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Indian Air Force To Lease 20 Basic Trainer Aircraft; Domestic Firms To Be Given Priority — Reports

Lol..the IAF claims that it needs to lease trainers for the short period till when the HTT-40 production starts and it begins to join IAF. As much as you guys want the program to fail, it is in it's last phase before production starts.

The IAF will be ordering 70 HTT-40s plus 36 options. That was made clear during Aero India 2021 itself.
Title says - "Deems better off 'leasing' trainers from overseas"

Headline says = " Domestic Firms To Be Given Priority "

Tells you all that you need to know about the OP, report and pdf.

BTW what happened to the "RULE" about not changing the title to mislead ? lol.

Pakistanis at it again, editing titles to lie and troll. Read the article first.
Leasing was done so that HTT 40 can complete testing. DUMB and stupid threads keep getting opened.

Oh I'm sorry, did someone step on your tails? So much fury and for what... HAL? :D

Allow me to disabuse you (bhakts) on the subject's illusion. And to rub some salt in your would I would start with Sitara IJT project that fell flat on its face. Just like the rest of the programs such as Arjun & Teja.

Sitara was sanctioned in 1999 and HAL was supposed to deliver 12 LSU's by 2005 and 73 production aircraft by 2010. Guess what happened? The project was axed after 18 years of blabbering.

Now coming to HTT-40. It was supposed to fly in 2013. Instead, ended up flying in 2016 and since then, there are only two examples flying and failing several key tests. It was supposed to achieve IoC in 2018. But here we are, leasing out trainer aircraft. :D

Before I put you to bed. Here's a tip; Dont rely on Wikipedia too much. Apparently it's all good there and US Navy is showing interest In Teja to replace EA-18s over there. :partay:

The news came out on the 1st of April. Watch if it is worth a discussion.

It is legit. It is leasing season for Indian military. IAF is looking at leasing aerial refuelers and trainers, IN is looking at leasing helos, tankers and minesweepers. While Army is negotiating lease payments on UAVs. They resort to leasing after losing out on indigenous solutions.
what a useless post. Typical of the replies we see here. Takes a project that has already completed development. Takes a news itemm that confirms it and twists it. Hey einstein, if the project had failed we would have BOUGHT the jets, not LEASED it.

Ignore. :)

Ghanta faraq nahi padta what these fellows think.
What is the number of crashed jf 17 till day mulla ji?

When you have 130 actively flying Tejas and conducting combat missions lets talk then. Until then good luck with the IAF crash rate. Planes have to fly first in order to crash. In which case I imagine Tejas will be safest plane in history.

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