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Indian Americans , a shameless bunch

Honestly, most White conservatives feel disgust when they think of Indians or Indian culture. I've been around them. They may hate China more because they feel threatened, but ironically, they would still be more willing to eat Chinese food, date Chinese people and have a begrudging respect towards Chinese and East Asian people then they do towards Indians. But India is an easy tool to use to contain China and that's why Trump is cozying up to Modi. It's pure politics.
I agree... I grew up in the US and went to school here from grade 1 thru high school and college. My experience about how Americans view Indians was very similar.

Throughout school I had mostly Pakistani, White, and Asian friends, occasionally also an Indian buddy here and there. Whenever I made an Indian friend I noticed how peoples attitude towards them really was. Most Americans think of India as a disgusting shit hole where monkeys, and cows roam freely in cities packed with slums. Bring in the occasional snake dancer and you get the picture. Also most indian men are very anti-social for some odd reason and very quiet (always thinking something sinister). Many times when I was around such Indian friends I noticed girls who would always come say hi would avoid me. Then once I even asked a girl what was wrong and she said your indian friend stinks like curry and is perverted.

Most american women honestly think of Indian men as perverts, I swear to Allah I did not hear this once nor twice but ive heard this from easily over 10+ women at different points of my life. Hell even most indian women in the states refuse to date any indian men and only prefer to date Pakistani/Afghan men... Even very very educated Indian women only prefer to date/marry Pakistani/Afghan men. Infact if one looks with a neutral honest mind (something Indians lack) and research this is very very common in America, hell many Indian women would even be with black men but refuse indian men.

ive even asked a few why is that? the indian women replied that its the chivalry nature, as well as how we treat our women compared to Indian men. Just look at how they even sexuallize their Goddesses with wicked imagery....
It'really hilarious a Muslim and a chinese making fun of indians treatment by whites in the US...it may or may not be true that indians are not given much respect by whites but chinese and muslims arent doing any better.
It's beyond me how one stays in a country by constantly being insulted...lets not forget Trump even called china filthy today...he always calls covid china virus...The white conservatives are seeking revenge on china for the destruction it caused by unleashing covid on world.
And the less we talk about the treatment of muslims in the west the better.
I would rather stay back in my country and stay poor rather than moving to a country where i dont have respect even if I could earn million dollars a month.
Why vent your anger and frustration on H1Bs beneficiaries? Your own within are not feeling shame.

Gupta bakht again missing the point on purpose. India desire to become whore of USA especially among RSS bakhts is astonishing. Zero self respect. Call Indians filthy, slumdogs, disgusting, ugly etc as long as you are American you are telling the truth lol
All Indians immigrated for better economic prospects. That is their primary goal, therefore, that money-mindedness dominates the mentality of most Indians, and everything else takes a backseat.

Since Trump's words have no affect on their wallet, there will be no protests. Now if he suddenly decided to impose an extra tax on the H1-B visa holders, expect the entire Indian diaspora in the US to be up in arms.

Yours is even worse combination for an NRI...a muslim plus Indian...I hope you will develop some self respect and move back to india...
But it looks like you are also the one who puts money above self respect( like the rest of the NRIs)
Yours is even worse combination for an NRI...a muslim plus Indian...I hope you will develop some self respect and move back to india...
But it looks like you are also the one who puts money above self respect( like the rest of the NRIs)

Well at least I don't get lynched for eating beef here.

Looking forward to eating some great nihari today.
Indian Americans are more focused on flashing their cars and converting their visas to green cards .......Gujjus and telgus dominating the race

They can do anything for Green Cards ... there were some fancy stories about marriages for green cards...
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Trump today called Indian cities filth on a discussion being watched by millions across the world. Although it is true, the manner in which he said that was not polite.
Inspite of these insults , Indian Americans shamelessly act like slaves of the whites...they wont even utter a single word against such humiliation lest they maybe denied greencard...
The obsession of indian Americans with green card is so much that they dont even make any criticism of the US or Trump even on whatsapp private groups...they are so desperate about green card that they fear immigration officers look into their whatsapp chats to check their history before issuing greencards.
It seems so ridiculous and unbelievable, doesnt it?..As an indian I can vouch for everything I said...am glad trump did what he did today...I want these people who lack self respect to be humiliated even more..even if whites spit on their faces,they just wipe it off and go begging for green card.
I completely agree with the Thread Title, but if the word 'Americans" was not in it then it would have been much closer to Truth!
Well at least I don't get lynched for eating beef here.

