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Indian army arrests Pakistani soldier in Poonch

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Brilliant news :cheers:

Extract as much information from him, by any means :D

Hell I don't blame him either
I think he came to get intelligence... ISI doing good
lack of amenity back there is the most ridiculous joke I've ever heard.

A picture is equal to a thousand words.

The Hi-tech Indian Army, with stealthy weapons and monitoring equipment.

Windy, you're ignorance is supreme! Get some education about the Indian Army before writing and showing such claptrap! This is NOT the Indian Army! It's the Paramilitary forces.

The trouble with guys like you is that you know crap about the IA and keep posting stupid pictures to get a high and a few brownie points from your compatriots out here. Just cutting and pasting images blindly makes you look silly.:P
Our Pakistani and Chinese friends out here never hesitate to stress the point of the lack of toilets in India. If that be the case, WTF was he doing here this side of the border looking for a toilet to crap in?? :woot:

The PA must now send a letter to all Pak units deployed on the LoC that it's no point in their Jawans and officers to go looking for toilets in India. It's easier to just dig a goddamn hole near the bunkers and crap away till kingdom come!! :P
The way you have mentioned about girls you looks more shady character. :D

Listen your friend RAFI was not hesitating to dishonour a MOMINA KASHMIRI GIRL by using words like banging,sex, etc etc with his possibility theory. And I replied to him with touchwood possibility & here you come and defend his crap of verbally molesting & abusing Kashmiri girl (most of them are muslims). That definitely shows your Character & level of thoughts.

and You again going personal, chill it man, my character has nothing to do with you or this topic.

Well it was you brought this issue. May be because of what happened with you in your childhood.;)

I qouted to Rafi's possibility theory dishonouring a kashmiri girl, I didnt made any comment against any person on PDF but i hypothetically commented on soldier's reason to cross LOC which I know is 99% false but it was your fertile brain which brought your personal experiences & experience based assumptions here.

Haha. I knew it. You seem to have a experience of their weapons that's why you know they have big tools and weapons. Don't worry buddy. You might find some Indians who might contact you soon. ;)

Well again here I was talking nothing personal against you. Your army & police is impotent against TTP/Talibanis. My theories are mere theories its your army & police where practical results of these tools & weapons can be seen. Contact them.

Is the best you can come up with? A very weak attempt buddy. Yes we believe in this news since it makes Indians like you what they actually are. Idiots that is.

I have learned it from you guys.

Well Yeah we know your mentality well, if something is against India its credible for you & if its in favour of India many A$$es burns.

And Congratulations you have mastered the art which you claim you have learnt from Indians but verbally raping & molesting kashmiri girls must definitely be your own instinct like Mr.Rafi because Indians hindu & muslims can never abuse girls of any religions.
This guy must be eating mutton biryani sitting comfortably in J&K and we have spent 24 pages here bashing each other
Stop abusing ur sister ...knuckle heads . She is from Sindh ,not J&K.:lol:

Lovelorn Pakistani soldier loses control, crosses Line - Hindustan Times

A young love-sick Pakistan armyman has turned his back on his country and family for keeping him away from his lady love and has sought refuge in India. Arif Ali, 20, deserted his unit after his Pakistan Occupied Kashmir-based family refused him permission to marry his girlfriend, army sources said.

Following a scuffle with his father, an angry Ali marched across the LoC in Kerni Gali area of the border district of Poonch Wednesday evening and was arrested by Indian troops.

“I wanted to marry a Hyderabad (in Sindh province) girl but my parents and locals were against it,” he reportedly said during his questioning. “I couldn’t act against the locals, so decided to desert and cross over.”

Ali’s and Rezwana’s is a high-school romance. A native of Sindh, Rezwana was sent to her uncle in *** for schooling. Ali was a student at a neighbouring boys’ school. Love bloomed and so did trouble.

Residents of *** mostly speak Urdu and Pahari and a small section Kashmiri. Culturally, they don't have much in common with Sindhis — Ali’s family’s grouse.

In June, he visited Rezwana in Hyderabad and returned to his 25 Frontier Force unit, deployed along the LoC, early this month.
“I was confident the Indian Army will not kill me and give me shelter.”

But that’s unlikely. He would be handed over to the Pakistan army on July 13, sources said.
Listen your friend RAFI was not hesitating to dishonour a MOMINA KASHMIRI GIRL by using words like banging,sex, etc etc with his possibility theory. And I replied to him with touchwood possibility & here you come and defend his crap of verbally molesting & abusing Kashmiri girl (most of them are muslims). That definitely shows your Character & level of thoughts.

and You again going personal, chill it man, my character has nothing to do with you or this topic.

I qouted to Rafi's possibility theory dishonouring a kashmiri girl, I didnt made any comment against any person on PDF but i hypothetically commented on soldier's reason to cross LOC which I know is 99% false but it was your fertile brain which brought your personal experiences & experience based assumptions here.

Well again here I was talking nothing personal against you. Your army & police is impotent against TTP/Talibanis. My theories are mere theories its your army & police where practical results of these tools & weapons can be seen. Contact them.

Well Yeah we know your mentality well, if something is against India its credible for you & if its in favour of India many A$$es burns.

And Congratulations you have mastered the art which you claim you have learnt from Indians but verbally raping & molesting kashmiri girls must definitely be your own instinct like Mr.Rafi because Indians hindu & muslims can never abuse girls of any religions.

You showed your class dear which is all low. Now stop blabbering BS over it. Not going to answer you further.

Stop abusing ur sister ...knuckle heads . She is from Sindh ,not J&K.:lol:

Lovelorn Pakistani soldier loses control, crosses Line - Hindustan Times

Typical Indian media. Another new story.

1 First asylum story due to lack of facilities.
2 A girl from IOK. Even the name of the village was mentioned.
3 And now a girl from Hyderabad.
4 What's next. He crossed because LOC because of some bollywood actress?

Indian media definitely shows the class of Indian nation. A perfect ambassador.
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