indian Army has no stake in Afghanistan."

and they still want to talk to Taliban, thank you

The government is responding to Taliban's wish to talk on this matter.

Army is under the government; not the other way around.

Gen. Rawat is merely expressing his views.

We don't have a deep state system here, remember..?
Says a Pakistani whose chips manufacturing is also controlled by their Army... wow.

Any comment on this? Seems like your military is not under the control of your civilian leader, with regards to the topic under discussion.


India Slammed Pakistan For Destabalising Afghanistan And Harbouring Terror Organisations
  • Indian diplomat said that Pakistan has harboured terror organisations like Taliban, Haqqani network, Daesh, Al- Qaeda and its prescribed affiliates such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed
  • Afghanistan has seen a number of terror attacks in 2018 in which hundreds of people have been killed.
India deplored Pakistan at the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) for destabalising Afghanistan and continuing to provide sanctuaries to terror organisations within the country.

"Offensives are planned and launched by those who are harboured in safe havens in the neighbourhood of Afghanistan. These sanctuaries have, for years, provided safety for the dark agendas of ideologically and operationally-fused terror networks like the Taliban, Haqqani network, Daesh, Al- Qaeda and its prescribed affiliates such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed," said Indian Diplomat Eenam Gambhir delivering India's statement in UNGA.

Afghanistan has been a victim to terror attacks in 2018, leading to the death of thousands. The Jalalabad suicide attack in July killed the man Sikhs including Atma Singh who was to represent the minorities in the Afghan Parliament.

"It is clear that the terrorists and those who plan such attacks are not interested in peace. The goalposts for them have changed," Gambhir said and added the terrorists and their supporters have now set up industries amongst them of narcotics and illegal mining in the territories they control stealing the resources of the Afghan people and to fund more violence and terrorism.

As per the latest reports on Global Terrorism Index released earlier this week, Afghanistan is now the world’s deadliest country for terrorism. One-quarter of all worldwide terrorism-related deaths during 2017 occurred in Afghanistan.

India also slammed Security Council sanctions committee for refusing to designate new leaders of the Taliban or to freeze the assets of the slain leader of Taliban stating that peace in Afghanistan is tied to the peace and security in the entire world.

Dwelling on Pakistan- Afghanistan relationship, Afghanistan's permanent representative to UN Ambassador Mahmoud Saikal said, "No country can benefit more from a peaceful and stable Afghanistan, than Pakistan itself."

Kabul and Islamabad signed the Action Plan for Peace and Solidarity between Afghanistan and Pakistan ( APAPPS) in April this year. The mechanism is aimed for improved cooperation to address outstanding concerns with respect to combating terrorism, and clear measures to advance peace efforts.

The Assembly held its annual debate on the situation in Afghanistan during which it adopted a resolution on the matter by a record 124 vote in favour to none against, with 3 abstentions (Libya, Russian Federation, Zimbabwe).

India has emerged as one of the major development partners of Afghanistan in the last few years. The India-Afghanistan Air-Freight Corridor has helped Afghan products to reach India and via Chabahar port, India has connectivity to the Afghanistan market.

Exactly a month ago they were calling Taliban, Haqqani network etc. terrorists and today they are removing chaddies and bending over for them.
Only Indians can do this ......
I see no cockroaches infestation at this thread.
Sonny influence of Iranian over Taliban is very limited they both Belong to. Two opposite poles of theology
And Iran is much closer to shia elements of northern alliance which r bitter enemies of Taliban :)

When you start attaching preconditions, it gives a sense of a notional victory that one or the other side is talking from a position of strength."
The chap.said then why does he and his cohorts do.so much rundi Rona about preconditions when they know its diplomatic distastefulness
Talk about bigots and their bigotry ;)

Peace talks with Taliban welcome as long as there are no preconditions: Indian army chief
Dawn.comJanuary 09, 2019
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Indian Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat says peace in Afghanistan was in the interest of India, Pakistan and the region. — Photo courtesy The Hindu

Indian Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat welcomed peace talks with the Afghan Taliban as long as they did not have any "preconditions" attached to them, The Hindu reported on Wednesday.

Rawat was speaking at the Raisina Dialogue — an annual multilateral conference arranged in New Delhi jointly by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation, a think tank in India.

"Yes, there should be talks with Taliban as long as they do not come out with any preconditions, and so long as they are looking at lasting peace in Afghanistan and bring stability in that country," he explained.

Rawat admitted that peace in Afghanistan was "in [India's] interest, in the region's interest and in Pakistan's interest" but added: "When you start attaching preconditions, it gives a sense of a notional victory that one or the other side is talking from a position of strength."

He claimed that Pakistan treated Afghanistan as its "backyard" and was therefore striving to reach a solution to the Afghan conflict that would suit itself.

Pakistan has been working closely with Kabul and Washington to reach a political settlement to the Afghan conflict. The government has facilitated talks between the Taliban and US officials, and Pakistani leadership has reiterated its resolve to reach a peaceful solution to the 17-year-long war.

Is this that India will have a say so strong that they can convince US OR put pressure on Taliban for any preconditions?
Is this that India will have a say so strong that they can convince US OR put pressure on Taliban for any preconditions?
Unless indian s commit tens of billions of $ / year and 10000s of troops in the grave Yard of empire

NO :)
Indians are desperate they have no choice

They have been cornered and ignored:pakistan:
Indians in bed with Taliban nothing new here.

TTP is a birthchild on New Delhi, all the terrorism in SE Asia is because of India.
Pakistani danda has hit bipin G spot.

They know Pakistan will never allow them a foothold in Afghanistan and try to send troops and ask each one to carry his own body bag with name and address on it
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