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Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption

There is a procedure for everything, you or others finding it now and being surprised isnt a concern. This is how governments and their budgets are maintained. Money doesnt fall or vanish into thin air. It has to be accounted for and there is proper guidelines. That should satisy people who want to know why.
you did not quote anything from the new link I posted.
you did not quote anything from the new link I posted.
not used to threads and forums. but my reply is anyway apt for my point. this is something every country with budgetary jurisprudence does. Our army doesnt make profits, so it has to maintain its book. Ultimately the government pays for it. And also armymen donate a lot in times of disaster. They dont need to do anything extra.
not used to threads and forums. but my reply is anyway apt for my point. this is something every country with budgetary jurisprudence does. Our army doesnt make profits, so it has to maintain its book. Ultimately the government pays for it. And also armymen donate a lot in times of disaster. They dont need to do anything extra.

This is how it is suppose to be, and may be in India it is like this, but some Indians here want to justify Army receiving payments for helping its citizen during natural disasters.

See a quote from the link I posted.

A study of the Budget of the government of India over successive years shows that there has never been any payment made to the Army by a state or central government department for this. Since any such payment has to come from the consolidated fund of the state or the Centre, those payments would have reflected in the Budget provisions of the government.

It is also not the case that the Centre or states do not pay for taking the help of other uniformed services. The Budget of the home ministry each year shows the payments made by the states concerned for taking the help of various central government police forces like the ITBP, CRPF and CISF. The numbers are impressive. For the financial year 2018-19, the expected payout by all states is Rs 36.98 billion. Since the expenditure is a predictable year on year, the sum stays flat, after making allowance for wage inflation.

Welcome comment is from another thread and you posted following, now tell me how talking about "Welcome Back" comment is responding to comment posted in this thread?
That's the only quote about taxes I got from the notification. So, next time try to be more clear about your issue because I don't follow you around on every thread you quote me and remember which one is what.
delete it plz, will get banned
No one gets banned without proper reason. lot of Pakistanis get banned here. I received warnings during last few days.

That's the only quote about taxes I got from the notification. So, next time try to be more clear about your issue is because I don't follow you around on every thread you quote me and remember which one is what.
pay attention to what are you doing instead of being high.
No one gets banned without proper reason. lot of Pakistanis get banned here. I received warnings during last few days.
well, the reasons seems pretty biased against indians, will have to wait and see more to know
Well i feel that it is grossly unfair how lopsided the decision is. Still i am the one who logged inhere so will try to stick to your rules. I hope same prompt. actions against any pakistani.

For your ease & understanding, here is the thread title which contains details to discuss, therefore, bringing in topic which is not relevant; will be treated as violation.

Indian Air Force sends Rs 113 crore bill to Kerala for flood operations, CM seeks exemption
Why is the CM asking for an exemption???

Indians on PDF are always boasting about how richie rich India is. So why this R---di Rona by CM?

Pay the money b!tch
A bankrupt country shouldn't be teaching other on economics. No wonder you are bankrupt
And bankers shouldn't be telling others about morality. Soldiers will get paid if they sit in barracks or go out and save lives of their countrymen. They probably swore some sort of oath on defending their country.

Now go away you coward.

And, the PAF gave away their own funds to buy new jets to the earth quake victims....
Hey india is crashing spacecraft into the moon but can't do disaster relief...

Obviously you have no idea or experience of budgets & rules
Obviously you have no sense of morality. You can waste money on pointless moon missions but not provide relief for your own people.

Soldiers get paid if they go out and help or sit in barracks.
Thank you for your kind words.

i would suggest to join Bharat R......... or any other Indian defense forum to see what being biased and lopsided and retarded is.
I dont know whats ur experience there is, i find the site quite outdated and the discussions are very scarce their. Honestly this site is better looking and has better features. I would respond similarly if an Indian behaved that way. Its a matter of perspective. Your behaviour here might change peoples attitude towards you and your country or just reinforce that you guys just want to mock people.
I dont know whats ur experience there is, i find the site quite outdated and the discussions are very scarce their. Honestly this site is better looking and has better features. I would respond similarly if an Indian behaved that way. Its a matter of perspective. Your behaviour here might change peoples attitude towards you and your country or just reinforce that you guys just want to mock people.
Its very rich coming from an Indian which claims to have joined a day or two. i have already seen your true colours in very first few post. you will be treated based on your behaviour. you need to look into yours and your fellow Indians behaviour which drastically need changing especially while here otherwise humiliation all the way.

I do not need to point out the Super Power, Akhand Bharat, Sanghi Bhagat disrespectful behaviour, I assume you are smart enough to understand.

In order to get respect, you have to give respect. more when you are in/at someone else's place.
Its very rich coming from an Indian which claims to have joined a day or two. i have already seen your true colours in very first few post. you will be treated based on your behaviour. you need to look into yours and your fellow Indians behaviour which drastically need changing especially while here otherwise humiliation all the way.

I do not need to point out the Super Power, Akhand Bharat, Sanghi Bhagat disrespectful behaviour, I assume you are smart enough to understand.

In order to get respect, you have to give respect. more when you are in/at someone else's place.
Yes, and i have seen from your posts what kind of conversation you want to have here. Its clearly to mock and not have any meaningful discussion. So dont try to potray yourself as high and mighty. Your true colours were seen from your comments and your intolerance towards facts that hurt your ego. You guys cant take a bit of criticism and cry mod. So save that talk for someone else.

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