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Featured Indian Air Force Pilot Killed In MiG-21 Bison Accident During Training Mission

In IAF more experienced pilots are sometimes given the 2nd tier planes to ensure that pilot makes up for the deficiencies of the plane. Just like Abhi was given mig 21.

On topic: That is terrible loss of life and condolences to the family and loved ones. RIP

Group Captain is like a Colonel in the Army, so quite senior to be flying as it is not usually a flying position
Indians make fun of such accidents in Pakistan

I am amazed that our people actually don't do such sh*t out of "blind patriotism" like them. Makes me proud ๐Ÿ˜Œ

As for this R.I.P. but a group captain flying Mig21? ๐Ÿค”
Mig 21s have bought endless pain and humilation for India๐Ÿ‘

Are they overhauled at all? Many of PAF's Mirages are the same age yet our safety record seems much better, this maybe due to PAC overhauling the Mirages, unsure if HAL does the same for the MIG-21s.

If not then they are indeed flying death traps
IAF safety record since Jul-2019 has significantly improve..if one check the numbers and compare.. Group Captain flying ...well there was a time lot Grp Cpt were flying in PAF as well...and still do if required..

Senior officer loss..that is the pain to any air force.
A group captain rank officer on these flying coffins?

I felt when wing commander Abhinandon was shotdown in this mig21, it was an overkill and waste of AIM120. Who knows, might be IAF strategy to use Mig21s as bait for the PAF BVR missiles, hoping that PAF inventory will be reduced significantly, keeping Su30s and Rafaels safe?
Russia cannot put deformation charges on IAF, but if the could, they would have. Indians have not paid them as much for their hardware as much they have brought them a bad name.

Another day, another crash. Some Indians might ask why are migs still crashing despite the fact that India now has Rafael?
Russia cannot put deformation charges on IAF, but if the could, they would have. Indian have not paid them as much for their hardware as much they have brought them a bad name.

Another day, another crash.

Need to be fair here, they operate quite a big fleet of SU-30s without that many crashes. MIG-21s seem to have a high rate. If no in house overhaul facilities exist then that could explain it. Same with Jaguars. These two types account for majority of IAF crashes as no overhaul exists.

Take them out of the equation then IAF crash rate similar to PAF's I imagine. Also remember the French and Americans will be teaching them improved operating procedures and safety procedures with their new aircraft, we cannot be complacent.

The accident took place when the aircraft was taking off for a combat training mission at an airbase.

The Air Force lost Group Captain A Gupta in the accident.
Mig 21 are needed to be grounded asap. It had already taken taken so many lifes.
My condolences to the Family

well there was a time lot Grp Cpt were flying in PAF as well...and still do if required..
Not alot and also not active flying... please be fare only rare flying from Group Captains in PAF at any given time.
If lot of Group Captain were flying in PAF then at that time what were Wing Commanders, Squadron leaders and Flight Lieutinents doing lets leave Flying Officers aside. As Pakistan never had more than 450 fighter aircrafts in its operating inventory since 1947 and PAF always had more combat pilots then why Group Captain were in active flying? Please dont post such false claims.
Why is India still flying this piece of shit Russian junk?
RIP to the lost son of soil and patience to family - don't under estimate the machine, it was a classic of its time but now the frames are too old and definitely deterioration is in progress, every old frame will met such logical end.

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