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Indian Americans more successful than other immigrant groups in the US

These types of videos are not allowed or ignored because no one wants to talk about good things about India.
you provide the same social environment in india you will get much better result.so it is more to do with governance and social ethics.
Indian-Americans and Iranian-Americans are the most successful immigrant groups in the US.

Indian-Americans and Iranian-Americans are the most successful immigrant groups in the US.


My neighbour is a 30 year old single Iranian-American man and he drives CLS550 and runs his own business and he would throw in party once in a while and I would see exotic cars in the parking and I would feel those are rich loaded Iranian-American kids. :)
Indian-Americans and Iranian-Americans are the most successful immigrant groups in the US.


Migrants are generally more successful everywhere. Somebody who is willing to uproot himself from safety and security of his culture/country and goes to a new country must be willing to take higher risk and more often than not gets higher reward.

As TYT says, its not genetic.
Also Indians in USA are the brightest that India produced, same cant be said about UK or canada.
Migrants are generally more successful everywhere. Somebody who is willing to uproot himself from safety and security of his culture/country and goes to a new country must be willing to take higher risk and more often than not gets higher reward.

Not always. Look to the Moroccans, Algerians, Somalians in Europe for example.
any hard working individual can succeed in the states,that's the beauty of the country.
it is nice to see our community doing well but i personally don't think it is of much consequence.
just my 2cents.
Indians are the biggest scums:usflag: paralyzing whole USA so much over populated country where ever you go you will see Indian crow they really suck hatred jealous hypocrite UN friendly people.
Trolling is the best way to hide your failures....Btw do you know the special word that Americans use for your country......
Where are the Chinese and Koreans?
Italians are also pretty successful.

Most of the immigrants from that charts are the cream of the crops from their respective societies, in another words, they were already well to do and belongs to the educated class prior moving to the US. Where as most of the newly Chinese immigrants are relative poor and migrating to the US because they have some kind of relatives in the US. As a whole group the Chinese are not doing too bad comparing to the Americans. Ditto the Koreans.
Looking at some 2012 PEW research data about immigrant population in the US and came across some cool bits. Surprise was Filipinos doing much better than the Chinese Americans in median incomes.


The East Asians are doing less well in the US because the cream of those respective countries can stay at home and contribute to their home countries, same with most (western) European emigrants to the US in the last 30 years. So, most emigrants from those regions are rather struggling at home and finding emigration as a good way out, while the best of India and the Philippines are emigrating to the US because their home country just doesn't provide them the fertile ground to prosper.

The odd of the whole picture are the Vietnamese, their economy and development at home is low and their emigrants to the US are not doing well either.

That's how I interpret this chart.
Indians specially Hindus and Buddhists are really biggest parasites, hatred ,hypocrite, UN friendly,cheaters you can find them any where ,over populated country indiees begging all time other nations if they cant adjust there load of population better kill them ,they suck every where, morons specially in USA :usflag:

I personally guarantee that no Pakistani Muslims will be attacked over your religious and ethic bigotry. You will remain safe just like the mods have allowed you to be safe, after making such bigoted statements :wave:
Götterdämmerung;3454589 said:
The East Asians are doing less well in the US because the cream of those respective countries can stay at home and contribute to their home countries, same with most (western) European emigrants to the US in the last 30 years. So, most emigrants from those regions are rather struggling at home and finding emigration as a good way out, while the best of India and the Philippines are emigrating to the US because their home country just doesn't provide them the fertile ground to prosper.

The odd of the whole picture are the Vietnamese, their economy and development at home is low and their emigrants to the US are not doing well either.

That's how I interpret this chart.

You also forget about for those East Asian countries, a large part of those immigrants came to US 100 years ago and they and their off springs are more than often at the bottom of the social ladders in America.
Götterdämmerung;3454589 said:
The East Asians are doing less well in the US because the cream of those respective countries can stay at home and contribute to their home countries, same with most (western) European emigrants to the US in the last 30 years. So, most emigrants from those regions are rather struggling at home and finding emigration as a good way out, while the best of India and the Philippines are emigrating to the US because their home country just doesn't provide them the fertile ground to prosper.

The odd of the whole picture are the Vietnamese, their economy and development at home is low and their emigrants to the US are not doing well either.

That's how I interpret this chart.

Of course I would not expect your interpretation to be any different. Misery loves ignorance.
Götterdämmerung;3454589 said:
The East Asians are doing less well in the US because the cream of those respective countries can stay at home and contribute to their home countries, same with most (western) European emigrants to the US in the last 30 years. So, most emigrants from those regions are rather struggling at home and finding emigration as a good way out, while the best of India and the Philippines are emigrating to the US because their home country just doesn't provide them the fertile ground to prosper.

The odd of the whole picture are the Vietnamese, their economy and development at home is low and their emigrants to the US are not doing well either.

That's how I interpret this chart.

Exactly and this is why

Their pathways into the U.S. are different. About half of all Korean and Indian immigrants who received green cards in 2011 got them on the basis of employer sponsorship, compared with about a third of Japanese, a fifth of Chinese, one-in-eight Filipinos and just 1% of Vietnamese. The Vietnamese are the only major subgroup to have come to the U.S. in large numbers as political refugees; the others say they have come mostly for economic, educational and family reasons.

The Rise of Asian Americans | Pew Social & Demographic Trends

Many chinese migrants go to america these days dont go there look for works, they are there to be with relatives
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