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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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BS. Modi is not a terrorist. By that definition Nawaz Sharif and his bother Shahbaz are also terrorists for causing model town massacre

A guy who was banned from traveling to US,Canada.. Whose allies (and himself) is accused of 3000 deaths... Is supported by extremist Hindu groups isn't a terrorist? Okay.
Indian media is brainwashing Indian public, feeding them with lies about our defense establishement. And you think this is not a concern for us?
you dint read my entire post indians themselfs do not take there media seriously and watch them as an entertainment then why should pakistanies take indian media so seriously ?
I didn't go trought the pages,what really happened ? Is the situation still ongoing ? @PARIKRAMA @Abingdonboy @anant_s @Levina

-ongoing (as of right now)
-attack started about 12 hours ago early in the morning (Indian standard time)
-4-6 (some speculations of more) terrorists involved
-2/3 Indian security officials killed
- no aircraft damaged
-no breach to the interior of the base took place, they were kept around the periphery
-remaining terrorist(s) contained
- render safe drills are going on in the area

Speculation (but not confirmed):

-terrorists infiltrated into India along the Punjab stretch of the indo-pak border 2-3 days ago
-terrorists yesterday stole an official vehicle of a police officer and perhaps used it to some extent in the preparation of this attack
- calls were intercepted between these guys and handlers in Pakistan yesterday which triggered a nationwide alert (before the theft of the vehicle was being treated as criminal, not terrorist related).
- calls were also said to mention destroying IAF aircraft.
- for this purpose large amounts of RDX were with the terrorists
-An NSG team flew in to Punjab late last night (IST) with the explicit intent of hunting these guys down once it became clear they were terrorists.
- Said NSG team are now leading the fight against them around the base.
is the operation still ongoing or ended?? what's happening
In response to the recent peace initiatives by India...it was expected.
I do not want to derail this thread, But do read a thread opened by Horus on LeJ.... You may have something interesting there..... No need to quote this as it would derail the thread....
Have all the Terrorists been killed or there are some left ??
Pakistani foreign office has already started taking an "apologetic" and "it wasn't us" line. It should rather had said "Any fabrication on part of India will be dealt with iron hands".
They are afraid of Indian media
-ongoing (as of right now)
-attack started about 12 hours ago early in the morning (Indian standard time)
-4-6 (some speculations of more) terrorists involved
-2/3 Indian security officials killed
- no aircraft damaged
-no breach to the interior of the base took place, they were kept around the periphery
-remaining terrorist(s) contained
- render safe drills are going on in the area

Speculation (but not confirmed):

-terrorists infiltrated into India along the Punjab stretch of the indo-pak border 2-3 days ago
-terrorists yesterday stole an official vehicle of a police officer and perhaps used it to some extent in the preparation of this attack
- calls were intercepted between these guys and handlers in Pakistan yesterday which triggered a nationwide alert (before the theft of the vehicle was being treated as criminal, not terrorist related).
- calls were also said to mention destroying IAF aircraft.
- for this purpose large amounts of RDX were with the terrorists
-An NSG team flew in to Punjab late last night (IST) with the explicit intent of hunting these guys down once it became clear they were terrorists.
- Said NSG team are now leading the fight against them around the base.

Lose plot mate, too many loopholes in it. Tell your media to come with something better.
Pakistan is Victim of its Own Creation Don't Blame India.Your Generals Feel Proud about Creation of Taliban Mujaheddin with CIA. Blame Hamid Gul and ISI
Sure it is a victim of its own policies. So stop blaming Pakistan already.
I have not forgotten, nor have I forgotten the claim by your PM in the aftermath that you would no longer make distinctions between "good" and "bad " terrorists. The comments/responses on this thread by Pakistani members say otherwise.

No one is doubting Pakistan is a victim, but it is also the cause. Do I need to quote Hilary clinton's "snake" comment for the thousandth time?
Pakistan was the cause. Not anymore. General Raheel is hanging terrorists on weekly basis
Pakistani foreign office has already started taking an "apologetic" and "it wasn't us" line. It should rather had said "Any fabrication on part of India will be dealt with iron hands".

The pathankot has nothing special in it , there are only Mig 21s and Mi-25 helicopters in this base .
They are not speculating. They are pinpointing the blame on usual suspects that is Pakistani ISI
Firstly, such sophisticated attacks cannot be conducted without the help and guidance of intel agencies/army.

Secondly 24 terror training camps in P0K are alive and kicking. What are these mercenaries being trained for? Social service?

Now some might even spout the usual nonsense that it was a false flag op!

But, I think talks must continue. Doval should hand over the evidence especially telephone transcripts to Pakistan's NSA when they meet in Jan and ask him to explain.
How convenient?
Or selective memory. When Musharaf asked why was agreed draft not being signed he was told Indian hawks were not agreeing.
Agra summit failure had many reasons behind it. You can not blame our intelligence agencies for it. Btw failure of the summit earned Mushhy some credibility in Pakistan, he was perceived as the general who was not ready to compromise.
Vajpayee was overly optimistic and ergo tantalisingly close to signing the pact. But you should know the real reasons behind its failure.
Now this ones for you to read



But forget him why won't you prefer an Indian account specially when Modi can say to USA hey I even went to Lahore to give them a hug they dont want peace let me cold start can't wait any longer
You have good imagination.
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