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Indian aggression at LOC


ORLY Indians ....
Indai warns Pakistan, "Stop firing or we will start taking dump on the border".
Where the "fork" did jingoism come from?
What was he supposed to do when a nation with suicidal tendencies starts firing across the borders? Beg PA to stop it?

You come across as a sane poster here but believe (or like the posts that suggest) that it is a false-flag operation? Do you even realize how weird it sounds to believe that India starts unprovoked firing -- only to get its own citizens killed in return??? False-flag operation to achieve what???

For the 100th time -- India has absolutely no incentive to start cross-border firing. The peaceful our borders are, the better for us. We neither have any terrorists to push across, nor do we want to occupy Azad Kashmir with just small arms fire!!! India is a status quo power.

It is difficult to provide proofs from border but circumstantial evidence suggests that PA has all the incentives in the world to start such a crazy thing -- not India. Winter is about to set in and PA has to push in as many hired guns into India as possible -- to do their bidding!!! Bunch of cowards!!!

Anyway, I still hold it as India's incompetency for not teaching Pakistan a lesson for such mischief! No other country would have tolerated this kind of non-sense!

Oh Yara I have recently been to LOC.

pakistani side doesn't want to fire on Indian side.

this is straight from "horses mouth".

Why would they anyway. PA is already fighting a full scale war on Western front.

They last thing they want is to have a hot border in the East.

So I respectfully ask you not to buy the cr@p spewed by politicians.

Thank you

p.s. There is no "teaching lesson" thing here. So please calm down. Teaching lesson cannot be done even if there is full scale war (God forbid).
Where is the proof It was started by our Army by firing first and you killed terrorists ?

Indian army is lying upto their teeth, you needed a feel good movement so to erase the embarrassment you had to face while dealing with china, hence you started all this mess by firing at our civilians in name of killing terrorists shame !
The answer is same in IQ and common sense which of course even being "Think Tank Analyst" you lack. One day ago, Indian Media posted photographs of shelling and flag meeting was called by Pakistan which later on, cancelled by India.So, How come Indian Army began starter?

Now, again the same common sense, PA has interest in meddling in J&K and it is their trained Terrorist comes and this shelling is just diversion or backing up activity. As I mentioned earlier that even if India try to send their agents then Afghanistan is better route than Kashmir to meddle in Balochistan.

And what proof you need ? Are you saying that we should have 24*7 videos on Border and then we match our videos, see you shot at 8 and then we fired 8:01. Put your brains on right usage, Please!
Oh Yara I have recently been to LOC.

pakistani side doesn't want to fire on Indian side.

this is straight from "horses mouth".

Why would they anyway. PA is already fighting a full scale war on Western front.

They last thing they want is to have a hot border in the East.

So I respectfully ask you not to buy the cr@p spewed by politicians.

Thank you

p.s. There is no "teaching lesson" thing here. So please calm down. Teaching lesson cannot be done even if there is full scale war (God forbid).

You may well be right but the odds of India starting this is very poor. It's election season in India with the PM already facing flak for electioneering rather than deal with the LC firing issue. Not an ideal time, certainly not after what has been seen (in India) as a highly successful visit to the U.S.

Add to that that India is the status quo power here & ramping up tension on the Indo-Pak border/LC is not likely to be in its interest. I would have conceded some local issues triggering off firing but this seems to be taking place over a fairly large area. Unlike many here, I'm not convinced that it has to do with aiding infiltration either. The firing is taking place in areas where infiltration attempts are less likely. Other than an probable message coming from Pakistan after Modi's dismissal of Pakistani attempts to rake up Kashmir at the UN, there is not much that makes a lot of sense.
You may well be right but the odds of India starting this is very poor. It's election season in India with the PM already facing flak for electioneering rather than deal with the LC firing issue. Not an ideal time, certainly not after what has been seen (in India) as a highly successful visit to the U.S.

