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Indian arms imports fell 33% over last five years, drop hits Russia the hardest

What is small problem? Kashmir? What is the solution for that small problem?? Giving Kashmir to Pakistan on plater?? Then you will adk Junagadh and then Hyd... You only said it's small problem, we are able to live with it and concentrating on ecomomy....

Pak is not in position to advice India in any area... You pls continue your fight for survival, read somewhere UAE asking back 1 billion... Without China help you can't pay it back... Which asset you are going to pledge to China now?? Aazad Kashmir or Islamabad??
Oh so you don’t understand strategic studies...... no worries the Kashmir issues is India ‘s creation so it can chest thump. An easy solution is to dematerlize and put Kashmir on the back burner for 50 years. Focus on contact and trade, leave sai chin And DBO , focus on trade and connectivity. And yes revert 370.

this would allow all three countries, Pakistan , China and India to trade and move all our people out of poverty. This way no India’s die but of old age. The military buying could be reduced and all of us would benefit from regional trade and security. In my solution the west would have no choice but to help us all grow.
An easy solution is to dematerlize and put Kashmir on the back burner for 50 years. Focus on contact and trade, leave sai chin And DBO , focus on trade and connectivity. And yes revert 370.
this would allow all three countries, Pakistan , China and India to trade and move all our people out of poverty.
Year 1965, India did not have Siachen. There was Article 370 in Kashmir. Military was also minimal.
Even then Pak attacked to capture Kashmir.
Year 1999, Vajpayee came to Lahore for peace, but was backstabbed by attack on Kargil.
Year 2008, ceasefire was working fine since signed in 2003. But then were sent terrorists to attack Mumbai.

Do you think we will make a mistake again in believing Pak?
Give me credible non-Pakistani source of your above statement.
32 f-16 block 52s , Oliver perry class frigate. 300 m109 artillery , p-3C ......... 500 amrams , 500-1000 tows

mraps , I can go on dude..... all of the above mentioned weapon systems are American meant to take out the Indian military
Year 1965, India did not have Siachen. There was Article 370 in Kashmir. Military was also minimal.
Even then Pak attacked to capture Kashmir.
Year 1999, Vajpayee came to Lahore for peace, but was backstabbed by attack on Kargil.
Year 2008, ceasefire was working fine since signed in 2003. But then were sent terrorists to attack Mumbai.

Do you think we will make a mistake again in believing Pak?
Yes and your point is............the French and the english fought for 121 years, the Germans and the rest of Europe had two world wars..........peace has a price, growth of one’s people has a price.

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In terms of volume, it returned to the 2011 level. I think the main issue here is not the 33% drop, but the 43% increase in 2016. Moreover, while India is the world's largest importer after KSA, export figures are in their infancy.


32 f-16 block 52s , Oliver perry class frigate. 300 m109 artillery , p-3C ......... 500 amrams , 500-1000 tows
what is the source of 10 billion dollar worth of weapons free to Pak in last 5 years
what is the source of 10 billion dollar worth of weapons free to Pak in last 5 years
what is the source of 10 billion dollar worth of weapons free to Pak in last 5 years
that’s the wrong question. The question to ask is why does the world hate India so much that they arm Pakistan to defeat India? you yourself said Pakistan doesn’t have the money to buy arms than why do countries keep giving Pakistan weapons?

how is Pakistan’s Miltary modernization better than India’s with a 9 billion $ budget

in 4 years Pakistan will have 1000 new tanks
300-500 sp artillery
100+ mrls
survalance equipment

50-60 Chinese attack helicopters

200-300 armed long endurance drones

60 j-10c
100 if-17 block 3 and block 4
maybe more f-16s
s-300 esq air Defence system

8 frigets
8 submarines
12 corvettes
too many missile boats........

