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Indian and israeli close defence cooperation.Worrying times for Pakistan

There are religious fascist everywhere, but isn't it established that you can find more of them in Pakistan than in India. I don't want to bring any specific religion into this but aren't minorities in Pakistan facing much worse than what they face in India?
Open your eyes and get out of the well.
There are religious fascist everywhere, but isn't it established that you can find more of them in Pakistan than in India. I don't want to bring any specific religion into this but aren't minorities in Pakistan facing much worse than what they face in India?
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”

Philip K. Dick

This is a confessional video of RSS murderers including Babu Bajrangi... they executed, planned genocide of muslims in Gujarat at the behest of then Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi.

Check above video from 3:16, Babu Bajrangi says Modi changed 3 judges in order to get him bail. Thats fake Indian Judiciary for you.



Babu Bajrangi

Check below the Confessional video of former Bajrang Dal leader and BJP MLA from Godhra, Haresh Bhatt.


These videos by Tehelka (sting operation) are out in the media and available on internet since 2006-07... Meaning its not a secret that Modi orchestrated the 2002 muslim genocide in Gujarat, and still when Indian people choose him and extremists/criminals like Yogi Adyanath as their PM and representatives, its an evidence itself that Indian society is extremist to its core. So they will vote for anyone and everyone who according to them can harm/'punish' muslims/minorities of India and convert India into a Hindu Rashtra...

BJP leader encourages rape of Muslim women in India

These type of things does not happen anywhere in the civilised world other than the fascist, extremist countries like India & Israel.

I mean India... its a country where minorities are lynched on daily basis by extremist hindu mobs, their worship places are being burnt by extremist hindus, a country where forced
religious conversion like 'ghar wapsi' are a norm and ignored by the law & the govt, a country whose prime minister is a criminal, who claims religious superiority of hindus...a country where anti minorities riots are a norm and being planned and executed by the govt itself for political gains, where a win in elections requires a spread of religious hatred, where vote bank elects religious criminals into power...

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Just note that all this violence, mayhem & crimes against minorities are being planned & executed by govt itself. That does not happen anywhere in the world other than India & Israel.

This is Real and Ugly face of India & Israel....

Now check below

Three Years After Dadri, The Man Accused Of Lynching Mohammad Akhlaq Is Free And Running For Lok Sabha

Hari Om Sisodia says he will fight the Lok Sabha election for Hindutva and gau raksha.

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The Hinduism has a lot common with Judaism, both religions are ethnic religions, Jews like Brahmins call themselves God's chosen people and other people related to other religions as gentiles (non humans), The followers of both Hinduism & Judaism are extremist to the core, the fascists, consider butchery against other religions a good deed and their right at the same time.

Both have captured territories of other nations, that does not belong to them, Palestine and Kashmir.

Both are using hard, cruel state power against the un armed people in order to suppress their right of self determination.

Both are barbaric against minorities, i.e cold blooded killings of Palestinian civilians by Israeli people and security forces, and communal violence along with daily lynching of minorities especially muslims by extremist hindus, planned and executed by Indian state governments for political gains.

So its a natural alliance as far as Hindus and jews are concerned, in fact the leaders of both the nations admit that publicly, so its natural for both, to cover/defend each other's racism & brutalities.
With Zionism, not Judaism

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