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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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12 hours is far too long when you consider it is inside an airbase... that too on outer periphery where you dont risk of damaging the assets..... There must be reasons behind then... even then.
more like the terrorist had information from inside source that something very sensitive in nature is inside the base and they either had it or are very close to it that is why this waiting game by the security forces of which neither indian public nor the media have any clue looks more like something very big is going on and why still no news about the remaining terrorists when 4 died and in start some 6-7 were reported or maybe just maybe there is some very high profile terrorist holed in there.
I am blaming the mindset of Pakistani posters who have insinuated in near unanimity that this is a false flag attack which is at worst psychologically deranged response and at best idiotic.
Well they do this all the time. Be it APS massacre or killing of OBL in Pakistan. It's always someone else's fault. It's part of conservative Muslim psyche that Muslims are never at fault.
The intelligence agencies have intercepted four calls made by terrorists. According to reports, one of the terrorists called up his mother in Pakistan. During the conversation, the mother told her son to take his meal before dying in the attack.

Son, eat before you die: Pakistani mother told Pathankot terrorist

Son, eat before you die: Pakistani mother told Pathankot terrorist | Zee News
Zee Media at its best, a whole god damned terrorist attack on our Air Force Base and they find this news worth highlighting.
I wonder why they never got trolled off on twitter and facebook.
election in india is largely based on relation with pakistan.
No they are not. What kind of an analysis-ts you are.o_O
I am blaming the mindset of Pakistani posters who have insinuated in near unanimity that this is a false flag attack which is at worst psychologically deranged response and at best idiotic.

Initially i also had this feeling, but now i am used to it :)
Security was beefed up. The IAF expanded its perimeter security which is likely where the first contact was made in well AWAY from the base- the objectives of the terrorists (taking out IAF aircraft) was thus not achieved. These terrorists didn't get anywhere near the interior of the base.

Operation is still going on because a) Indian forces would prefer to wear down the enemy in the hope of capturing him alive and b) the operation cannot have be called off until every single centimetre has been searched/cleared and any weapons/explosives made safe. Only after the full "render safe " drill will the operation be concluded. is there any rush? If there is no threat to civilians or strategic assets, they can afford to take a less aggressive approach.
If operation is still going on why your media is bashing Pakistan?
12 hours is far too long when you consider it is inside an airbase... that too on outer periphery where you dont risk of damaging the assets..... There must be reasons behind then... even then.
Standard Indian CT doctrine- the objective is always to capture terrorists alive where possible so as to maximise evidence collection. This is why operations usually take so long in JK.

Source says we wanted the terrorists alive as we wanted to know and handover a evidence to Nawaz Sharif by NaMo confidentially whose from inside is working against interests of Pakistan government.
the decision to neutralise was delayed a lot by the approval of NSA till the casualties crossed 2 to our side.. Even combing ops was first told to try and get them alive by cornering and making them use all ammo

NSA Doval is very much involved and seems to be a man on mission to get an irrefutable proof of sabotaged plans by inner terror elements.
12 hours is far too long when you consider it is inside an airbase... that too on outer periphery where you dont risk of damaging the assets..... There must be reasons behind then... even then.
They are probably trying to negotiate with the last terrorist, to capture him alive...he's much more useful if captured alive. He could inform us about his handlers and method of entry into Indian side.
What's the rush? Why charge into a situation where there is no apparent risk to civilians or national assets? Being meticulous will pay off in the long run. If it is true that it is the NSG and PARA (SF) undertaking thee operations then rest assured these fellas know what they are doing.

Absolutely correct. Emphasis on minimising damage to assets and life. Anyone can charge like a cowboy and make it "High Noon at Ok Coral" but it takes skill and patience to do it the right way, with minimum loss and fulfil the objective to capture the terrorists alive along with incriminating evidence so that they can be presented to the Global Community.

If India was somehow complicit we would have done this in 15 minutes and gone back home for a hearty breakfast. The time taken alone is an indicator of the seriousness of the situation and the measured response.
The Indian military has ZERO say in dictating policy- NONE. So the entire premise of your post is flawed.

It's funny that Pakistanis mock Indians for how quick they are to point fingers at Pakistan but Pakistanis are equally as foolish to rule out Pakistani elements with no facts just because they want it to be true.

In the face of evidence (yes yes, unsubstantiated I'm sure I'll hear you say):

- this airbase is the closet to the IB
-calls intercepted between these terrorists and handlers in Pakistan

Still "inside job"? But you guys like to have it both ways- THIS was an inside job but PNS mehran and Karma were of course Indian sponsored.

If you actually want to rub some salt into those wounds why don't you look to this incident to see how to protect your assets and what the absence of insider collusion will do. This base repelled the attackers with no loss of national assets.
Thanks for taking time
After attacks on Pakistan bases
The blame on India comes from PDF members please forgive them but on other hand look here the attack is still in progress and already your media decided their name and origin in Pakistan
Same script like staged fishing boat attack where a poor Indian official lost his job for deviating from official line and admitted the fake attack
Was he ISI agent too? Wonder what happened to him.
more like the terrorist had information from inside source that something very sensitive in nature is inside the base and they either had it or are very close to it that is why this waiting game by the security forces of which neither indian public nor the media have any clue looks more like something very big is going on and why still no news about the remaining terrorists when 4 died and in start some 6-7 were reported or maybe just maybe there is some very high profile terrorist holed in there.
Nope. This isn't a strategic base (is no strategic assets are held there) and the terrorists never even got inside it, they remain on the periphery. I don't know what strategic asset you think they could have in their possession but this isn't some bond movie mate,there aren't portable strategic assets in aluminium suitcases just laying around to be captured.
Absolutely correct. Emphasis on minimising damage to assets and life. Anyone can charge like a cowboy and make it "High Noon at Ok Coral" but it takes skill and patience to do it the right way, with minimum loss and fulfil the objective to capture the terrorists alive along with incriminating evidence so that they can be presented to the Global Community.

If India was somehow complicit we would have done this in 15 minutes and gone back home for a hearty breakfast. The time taken alone is an indicator of the seriousness of the situation and the measured response.
If operation is still not finished, your media and politicians have no credible evidence to put blame on Pakistan
Nope. This isn't a strategic base (is no strategic assets are held there) and the terrorists never even got inside it, they remain on the periphery. I don't know what strategic asset you think they could have in their possession but this isn't some bond movie mate,there aren't portable strategic assets in aluminium suitcases just laying around to be captured.
then what is that it is taking so long why not move in heavy hitters and finish the job why are they dragging it ?
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