Add to that that India is the status quo power here & ramping up tension on the Indo-Pak border/LC is not likely to be in its interest. I would have conceded some local issues triggering off firing but this seems to be taking place over a fairly large area. Unlike many here, I'm not convinced that it has to do with aiding infiltration either. The firing is taking place in areas where infiltration attempts are less likely. Other than an probable message coming from Pakistan after Modi's dismissal of Pakistani attempts to rake up Kashmir at the UN, there is not much that makes a lot of sense.

I hope you are right.

Oh BTW, LOC and even IB firing is going on before UNGA so we should not make connections where none exists.
The answer is same in IQ and common sense which of course even being "Think Tank Analyst" you lack. One day ago, Indian Media posted photographs of shelling and flag meeting was called by Pakistan which later on, cancelled by India.So, How come Indian Army began starter?

Now, again the same common sense, PA has interest in meddling in J&K and it is their trained Terrorist comes and this shelling is just diversion or backing up activity. As I mentioned earlier that even if India try to send their agents then Afghanistan is better route than Kashmir to meddle in Balochistan.

And what proof you need ? Are you saying that we should have 24*7 videos on Border and then we match our videos, see you shot at 8 and then we fired 8:01. Put your brains on right usage, Please!

You are not in your senses. So you can't proof it was Pakistan who started firing first. Rest of is your brain farts. Indian army as usual provoked us and became victims later on.

And as Fauji Historian already explained , we don't want a messy LOC. It's just your fantasies and low IQ where you consider it is IA is saint and whatever they say is a holy truth !
You are not in your senses. So you can't proof it was Pakistan who started firing first. Rest of is your brain farts. Indian army as usual provoked us and became victims later on.

And as Fauji Historian already explained , we don't want a messy LOC. It's just your fantasies and low IQ where you consider it is IA is saint and whatever they say is a holy truth !
Seriously, I want to meet the person who made you TTA. How Indian Army can provoke you and you report next day civilian killing while India reports one day earlier? Time travel?
Did I say IA is saint then why would I say that they have better route from AF rather than connection? if you are so sure that it was done by IA then why don't you prove that? Let me see What Proof means to a "logical" Pakistani like you.
Where was this Pagal Sikh and his army and youth of befitting reply when china was playing tent tent on Indian ground ?

Besides, Stop killing our civilians, we won't fire at you simple is that. When it comes to Pakistan, every Indian IQ goes down the flush !
how do u guys become think tanks,,,,sifarish??
rajnath singh is not a sikh,,,n no he is not pagal,,he is our home minister.
what is he supposed to say,after our civilians died.. shabash Pakistan??......
situation with China was different,,not a single bullet was fired,,let alone any casualty
u post this gibberish n question indian iq waah,,,,,,,
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Oh Yara I have recently been to LOC.

pakistani side doesn't want to fire on Indian side.

this is straight from "horses mouth".

Why would they anyway. PA is already fighting a full scale war on Western front.

They last thing they want is to have a hot border in the East.

So I respectfully ask you not to buy the cr@p spewed by politicians.

Thank you

p.s. There is no "teaching lesson" thing here. So please calm down. Teaching lesson cannot be done even if there is full scale war (God forbid).

How do you explain the ceasefire violations along the same stretch of borders where the infiltrations usually happen?
Or, are you in anyway denying that there are no infiltration attempts from the Pakistani on the LOC at all?

If Pakistani side doesn't fire on Indian side, what kind of incentives does India have, involving in silly ceasefire violations using small arm fire?

Respectfully, the second front for Pakistan is all bull -- simply because Pakistanis know very well that India will never attack them without provocations. Thus they have full control on what goes on in the Eastern front.

To my mind, only 2 things come:
1. Pakistani Establishment knows exactly what it is doing -- which means the ceasefire violations are a planned step to a larger game plan (that is apart from pushing the hired-guns before the winter snow sets in).

2. Soldiers on the border providing cover fire to infiltrators without their superiors knowledge -- either due to corruption or their sympathy to Kashmir cause.

Either way, the ceasefire violations are because there are people trying to cross the LOC from the Pakistani side.

