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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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What i understand was
1. The prime objective was to capture terrorists alive which can give much more credible infor about the background planning and sponsors
2. Pathankot is not a small place..
3. The decision to neutralise was taken only after visuals confirmed that they are carrying heavy amount of explosives

Thus the whole time frame has stretched or else it would have ended long long back
Standard Indian CT doctrine- the objective is always to capture terrorists alive where possible so as to maximise evidence collection. This is why operations usually take so long in JK.
Indian media be like: Since Pakistan has no army of its own, its isi send armed terrorists to take out Indian assets. Lol!
It's simple.
They don't have a history of being aggressors or derailing democracy.
How convenient?
Or selective memory. When Musharaf asked why was agreed draft not being signed he was told Indian hawks were not agreeing. But forget him why won't you prefer an Indian account specially when Modi can say to USA hey I even went to Lahore to give them a hug they dont want peace let me cold start can't wait any longer
Henceforth every terrorist attack on Pakistan is a false flag by Pakistan Establishment, no matter how heinous or deplorable, no matter how many civilians or kids are murdered. There are limits to human decency which most Pakistani posters have crossed due to their underlying insecurity and overzealousness to defend the home team therefore only fair when we return the favor next time sometime like this happen on your soil.

Good Day
Standard Indian CT doctrine- the objective is always to capture terrorists alive where possible so as to maximise evidence collection. This is why operations usually take so long in JK.

12 hours is far too long when you consider it is inside an airbase... that too on outer periphery where you dont risk of damaging the assets..... There must be reasons behind then... even then.
Hahahaha. Hilarious interceptions. Wonder why these terrorists are still using non encrypted channels in 2016

q k yeh inki training ka hisa ni hota tbhi kbhi Passport le jaty hain kabhi calls pe aisi batein krte hain :D :D or yeh to page le k gai thy jis me phone numbers likhe huay thy jaish e Muhammad k :D :D
Henceforth every terrorist attack on Pakistan is a false flag by Pakistan Establishment, no matter how heinous or deplorable, no matter how many civilians or kids are murdered. There are limits to human decency which most Pakistani posters have crossed due to their underlying insecurity and overzealousness to defend the home team therefore only fare when we return the favor next time sometime like this happen on your soil.

Good Day
Why you too blame Pakistan for this? What's wrong with your critical thinking?
No those organizations do not represent is but your media is claiming that our intelligence agencies have sponsored the attack. I would rubbish media claim if it didn't have such an effect on all of you. This thread is filled with posters who believe it was us, comments of news section is filled which means general populace have already made up their mind blaming us.

You have went one step ahead and have called us sick minded bcz apparently we can't even defend ourselves when accused. Your posters come with rubbish when an attack happens claiming you reap what you sow and you here blame us and we can't even defend ourselves...

How can you claim that majority are enjoying this? We are criticizing you army, intelligence , your media blame game and the mentality of your people where blame goes on us ( Pakistan) first. Everybody is pissed off and frustrated at being blamed.

Yes there are psychotic terror posters who celebrate death but that doesn't mean you can generalize all of us. I get it. You are hurt but you can't stand and blame this on us until credible proof comes and by us I dont mean the terror organization but our intelligence and army ...

When did I generalize anyone? I have seen sick posts before - in fact there's a particular chap who keeps tabs on the numbers of soldiers killed, and if it's higher on the Indian side, he does not even try to hide his glee. All the while, I know that most terrorist groups are out of control, though many are still controlled and are used as proxies.

We are too much into this to act like innocents frankly speaking.
Lets put that aside for a minute.

From an Indian SP's phone calls were made to PK (allegedly). An imminent attack was perceived. Why didn't the IAF /IA beef up security? Why is the OP still ongoing after 10+hrs? Why a handful of attackers, have crippled an airbase for so long?

You can blame who ever you want of this incident, but history will also show a poor response from the Indian side.
Security was beefed up. The IAF expanded its perimeter security which is likely where the first contact was made in well AWAY from the base- the objectives of the terrorists (taking out IAF aircraft) was thus not achieved. These terrorists didn't get anywhere near the interior of the base.

Operation is still going on because a) Indian forces would prefer to wear down the enemy in the hope of capturing him alive and b) the operation cannot have be called off until every single centimetre has been searched/cleared and any weapons/explosives made safe. Only after the full "render safe " drill will the operation be concluded. is there any rush? If there is no threat to civilians or strategic assets, they can afford to take a less aggressive approach.
Yes and why it always happen on indian side?

i believe that extremist hindus are behind this and the tour of modi was part of this plan because election in india is largely based on relation with Pakistan.
LOL, excellent analysis...attackers were Hindu?? If the Hindus had that level of indoctrination/fearlessness/balls, they would be doing these kind of attacks in Pakistan (either the resident Hindus of Pakistan or through infiltration) and not on Indian soil...or at least on Indian Muslims targets if they could.
Another senseless opinion.
12 hours is far too long when you consider it is inside an airbase... that too on outer periphery where you dont risk of damaging the assets..... There must be reasons behind then... even then.
What's the rush? Why charge into a situation where there is no apparent risk to civilians or national assets? Being meticulous will pay off in the long run. If it is true that it is the NSG and PARA (SF) undertaking thee operations then rest assured these fellas know what they are doing.
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