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Indian air force started excercises.

That's why Egypt and other arab countries were kicked on their asses by Israel that they have not recoveed from their humiliation even to this day...brainless arabs
Usrael experienced what we call a near death experience in 1973.. if you do not know that.. you are an ignorant by design..
But this is off topic..@MastanKhan just wanted to show that exercises can be a deception to attack.. like the Egyptians did in 1973 and liberated Sinai..
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Usrael experienced what we call a near death experience in 1973.. if you do not know that.. you are an ignorant by design..
That was the most insulting humiliation in the history ever...if there is someone called god,i am sure jews are beloved community of god...really,david vs goliath story...I get goosebumps every time i read or watch a video of that war..what a spanking..you pakistanis also got involved in it and got a spanking?
That was the most insulting humiliation in the history ever...if there is someone called god,i am sure jews are beloved community of god...really,david vs goliath story...I get goosebumps every time i read or watch a video of that war..what a spanking..you pakistanis also got involved in it and got a spanking?

Egyptians gained the ground and lost some after Israel retaliated, Egypt Perform much better then they did in earlier war.

As for Pakistan we sent our pilots and they returned with kills and medals. That was the only role of Pakistan.
That was the most insulting humiliation in the history ever...if there is someone called god,i am sure jews are beloved community of god...really,david vs goliath story...I get goosebumps every time i read or watch a video of that war..what a spanking..you pakistanis also got involved in it and got a spanking?
Your ignorance get you emotional too.. no need to cry here.. Hiding your hatred and ignoring facts,, you are blinded by your ignorance to see how many Palestinian kids got killed by your beloved Usrael..and that is only one mischief.. not to mention they are occupiers of a land that does not belong to them..
That was the most insulting humiliation in the history ever...if there is someone called god,i am sure jews are beloved community of god...really,david vs goliath story...I get goosebumps every time i read or watch a video of that war..what a spanking..you pakistanis also got involved in it and got a spanking?

You are deflecting his point with your irrelevant and off topic changing emotions.
Even United States hold exercises near Russian border during high tensions between the two. Same in sea, and same with Russia.

Also, Pakistan sent PAF pilots who returned with kills against Israeli warplanes with no loss.
Israel was backed by USA,France,UK.
@Gomig-21 @The SC @Falcon29
bharti "kharaah lovers" should migrate to israel instead of UAE and other Arab countries.

Hey @Mugwop my bro, with all respect to you, did you really think I was going to reply to that twat and his dumbass and ignorant comment? :enjoy: IT obviously knows nothing about the October War in 1973 and the results, so why bother, right? Cheers.
I dont think those exercises have anything to do with attacking pakistan..why would India send a prior message like this before attacking?if they want to attack,they would do it without any warning...media is just exaggerating these routine exercises
Perhaps overwhelming Progress of Election campaign to ignite the lit of candle.
Hey @Mugwop my bro, with all respect to you, did you really think I was going to reply to that twat and his dumbass and ignorant comment? :enjoy: IT obviously knows nothing about the October War in 1973 and the results, so why bother, right? Cheers.
Yea you are right! vikki is a wasted sperm and why bother responding to it.

Your ignorance get you emotional too.. no need to cry here.. Hiding your hatred and ignoring facts,, you are blinded by your ignorance to see how many Palestinian kids got killed by your beloved Usrael..and that is only one mischief.. not to mention they are occupiers of a land that does not belong to them..
What spanking is this shit head talking about? PAF shot down a israeli jet.
This is what happens when you learn history in india and overdose on cow piss.
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