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Indian Air Force To Quietly Deploy Rafale Fighter Jets Squadron At Pak India Border


Dec 25, 2016
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Interesting... link please, I want to read entire news... because here in India we feel that they are for SAC... and would be deployed at a distance...
well your feelings are wrong. Cause Ambala is just 200km away from Pakistan where 1st squadron will be deployed. For China 2nd Sq will be deployed at Hasimara 80 km away from china.
well your feelings are wrong. Cause Ambala is just 200km away from Pakistan where 1st squadron will be deployed. For China 2nd Sq will be deployed at Hasimara 80 km away from china.

Can you provide the link for this news... I cannot find this news by using Google..

Food for thought for PAF and defence establishment to not only modernise but enhance its capabilities beyond those of IAF and any threat emanating from any other aggressor - need not mention any names here, ahem...zionist yehudi AF.

The source is ' Times of Islamabad'. These people are trying to feel important, understand their emotions.

Seems, you've already beaten ToI to it! Keep trying my zionist hindu friend.
Can you provide the link for this news... I cannot find this news by using Google..
https://www.businesstoday.in/curren...o-deploy-rafale-figher-jets/story/252346.html.....https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com...died-for-rafale-jets/articleshow/60899664.cms...... And for distance use https://www.google.com/maps
The source is ' Times of Islamabad'. These people are trying to feel important, understand their emotions.
No son your own newspaper saying this, read above..!
If it's Times if Islamabad, then a major agency has indeed reported it.
All articles in Times of Islamabad are literal copy pastes (with two paras swapped) from other websites.
It will be over kill.those should be deployed at the China border
This will be a disaster. What if a bunch of birthday ballons attacked from Pakistan, Or piegon squad mobilized.
As I said it will be a Overkill as you said there is no threat from Pakistan side of border other that birthday ballons and piegions
Times of Islamabad is crap just like Times of India - I agree.

But no denying fact that Indians will use Rafales against Pakistan. You guys pretend that Pakistan is no threat for your mighty force in conventional war but fact of the matter is, if India every goes to war next time, than their opponent will be Pakistan.
As I said it will be a Overkill as you said there is no threat from Pakistan side of border other that birthday ballons and piegions
Oh really dont you fear........
A pigeon has been arrested by police in India on suspicion of being a spy from Pakistan.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/32928909/pakistani-spy-pigeon-arrested-in-india The message was written partly in Urdu, the official language of Pakistan. It also contained a Pakistani phone number, according to reports.

The bird was discovered by a 14-year-old boy in the village of Manwal, around two miles from the border.
He took it to the nearest police station where the bird was X-rayed.

Times of Islamabad is another joke. Just like fake news mills there, Dunya which reported India - China war last year or so.

The pilots are training on them. No news on even induction let alone deployment.
It says "To Deploy" not "Deployed"
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