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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Yes that's correct. And yes operation will extend tomorrow as well.

Third batch(Delhi) is said to be more than 2.
Shouldnt the bodies of killed terrorists would be shown to media ?

so their real identities be proven that they were Pakistanis ?
If they are proven Pakistanis by the intell agencies of the both countries then its a time to conduct , joint anti-terrorists exercises & then go after all kind of terrorism with in both countries ?

Or if its a planned , move from international establishment +raw +Indian govt + pakistani politicians in.power ruling the country ?

Then , its a dangerous game , will raise the chances of a nuclear exchange between both India & Pakistan , after which Pakistan would be asked to surrender its nucks to some superpowers waiting & planing so long ?
Kashmiri FFs claim this was retribution for the controversial hanging of Afzal Guru. Btw, one of the Indians killed was a high profile gold medellist Subedar.

A_sad Miah, you are retracting from your earlier assessment now? From Khalistan to Afzal Guru? #pleasesharesource :p:

Pictures are already available on Google.

Shouldnt the bodies of killed terrorists would be showen to media , their so called identity be proven that they were Pakistanis ?
If they are proven Pakistanis by the intell agencies of the both countries then its a time to conduct , joint anti-terrorists exercises & then go after all kind of terrorism with in both countries ?
Or if its a planned , move from international establishment +raw +Indian govt + pakistani politicians in.power ruling the country ?
Then , its a dangerous game , will raise the chances of a nuclear exchange between both India & Pakistan , after which Pakistan would be asked to surrender its nucks to some superpowers waiting & planing so long ?
Please correct your facts for covering 75 acres only you need 30000 plus soldiers....
Further if you take a round of military area by four wheeler, it will take hours just to complete one full circle. I know because I have done that in past. Now consider that you don't have the free run and its boobytraps everywhere. Yes it's logical that it will take a lot of time. If military would had gone all guns blazing it would have suffered far more greater casualties.
Its a 14KM long base you have to do combing operation in such a vast area along with clearing IED's and engaging a unknown number of terrorist so obviously it takes time
Question is how come they have installed these IEDs ?
How long before that attack?
Or after the attack ?
A_sad Miah, you are retracting from your earlier assessment now? From Khalistan to Afzal Guru? #pleasesharesource :p:

Pictures are already available on Google.
Not only they should be showed to media , also their identities should be established ?
Question is how come they have installed these IEDs ?
How long before that attack?
Or after the attack ?
This is not the work of three four terrorists as people were claiming in start.

Headlines Today reporting that 6th terrorist too has been killed.
That's correct buddy. But more terrorists are there believe me.
This is not the work of three four terrorists as people were claiming in start.

That's correct buddy. But more terrorists are there believe me.
Yes that what I meant ?
If that's a large group then , it can't be Pakistanis , I'm sure about it
Not only they should be showed to media , also their identities should be established ?

Their identities haven't been established yet, but thier pictures are available. Due to forums policy, I'm not posting them.

I expect them to be officially released to Media by respective authorities.
Their identities haven't been established yet, but thier pictures are available. Due to forums policy, I'm not posting them.

I expect them to be officially released to Media by respective authorities.
Yes , but that looks like a large group , & I don't think that large number of Pakistani terrorists can cross over the borders
This is not the work of three four terrorists as people were claiming in start.

That's correct buddy. But more terrorists are there believe me.
this is a very well planned operation with militarry level planning and execution a bunch of 5-7 terrorists cant do it there has to be some inside source and sleeper cells and local collaborators and logistical help otherwise its not possible that is these guys carried such a huge load of small and heavy arms and all there ammo to have such a spectacular operation running for so long
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