Looking forward to eating some great nihari today.
Hmm...I feel sorry for you brother...you dont have a country that you can call yours from bottom of your heart.
Why dont you settle in muslim dominated areas of hyderabad, kerala, or bengal ...you can enjoy as much beef as you want there without any fear.
Trump today called Indian cities filth on a discussion being watched by millions across the world. Although it is true, the manner in which he said that was not polite.
Inspite of these insults , Indian Americans shamelessly act like slaves of the whites...they wont even utter a single word against such humiliation lest they maybe denied greencard...
The obsession of indian Americans with green card is so much that they dont even make any criticism of the US or Trump even on whatsapp private groups...they are so desperate about green card that they fear immigration officers look into their whatsapp chats to check their history before issuing greencards.
It seems so ridiculous and unbelievable, doesnt it?..As an indian I can vouch for everything I said...am glad trump did what he did today...I want these people who lack self respect to be humiliated even more..even if whites spit on their faces,they just wipe it off and go begging for green card.

I have great respect for the likes of yourself and others who build their motherland and talk with pride from it.
It's cool to migrate, but when someone berates something dear to you and all you can do is just sit and stare, laugh it off, or kiss backside even more, then you need to have a good look at yourself. These idiots are also the ones who look down upon traditional Indian culture, or at best try to shed most of it. What you are left with is confused brown youth, who have a severe identity complex. The boys seem to worship money above anything, they try just so hard to fit in, and won't even look at anything cultural. The girls seem to be worse i.e. they outright hate Indian men, and play at being the "exotic" desi princess who other men will desire at all costs.
I haven't seen this as much among the UK Indian community, which is much better.
It'really hilarious a Muslim and a chinese making fun of indians treatment by whites in the US...it may or may not be true that indians are not given much respect by whites but chinese and muslims arent doing any better.
It's beyond me how one stays in a country by constantly being insulted...lets not forget Trump even called china filthy today...he always calls covid china virus...The white conservatives are seeking revenge on china for the destruction it caused by unleashing covid on world.
And the less we talk about the treatment of muslims in the west the better.
I would rather stay back in my country and stay poor rather than moving to a country where i dont have respect even if I could earn million dollars a month.
dont worry I fully recognize that white conservatives are not my friend. Something many indians and Vietnamese fail to do.
I live in america and I have a bunch of Indian neighbors. They are very kind people, but they basically act like white people and don't have any connection to their homeland. I wouldn't call them shameless. They just don't care.
It was just an election gimmick. Not so serious. Trump mentioned China and Russia too before he uttered "India".
America is consider India as future compitator just like China and Russia. US and India romance is limited untill China is defeated in Asia Pacific.
Don't even say that AMERICA and INDIA is nayer equal you are galaxies apart from each others in all spectrums so come your little indian ego down stop smoking whatever shit you are smoking cuz its making you delusional my little indian naybour.
It'really hilarious a Muslim and a chinese making fun of indians treatment by whites in the US...it may or may not be true that indians are not given much respect by whites but chinese and muslims arent doing any better.
It's beyond me how one stays in a country by constantly being insulted...lets not forget Trump even called china filthy today...he always calls covid china virus...The white conservatives are seeking revenge on china for the destruction it caused by unleashing covid on world.
And the less we talk about the treatment of muslims in the west the better.
I would rather stay back in my country and stay poor rather than moving to a country where i dont have respect even if I could earn million dollars a month.

I am not making fun of anyone. I am telling the truth of my experience of what Americans think of Indians. This is only from the point of view of American women. I have not even bought up the other instances of what ive witness american men saying or doing to indians.

I have never once seen any American say anything racist to a Pakistani and I have lots of friends/family in the deep south. Not saying it doesnt happen I am sure it does, but Pakistanis are far more social/comfortable mingling with other races whereby Indians ive noticed are very secretive, quiet, and only socialize with one another. Youll see this all over America... the Gujratis will be amongst themselves, the Tulugus amonst themselves, Punjabis amongst themselves, etc.. etc... this could be a reason why Americans think of Indians as really weird and anti-social.

Ive had Indian friends who are pro-modi going back to even 2013 and they would notice these things and tell me
I expect Indian Americans to demand some respect...they can stoop to any level to get that greencard( anyway getting greencard in tje US is not so easy now).

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fateh is great , he dresses downs extremists very well .:D

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