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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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SP on Krantikari Channel: my kidnappers were talking in Urdu and Punjabi. :o:

Daal may kuch kala hai. He couldn't/refused to describe how Terrorist looked. :eek:

I believe this SP is suspect too.. :sick:

SP must have been drunk perhaps.. thats why police did nt take him seriously..as he could not describe his kidnappers at all..

pehaps he said since it was dark and cold they had covered their faces with mufflers !!! :azn:;)
News agencies on full on campaign against forces "Still trying to kill terrorists", "what is taking them so long",and a certain set of idiots who are actually happy and smiling about the attack as it shows the govt in bad light...retards and idiot presstitutes.

It became so much that Lt. Gen Syed Ata Hasnain had to write an entire article on it:
Counter-Terrorist Operations: What The Public Must Be Sensitized About | Swarajya

This brings me to the ongoing operations at Pathankot Air Force (AF) base. I have had many calls to inquire why such operations must take 40 hours or more. To them I explain that if I was on ground I would demand at least 72 more hours to do the job. I would have professional loyalties to my subordinate commanders and men and not place an extra ounce of burden on their already burdened shoulders. What right does anyone have of asking for hastening of operations? It only creates catastrophes and more casualties.
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guys WTF is this media is saying 2 more terrorist spotted ? how true is that
If, using a snatched phone to call back home, and leaving behind a shred of paper with the name of the terrorists organization on it are your proofs then No sir! we do not believe it and we would keep calling it false flag. So, if anyone would dare try label it on us even before the operation is completed then we are forced to put it on war mongers and sadist macho anti Pakistan lobby in the GoI

Paper part never happened, that is just you people using hyperbole to glance over the fact this incident could possibly involve Pak elements.
Why not consider Pak involvement, is it so hard to consider? There are 20 other incidents since both our inception that prove otherwise.
Attacks in India are done by Indians and attacks in Pak are also done by Indians,LOL, acting like Israel now are we?
These are terrorists I don't believe they they are extremely disciplined individuals that absolutely cannot make mistakes.

Talk about Proof....Don't wanna derail this thread though but past incidents includes also this....!!
View attachment 284782

Yup proof.
Yeah you better don't derail the thread, or you'll get your ego hurt when I show you links proving how minorities in Pak are far worse than in India, their growth rate and over all persecution, rapes, murders, forced conversions etc.
Yup proof.
Yeah you better don't derail the thread, or you'll get your ego hurt when I show you links proving how minorities in Pak are far worse than in India, their growth rate and over all persecution, rapes, murders, forced conversions etc.

Now you are talking.. Don't try to show me links otherwise your ego will shall be really shredded in to pieces when i will start providing you links on same subject, and ultimately this discussion shall go no where...my point was about history and proofs of Indian involvement into neighboring countries about the bad nuts like you wanna remain in state of denial on regular bases..!!
Times Now Update: Fresh firing in Pathankot not by terrorists; security forces firing to check if there's any return fire

Then PA should already be in the world records for going in with Tank,F-16 and helicopters to clear a village in the name of fighting terrorist

so do americans... come out of bollywood....

no body blows up buildings to kill one ak wielding terrorist....
no body takes 3 days and counting to clear own airbase.... this is probably only op in history which has taken so long and in which buildings have been blown up by clearing force.....
SP must have been drunk perhaps.. thats why police did nt take him seriously..as he could not describe his kidnappers at all..

True. He sounded like a Moron & talking gibberish to Krantikari Channel over the phone. He refused to give Interview on Camera, avoided other questions etc. Even, I wouldn't have had taken his lead seriously. :sick:

Without inside help, I don't believe it's possible to attack such a place. I'm not ruling out this angle. I hope truth comes out.
Good assessment spectre. :tup: :tup: :tup:

You're right that some traitors on our side were in involved.
Remember Ranjith?? The spy who was arrested from Bhatinda airfirce station few days back?

True. There's already a debate going on about it , whether youngsters should be given security of Air Force stations. The peripheral security of the Air Force station is DSC's (defence security corps) responsibility. We lost 6 DSC soldiers, most of them in their 50s.
Garuds are nothing but QRTs (quick reaction teams) and this was Garuds first outing. I am assuming they need more operational experience- peace keeping in Congo and accompanying others in J&K isn't enough. Albeit, NSG did a fine job.

@Abingdonboy @PARIKRAMA @SrNair @rockstarIN

I think they might tried for a live catch of the terrorists .
Cornering them and arrest them .And it seems that is spectacularly back fired and we lost 7 soldiers .
Its taking long isnt it , 3rd day , security forces have lot to answer, i suppose after this op .
Now you are talking.. Don't try to show me links otherwise your ego will shall be really shredded in to pieces when i will start providing you links on same subject, and ultimately this discussion shall go no where...my point was about history and proofs of Indian involvement into neighboring countries about the bad nuts like you wanna remain in state of denial on regular bases..!!

Yup this discussion will go nowhere once its started.
The rate of population of minorities in Pakistan and India will prove how desperately wrong you are.
Yeah, don't read your history books no one believes in them.
What you can read are UN reports or the International Religious Freedom Report and the Global Terrorism Index and cure your lopsided thoughts about which country persecutes its minorities more or which country uses terrorism as a proxy and involves itself in their neighbor's matters. These are collected studies not single links to feel good about yourself, these show the collective situation in Pakistan, yup read them & feel your ego evaporate.
Pakistani fatalities in PAF Badaber attack:29.
Indian fatalities in Pathankot attack:7.
So no Indian forces performed better as time is not a factor.

pakistani fatalities happened in a mosque where un suspecting worshipers were attacked .... ....

but we have seen piss poor performance in PNS mehran as well...

americans also had breach in kandahar and lost alot of aircraft..... but they took not more than couple of hours to clear the base..... i dont think pathankot base is larger than kandahar one.....
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