this will reduce the parity of Pakistan arms vis a vis India from 2:1 to 2:1.8~1.9

why do India’s have to die? Pointless death

Good indian should induct more sub standard made in india weapons . Atma nirbhar bharat
India hasn't bought anything substantial from Russia since early 2000s. Even Tejas and Vikrant are powered by American engines. S-400 would be the first major sale from Russia to India in decades if it goes through after American CAATSA threat.
Regarding CAATSA, US will never penalize India on that. India is far too important to US right now. Its entire Indo-Pacific strategy is hinged on India. India will be pressured to reduce further big-ticket imports from Russia though.
I don't see the S-400 deal failing anytime soon given how far it has come so it's a done deal i suppose. Regarding the CAATSA, given the fact a NATO ally had been penalized, i don't see India escaping it either. What will have to be seen is how stringent those punishments are and how much will they will affect India, will they be a facade or have a dramatic effect, we will probably get to know in time.
The question to ask is why does the world hate India so much that they arm Pakistan to defeat India?
Khan, you are wrong here. World doesn't provide weapons to Pakistan because they hate India but because these deals provide money to OEM and seller country. We have been denied top tier weapons to ensure that we do not out balance the power in south Asia. One more reason for US to allow second tier weapons to Pakistan is to ensure that we don't go all nuke in case we have a war with India.

On topic: @Zapper made a very good point that every country can blackmail you once you are dependent on them for your defense needs. If i were India, i would have spent more on R&D and JVs to ensure that we achieve credible degree of self reliance. It is absolutely pathetic when countries like Pakistan and India cannot even make own small arms and have to look towards others for weapon purchase.
I don't see the S-400 deal failing anytime soon given how far it has come so it's a done deal i suppose. Regarding the CAATSA, given the fact a NATO ally had been penalized, i don't see India escaping it either. What will have to be seen is how stringent those punishments are and how much will they will affect India, will they be a facade or have a dramatic effect, we will probably get to know in time.
Turkey has always been in US clout when it comes to arms purchases and it isn't traditional of Turkey to go to an American adversary like Russia for newer weapons systems. Contrarily, Indian weapons have been of Soviet/Russia origin since decades and US very well knows we'd continue to do the same

US wouldn't penalize us atleast for now since they're pitting us against China which gives us leverage. Turkey doesn't have that sorta leverage which is why they've been kicked out. The moment US sees India as a threat to it's global dominance or if we act against their interests, I'm sure we'd be treated the same
India is not putting all eggs in US basket. India will continue to maintain ties with Russia as well.
India is already working with Russia to create a route through Iran. Read about "International North South Transport Corridor".
Security implications are lesser for Russia to go through its ally Iran, rather than dealing with separatists in Balochistan.
Lolx where will if come to Iran from ?
Azerbaijan and Iran ? Thats the western part which central Russians will never use..

Kazakhistan Uzbekistan Afghanistan Iran route will be too unsecure so China and then Pakistan is a good option..

Secondly Russia and India are not closer like before now that India is not buying russian weapons and is allying with Murica if will not be seen as a good sign..
India is not putting all eggs in US basket. India will continue to maintain ties with Russia as well.
India is already working with Russia to create a route through Iran. Read about "International North South Transport Corridor".
Security implications are lesser for Russia to go through its ally Iran, rather than dealing with separatists in Balochistan.
Iran itself is unhappy with india especially since india stopped buying gas/oil from em..
that’s the wrong question. The question to ask is why does the world hate India so much that they arm Pakistan to defeat India? you yourself said Pakistan doesn’t have the money to buy arms than why do countries keep giving Pakistan weapons?
So you do not have any source to prove your figures. It means all you said was just hot air and not to be believed. Why waste everyone's time then?
Lolx where will if come to Iran from ?
Azerbaijan and Iran ? Thats the western part which central Russians will never use..

Kazakhistan Uzbekistan Afghanistan Iran route will be too unsecure so China and then Pakistan is a good option..

Secondly Russia and India are not closer like before now that India is not buying russian weapons and is allying with Murica if will not be seen as a good sign..

Iran itself is unhappy with india especially since india stopped buying gas/oil from em..
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So you do not have any source to prove your figures. It means all you said was just hot air and not to be believed. Why waste everyone's time then?

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Dude do your own research, you will find what you are looking for if you use the search option on this forum. my refraining from respond to your request was a polite way of telling you to use the search option.

have you heard about the CPEC, the Chinese investment in Iran’s ports and the most important of them all the Istanbul–Tehran–lslamabad railway or (ITI Train). The Turkey Iran Pakistan railway connecting CPEC, and China with Europe. This trading solution takes a mere hours to get to Europe for trading rather than the super expensive route via the sea where staffing amount has to be paid at the suez canal.

this is why connectivity and trade is super important for poverty alleviation.

Dude do your own research, you will find what you are looking for if you use the search option on this forum. my refraining from respond to your request was a polite way of telling you to use the search option.
When you make extraordinary claims of getting billions of dollars of free weapons, the onus is on you to provide proof.
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