Finally, to suggest that the ceasefire violations are India's false flag operations is only damaging your standing in the forum!!! That is simply preposterous!
Seriously, I want to meet the person who made you TTA. How Indian Army can provoke you and you report next day civilian killing while India reports one day earlier? Time travel?
Did I say IA is saint then why would I say that they have better route from AF rather than connection? if you are so sure that it was done by IA then why don't you prove that? Let me see What Proof means to a "logical" Pakistani like you.

So posting gibberish without any proof and you want to question who made me TTA? Great going. Go see someone who can check your mental health

Do you have proof it was PA who started it first? Simple question
So posting gibberish without any proof and you want to question who made me TTA? Great going. Go see someone who can check your mental health

Do you have proof it was PA who started it first? Simple question
Check issues reporting date from both side. If you still can't come to conclusion then Hafiz Saeed is really a Social Servant. It all depends what proof do you accept?
How do you explain the ceasefire violations along the same stretch of borders where the infiltrations usually happen?
Or, are you in anyway denying that there are no infiltration attempts from the Pakistani on the LOC at all?

If Pakistani side doesn't fire on Indian side, what kind of incentives does India have, involving in silly ceasefire violations using small arm fire?

Respectfully, the second front for Pakistan is all bull -- simply because Pakistanis know very well that India will never attack them without provocations. Thus they have full control on what goes on in the Eastern front.

To my mind, only 2 things come:
1. Pakistani Establishment knows exactly what it is doing -- which means the ceasefire violations are a planned step to a larger game plan (that is apart from pushing the hired-guns before the winter snow sets in).

2. Soldiers on the border providing cover fire to infiltrators without their superiors knowledge -- either due to corruption or their sympathy to Kashmir cause.

Either way, the ceasefire violations are because there are people trying to cross the LOC from the Pakistani side.

Finally, to suggest that the ceasefire violations are India's false flag operations is only damaging your standing in the forum!!! That is simply preposterous!

So Indian army in there infinite wisdom never crossed the border and fired upon Pakistani posts ever? Is that what you are trying to say ?

Check issues reporting date from both side. If you still can't come to conclusion then Hafiz Saeed is really a Social Servant. It all depends what proof do you accept?

What proof do we have, first let's begin with it.

Did you know, there were Eid holidays in Pakistan when this fiasco began and that's what caused a delay and there could be many other reasons why it was reported late That's why I say Indian IQ is literally going down the flush and clutching on to the conspiracy theories rabidly
Oh BTW, LOC and even IB firing is going on before UNGA so we should not make connections where none exists.

Yes but there seems to be a ramping up now. While there is a bit of a fog on the issue now, reports seem to be suggesting that this has been building up for some time. There are reports that Pakistan had asked some of its people to vacate their villages earlier this month. There was also an IED blast ( some several meters inside the LC) that killed one soldier & injured 5 others on October 4(Balnoi sector of Mendhar in Poonch district) that Indian military sources seem sure was planted by Pakistani regulars or someone allowed by them. Another IED earlier on September 15th elsewhere killed a porter & injured 2 BSF personnel (Sunea Gali in Mendhar). That too is believed to have been planted by Pakistani forces. There has been a steady increase in firing from during the UNGA time frame. This matter may escalate a bit further before it reduces.
So Indian army in there infinite wisdom never crossed the border and fired upon Pakistani posts ever? Is that what you are trying to say ?

I asked you a simple question: what incentives does India have by violating the ceasefire -- unless it was retaliatory?

Who benefits the most if the violations escalate and draw international focus to J&K?

Violating ceasefires, is a win-win game for you folks. How?
1. Internationalize the conflict and put pressure on India to come to the negotiating table.
2. Try and succeed in pushing the hired guns across. If they get headshots while trying, plenty more of cannon fodder left!
3. You also think that India won't escalate the situation elsewhere. So no real danger of opening a second front!
4. If in the process, you manage to harass and kill a few Indian soldiers and civilians, all the more sweeter!

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