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Indian aircraft carrier enters sea trials as navy eyes Rafale


Sep 1, 2011
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Russia has commenced sea trials involving the Indian navy's refurbished aircraft carrier the INS Vikramaditya, as sources suggest the service could consider a future acquisition of the Dassault Rafale.

Originally built for Russia as the Admiral Gorshkov, with a maximum displacement of 43,500t, the refitted and modernised vessel left Severodvinsk in the north of the country on 8 June for open-sea trials, preceeding its delivery to India in December. Once operational, the Vikramaditya will be capable of carrying 30 to 34 aircraft, including RSK MiG-29K deck-based fighters.


Sources say the Indian navy is considering the carrier-capable Rafale M as a possible acquisition, with a potential cost benefit to come from the air force's pending deal for 126 of the type to meet its medium multi-role combat aircraft requirement.

Already operational with the French navy and similar in size to the MiG-29K, the Rafale M could potentially be operated from India's future ski-jump-equipped domestic aircraft carriers and offer a greater operational capability than current Russian aircraft and India's Aeronautical Development Agency Tejas naval fighter.

India's interest in new naval fighters stems partly from China's ongoing test work with the aircraft carrier Shi Lang, which will be capable of deploying locally-built versions of the Sukhoi Su-30.
Indian aircraft carrier enters sea trials as navy eyes Rafale

Good news flowing in defense sector everyday.....:smokin:
Well again another information
Aviation Week , May 14:


Music to ears. Wish its true.

I think there is going to be another competition on that ground like MMRCA
look my post no 4 for more detail
Music to ears. Wish its true.

IN is looking for Rafale nearly for a decade now, but political issues always went against it, be it the US rejection of catapults, or the combined deal of Gorshkov and Mig 29K. If the US combine EMALS with the selection of US fighters, IN won't have another choice again, not to mention that the F35C is on offer and that Boeing will offer the Silent Hornet again. Tough competitors:


An F-35C launches for the 1st time by EMALS launch system

An F-35C launches for the 1st time by EMALS launch system :: Air-Attack.com images

Super+Hornet+equipped+with+belly-mounted+IRST+sensor+and+enclosed+weapons-carriage+pod%252C+plus+overwing+conformal+fuel+tan  ks.jpg

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Article is inaccurate in the sense that it says the Rafale-M could be used by IN in STOBAR configuration, it is far too heavy to do so and the M-88-2 engines don't produce anywhere near enough thrust to enable it to be able to launch using ski jumps. I think Sancno is right that with IN seriously looking at EMALS if the US gets the bid jut right and couples it with either the F-35C or Silent Hornet then this offering looks far more attractive than the Rafale offer. I think there is a possiblity for the IN to go for EMALS and the Rafale-M in separate deals but only if US is tepid enough not to combine fighters and EMALS offers. EMALS could clinch it for US in this case.

I then wonder what the IN would be more interested in- the F-18 or F-35, both have their Costs and benefits so it would be interesting what IN picks.
Article is inaccurate in the sense that it says the Rafale-M could be used by IN in STOBAR configuration, it is far too heavy to do so and the M-88-2 engines don't produce anywhere near enough thrust to enable it to be able to launch using ski jumps.

Rafale M is roughly 1.5t lighter than the Mig 29K and the TWR with AB thrust is comparable (with dry thrust Rafale is even superior), so weight and thrust are for sure not reasons why it can't be used from STOBAR carriers.
Nice looking target for enemy missiles, until then it will be good show piece.
Nice looking target for enemy missiles, until then it will be good show piece.

I am sorry that I am replying to you :D
But are you talking about the missile ??? :D last I remember India returns you AF plan which cross Indian border and land in fieled due to bad air. Are you going to shoot with that plane ??? :D
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