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Indian Army Chief Wants Talks With the Taliban.

Indians are now licking their own arse and feeling good about it.
Can we cut out the one liners, pictures and every other non-productive thing please.

Dear Sir,
thank you if you take such action but there are one liners from the other side of the border saying same thing again and again by twisting words some thing like: "Taliban wish to talk to which they are responding" by removing such posts there will be nothing left.

in that case the replies also does not make any sense, hence the thread will be dead which does not justify.

when people from other side of the border post deliberate with sole purpose of blabbering is to bring out a contention, those must be addressed atonce which is the root cause of this mess.

i do understand this forum is not like the forums on the other side but it must be considered that they have a habit by birth of exploiting every situation with sole purpose of demoralizing Pakistan which must also be addressed atone, i request.
best regards,
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