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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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@Abingdonboy One more lapse is NSG have reached 25 hrs late in pathankot after the notifications were issued
By state police on the observation of kidnapped SP
Now i can give some interesting fact

You see the 4 division and 3 armored divisions of the army that means more than 50 thousand soilders were at army base which few minutes way from the location of attack and they were not used
Don't use a hammer where you need scissors.
don't be personnel, i am not hear to make fun. just trying to find out why such casualties.
1. Gaurd died in firefight. (report was crossfire)
1. NSG officer died by IED and 12 NSG injured.
come again, talk decently

Then I suggest you keep your patronizing tone to yourself.
you are ignoring my point, I am concern about the lives lost. either lack of skill or lack of high command operation strategy was behind such loses. 14 special force members causalities by 6 terrorists can not ignored just because you were able save assets.
Close proximity fighting is increidbly dangerous and is why you send the best of the best into such missions. Judging a military operation by a casualty rate is entirely flawed. When you plan a mission you have an objective-in this case secure X- if X is secured then how is this not a success?

Unless you have verifiable proof that the casualties incurred by these operators was as a direct result of specific failings on their part and not just the nature of conflict then cease with this line of reasoning.

Only losers talk like this, speak to any warrior and they wear their battlescars with pride, they do not claim to be superhuman nor will they be immune to the exact same propensity to be damaged as any other mortal made of flesh and bones.

Some of the most well regarded SF units around the world have numerous missions where appalling losses where incurred on them but does that detract from their ability?

Anyone from the military will tell you that the mission comes first no matter what.
No disagreements there, But although this is a separate debate, there is no harm is maintaining a dedicated antiterror unit for state police.
Sir there major secuirty lapses made state police that led to this attack

Let me give you example police have information about attack 24 hrs prior to attack on air force base.

Kidnapped SP already given specific location where the attacks will occur
1.India's huge security apparatus is famous for being lethargic, lazy and lousy. The location of the base is significant. Tucked in a corner between two borders, one of which is disputed, it is not far from either. Is the ghost of Khalistan lurking in the shadows, we don't know. But those who say Khalistan is dead do not know the Sikh nation.
2. So was this an insider op to embarrass and warn Modi? The hawks in Indian establishment are very powerful as Musharraf had discovered in Agra.
3. Or is this what the UJC claims this to be - a badla / revenge.
4. So far nothing tangible has appeared to suggest ISI or any Pakistani organization was involved. Pakistan is still licking its wounds from Op Zarb e Azab.
India is having good relations with Bangladesh because of the recent policy adopted by PM Modi . so you should stop short for pointing towards Bangladesh schooling system. Cant you see and understand who is talking how ?

Defence Services Corps personnel are ex-service personnel of the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force and Territorial Army and now its not the time to say that those DSC members were in mess, they fought and laid down thier lives performing thier duties. This should be remembered.

Mess my good man, as in mess hall.

Mess - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for the rest of your post lets agree to disagree.
Now i can give some interesting fact

You see the 4 division and 3 armored divisions of the army that means more than 50 thousand soilders were at army base which few minutes way from the location of attack and they were not used
And? Would this have changed the fate of this Bomb disposal officer?

Many here have no idea of the true nature of war/conflict, only the highly embellished account of it shown in the media and in video games. Sod's law applies just as much to the battlefield as it does anywhere else.
i think its a game here.. GOI had not completed the full analysis.. Hence no offcial statements.. It may be more of primary hunch shared by India with few powers and with Pakistan too. Without credible leads, what will Pakistan investigate?
The only possibility can be the so called "alleged" phone calls picked up by Intelligence and UJC claim for the attack..
I believe USA folks may have called GOP and said why dont you check at your end too to be doubly sure beforehand.. So its more of a inhouse check not what India may have handed over..

If India did handover, i am sure GOI will tom tom it in media not keep it so secretive..

I agree. Hence my hunch about a PC tomorrow as it is past normal viewing time in India.
"In line with Pakistan's commitment to effectively counter and eradicate terrorism, the government is in touch with the Indian government and is working on the leads provided by it," Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement released from Islamabad.

Does this mean pakistan is admitting these Terrorists are from Pakistan?
Bro one small issue there

Their own SP claimed he was kidnapped and he informed all the other people in police.. According to Reuters, his senior asked him to go home and sleep as he was recently transferred for a molestation charge.. Now they did not take him seriously..

That provided a 8-10 hour window for terrorists to attack base at 3ish am

if they had acted, closed down pathankot after 8 pm, put check posts and did a thorugh job, they may have detected the car group far away from the base itself..

that to me is a serious lapse.. Letting them reach upto base is not within forces but under police purview..They failed their duty there

This was a planned attack and its like of sleeper cells operates where arms were stored in advance.

There were 2 groups of terrorists according to the reports. One group seems to be involved in that Kidnapping of SP and wantedly release him so that to push be blamed for false flag operation. This is a highly planned operation by the proxies.
Don't use a hammer where you need scissors.
Sir it factual do you know how terrorist have crossover the barrier and checkpoint in Police Car of SP

Shockingly fidayeen left SP alive that to 25 hrs prior to attack
Crosspostig from Mazar-i-Sharif consulate attack thread. Mods can remove it if required

Potentially huge break
Excellent news

We may get some god intel now... now thats credible evidence and since USA is already in Afghanistan this may work out a perfect opportunity to strike on thsoe behind this.. IF its Taliban then they can kiss good bye asif some one else then also its gonna be heated time soon..
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