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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Pakistan's ISI funded Pathankot air base terror attack?
New Delhi: Was the terror attack in Punjab's Pathankot carried out at the behest of Pakistan's intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)? If sources are to be believed, then yes.
Sources have told Zee Media that ISI held a meeting with several terror groups in December last year to plan terror attacks in India.

Among the terrorist groups which attended the meeting included Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Hizbul Mujahideen and Punjab-based Babbar Khalsa.
Pakistan's ISI funded Pathankot air base terror attack? | Zee News

BC... "Zee tv" is more efficient that within a few hours these BC's get to know that ISI held meetings with terrorists to plan attacks?:lol:

BC !! Yeh kya haramtopi hai @Irfan Baloch. "Bhaiya Ji waat isss dhis".. "Bobbles head sideways".
Absolutely correct. Emphasis on minimising damage to assets and life. Anyone can charge like a cowboy and make it "High Noon at Ok Coral" but it takes skill and patience to do it the right way, with minimum loss and fulfil the objective to capture the terrorists alive along with incriminating evidence so that they can be presented to the Global Community.

If India was somehow complicit we would have done this in 15 minutes and gone back home for a hearty breakfast. The time taken alone is an indicator of the seriousness of the situation and the measured response.
It's standard Indian CT doctrine that has been praised by many foreign units who have been exposed to it.

I think many are too quick to look to other operations around the world to see how this should be conducted and there is a lot of false equivalency going on.

In fact, even non-Indian CT doctrine states that capture is preferable and direct action should ONLY be taken where there is an IMMEDIATE threat to life (or assets). In the Pakistani base attacks those guys were inside the base and creating all kinds of havoc and needed to be stopped ASAP similarly in the Paris and Mumbai attacks. But look at the Australian cafe siege- the police only moved in when it was felt there was an immediate threat to the lives of hostages, before that they had been trying to talk to the guy and wait him out.

IF these terrorists are contained then there is no need to go in all guns blazing, I'm sorry but the Indian responders (some of the most elite guys in the world) value their lives and those of their team mates above killing some nobody Pakistani terrorist.

As General Paton said- "no b****** ever won a war dying for his country, he won it by making some other poor dumb b***** die for his"
Pakistan's ISI funded Pathankot air base terror attack?
New Delhi: Was the terror attack in Punjab's Pathankot carried out at the behest of Pakistan's intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)? If sources are to be believed, then yes.
Sources have told Zee Media that ISI held a meeting with several terror groups in December last year to plan terror attacks in India.

Among the terrorist groups which attended the meeting included Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Hizbul Mujahideen and Punjab-based Babbar Khalsa.
Pakistan's ISI funded Pathankot air base terror attack? | Zee News
Wow. Our Isi is really powerful! It relies on Islamic terrorist organizations instead of relying on its own army!!!
Educated guesses? Is this how you defend your media's obvious lack of responsible journalism?

Yes. For good or bad, Media is free to make it's own inferences. As I said judicial recourse is available for anyone pained by the Indian Media's lack of journalistic ethics and responsibility.

I myself am disgusted almost daily by the juvenile behavior of Indian Media but at the same time wont for the world replace it with puppets controlled by some other countries. Almost in all of the free world where media functions without the shadow of Govt agencies like ISPR or communist regimes - you can see the same lack of standards because Media in essence today is no difference from Movie Studios who produce content as per wishes of the audience.

I believe these terrorists must have entered through some underground tunnel across the border, same tunnel was possibly used during earlier Gurdaspur attack...capture the terrorist scum alive and find out location of this entry point...Pure speculation which has higher chance of being true than other views like Hindu extremism, False flag attack, etc.
Yes and why it always happen on indian side?
Because groups like Jaish-e-Mohammed are not Indian militant groups. Why would they attack their own home?

tbelieve that extremist hindus are behind this
The last time extremist Hindus attacked, they used black ink.

and the tour of modi was part of this plan because election in india is largely based on relation with pakistan.
Ignoratio elanchi!
North easterners, South Indians etc do not even care which way Indo-Pak heads. You see, it doesn't bother them.
There are only a few states which give some importance (if at all) to Pakistan as they share border with Pakistan.
Lol Zee media is speculating..... Have seen this....Did you see any official statement???? No right?
They are not speculating. They are pinpointing the blame on usual suspects that is Pakistani ISI
damn it

here we go again. terrorists will suck *** and will be carrying their entire birth record and full family tree along with signed autographs of Hafiz Saeed , Zoin Hamid on ISI letter pad.

They will also have Pakistan made guns and ammunition . They will have there Pakistani shnakti cards with them and also some Pakistani currency . Also some Gajar ka halwa which is obviously made in Pakistan .
Yes. For good or bad, Media is free to make it's own inferences. As I said judicial recourse is available for anyone pained by the Indian Media's lack of journalistic ethics and responsibility.

I myself am disgusted almost daily by the juvenile behavior of Indian Media but at the same time wont for the world replace it with puppets controlled by some other countries. Almost in all of the free world where media functions without the shadow of Govt agencies like ISPR or communist regimes - you can see the same lack of standards because Media in essence today is no difference from Movie Studios who produce content as per wishes of the audience.

So you say media in free countries is pure entertainment and cannot be used as credible source of information? It's yellow journalism at its very best
Wow. Our Isi is really powerful! It relies on Islamic terrorist organizations instead of relying on its own army!!!

Yeh mujhay apni story lag rahi hai..

When I was a kid --- I used to be the most mischievous kid in school(or my class)... Whoever fuked up... The hot math teacher would always be like -- Ali stand up :lol: even the harami who did it would point at me-- ma'am Isi nay kiya hoga..... :lol:
You are frustrated because an attack happened in India, and I am frustrated because stealing a LEA's car and kidnapping him and using his phone to talk to handlers is sheer idiocy that is being fed to me.

Lolnthis steals the show
Reminds me of retro villians who waste time in explaining their entire plot
These scumbags get all the way secretly to the base and then decide they should send an FYI to all what they will fail to do
They are not speculating. They are pinpointing the blame on usual suspects that is Pakistani ISI

I am not a fan of Indian media, I agree these guys try to sell speculations, probably using previous instances to come with their own theory..... they use the logic which we use in our local language "Chathathu Keechakan engil konnathu bheeman".... that means "If it is Keechakan who is dead then the the murderer is Bheeman"
I don't think Pakistani friends will ever understand " what is terrorism".

if attacks happens in India than it is gud because it's done by freedom fighters.

if attack happens in Pakistan than bad because it's done by terrorist.

they wants Kashmir at any cost and ready to provide any kind of support.

if people doing anything against from pak than they don't have issue with him. ready to provide all kind of support.

if someone says they are terrorist than not ready to accept.

as per my understanding , it's all about to Kashmir if any terrorist will say I will help or support terrorism in Kashmir than he became freedom fighter for Pakistan.

Sadly this kind of attitude self destroying. it will harm more than your enemy. for me Pakistan is a best example....

sorry to all but I am unable to control my self.. if people will support terrorism
Pakistanis do not support terrorism inside India. We do not call them freedom fighters. What we are against is Indian media and politicians bashing Pakistan armed forces involvement in these terrorist attacks.
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