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Indian army chief says military ready for short, swift war

The last short and swift war fought by India was 1971 and yes,the events that followed it certainly was unexpected.

I doubt nobody expected the war would end in 14 days and China would abandon Pakistan , in 1965 China atleast deployed troops on Indian border, but the same never happened in 1971 despite all Chinese official assurances ;)

Exactily india admitted that they are the aggressor who always attack first .. it was dagger on back from india.. why india is hesitant to go ahead if she feels so powerful just cuz its not 71 and india can play their game any more.. plus lets see how can you attack on our back this time.. definatily they have the answers thats why mody The Terrorist cant attack just talking like dehati aurat.. :) ... and letting their army attack on villagers killing innocent people. ..
thats what india army capable of .. if we can hold you spank in 47 hold you in 65 beat you up in kargil i am sure you will never remember 71 just try instead of talking like dehati aurat.
A banker or restaurant manager probably.

I was thinking of foreman in a factory or perhaps more soft roles like milking cows at a barn. His right to earn must be honoured though, we are just suggesting something which fits his face expression more.

If a person like him would stand with a dagger in hand, the worst you can think of is that he is going to peal potatoes mercilessly. He would't seem aggressive even with a knife in hand.
Exactily india admitted that they are the aggressor who always attack first .. it was dagger on back from india.. why india is hesitant to go ahead if she feels so powerful just cuz its not 71 and india can play their game any more.. plus lets see how can you attack on our back this time.. definatily they have the answers thats why mody The Terrorist cant attack just talking like dehati aurat.. :) ... and letting their army attack on villagers killing innocent people. ..
thats what india army capable of .. if we can hold you spank in 47 hold you in 65 beat you up in kargil i am sure you will never remember 71 just try instead of talking like dehati aurat.
'General English' comprehension fail! No pun intended :)

Not one pakistani, not even the so called think tanks can understand english?

India is prepared to face offensive military action on its borders should the need arise, Army Chief General Dalbir Singh said here on Tuesday, adding that any future conflict was expected to be short and swift.

It is his job to make sure India is ready for the kind of comflict in his professional assessment India is likely to face. And he is only giving that reassurance, should the need arise.

What makes a good professional general btw? One who makes ''my sugar daddys enemies are my enemies'' kind of juvenile statements???

And people are commenting on his gait, facial expressions, looks etc, while failing to even comprehend a perfectly professional statement from him? More than a defence forum this seems like a forum where pakistani hateful bigots vent their inner frustrations using abusive language.

China then and China now are two different entities. Back then, China had no real capability to support Pakistan, now it does.

Yes sir,a powerful successful rich business minded country like china is your friend because they want to do the dirty work of a poor failed obsessed country such as Pakistan. Your assessment skills sure do match your comprehension skills.
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By seeing the reaction of Pakistanis here I guess we can't even talk about our capabilities. Whats wrong with you people like seriously.
Its 2 nuclear armed countries we are talking about its going to be swift and fast or a total destruction of entire Indian subcontinent plus CHINA.

They could be planning to launch another war against China.

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

It could be very "swift", but maybe not in the way they expected.

Its that the lie they sell you nowadays in CCP dreamland India going to attack so lets hate them?
And yeah its going to be swift like this one
Cho La incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And comrade do tell me Y was India forced to undertake forward policy ? Was it because of Chinese illegal annexation of Tibet?
Invasion and illegal annexation of Tibet: 1949-1951

Take your lies somewhere else this ain't China.
Its that the lie they sell you nowadays in CCP dreamland India going to attack so lets hate them?
And yeah its going to be swift like this one
Cho La incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And comrade do tell me Y was India forced to undertake forward policy ? Was it because of Chinese illegal annexation of Tibet?
Invasion and illegal annexation of Tibet: 1949-1951

Take your lies somewhere else this ain't China.

Did you even read the link? :lol:

It's from India's own internal military report, the Henderson-Brooks report:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

The Henderson-Brooks report was written with direct quotes from Indian Generals who actually fought in the 1962 war, like General Kaul.

So are you accusing the Indian Army of spreading CPC propaganda? Are you accusing your own Army of being traitors?

Do you know more than India's own Generals who fought on the ground in the 1962 war?
Such low quality discourse on military news on a defence forum? The TTAs and the site admins should be ashmed of themselves.
This man is so innocent looking.. he doesn't seem aggressive. Perhaps he should pick a job which suites his stature, personality and face value.


This chief looked even softer than current one we got

And look what he did to your country.
India will only brag they don't have courage to do that. abkey maar ke dekh abkey maar ke dekh ooh bhai iss tarha kitni dafa pittey raho gey and every time keep saying ab maar ke dekho ab maar ke dekho.
I was thinking of foreman in a factory or perhaps more soft roles like milking cows at a barn. His right to earn must be honoured though, we are just suggesting something which fits his face expression more.

If a person like him would stand with a dagger in hand, the worst you can think of is that he is going to peal potatoes mercilessly. He would't seem aggressive even with a knife in hand.
First rule of battle: Never underestimate your enemy. he might look like an idiot, but he isnt the one we'll face in battle, is he?
India will only brag they don't have courage to do that. abkey maar ke dekh abkey maar ke dekh ooh bhai iss tarha kitni dafa pittey raho gey and every time keep saying ab maar ke dekho ab maar ke dekho.

I dont know if you noticed but the last time i checked, India beat us in our own backyard and has been doing it for the past decade. Remember Ghazva-e-Uhd? Muslims were beaten in battle, still they managed to make the Kufaar be the first ones to leave the battle field. It's somewhat of a similar situation right now with India and Pakistan too.
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