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Indian aggression at LOC

I'm watching TV ..they are showing "43 Pakistani Post destroyed" That's called response. Kudos!

Also, note that Arnia Village is 5KM from BSF post but they are consistently targeted. Many died and injured. It shows the unprofessionalism of Pakistani defense apparatus.
:rofl: Bollywood Media @ best... fooling Indianzzzzz :rofl:
I get the impression modi is telling his generals go for it full on.

Lets see if the Pakistanis really want to fight.

It seems the indians are firing all over the loc .

Modi is crazy
These are the word on live interview from BFS director General!!

lol If we will say our head of BS says that we destroyed 100 Indian posts wat will your reacton ??? on man LOL Pakistan don't have 63 posts in 4 kilometer of area thora demaag bhi use kya karooo LOL nor India have 60 posts in 4 kilometer of area hahhahahaha
I'm watching TV ..they are showing "43 Pakistani Post destroyed" That's called response. Kudos!

Also, note that Arnia Village is 5KM from BSF post but they are consistently targeted. Many died and injured. It shows the unprofessionalism of Pakistani defense apparatus.

Indians are very good at spreading false news & propaganda... Keep it up
I am in favor of this kutay-bili wala game... the reason is... Pakistan economy is already in bad shape... incase of Military aggression or increase of movement by militaries on the border.. foreign investment to economy of India will go down cuz fear of escalation... So this kuta-bili ka game in favor of Pakistan technically.. @ the end... China will again intrude into Indian's north border.... other side Pakistan India kuta bili game will turn into war.... I like this.. I like this.... best way to drain down Indian economy...

dude looks like you are smoking something quite good.. :D

It is not the game you mentioned.. Pakistan seems to be isolated in this scenario.. we don;t have a SINGLE English news channel.. our media is busy airing Eid programs till now.. it is total black out as to how many posts Pak rangers have destrued.. while Indian media is on it's toes in spreading propaganda.. without any sources they clain they have destroyed 43 pakistani posts and our media is mute.. at the end of the day International Community will fall for such propaganda.. not good for Pakistan in long run..
Indians are very good at spreading false news & propaganda... Keep it up
you must be still thinking that pakistan can do whatever they want.. And we will not retaliate.. And Indian media will spread news about India's retaliation for just trp??
Be logistic here man..had your media/radio ever show your own defeats?
When channel like geo news shows reality about kasab it has became a traitor channel.. Some of you say them JEW news.. Wtf..
you must be still thinking that pakistan can do whatever they want.. And we will not retaliate.. And Indian media will spread news about India's retaliation for just trp??
Be logistic here man..had your media/radio ever show your own defeats?
When channel like geo news shows reality about kasab it has became a traitor channel.. Some of you say them JEW news.. Wtf..

before going to logic LOL first think who will benefit for these kind of non-sense aggressions.... India or Pakistan ???? Pakistan Military already busy on western side of border and alreeady fukded so called talibans who are FUNDED elements made by you and the 10% control Afghan regime... who dont even dare to move outside kabul.... ... so think before jump into every BS... who is doing and for what.... you're busy with fulll force on your right side.. why would you start another front ????
If you are going to look at the situation "sensibly", then you would have to take into account the fact that the Pakistani Army has a significant number of troops and resources deployed in the West (FATA, Swat and Balochistan). The largest recent military purchase undertaken by the Army is for MRAP's, equipment that is largely beneficial in COIN operations. The Army has publicly identified domestic terrorism as the biggest threat to national security, under two successive Army chiefs. The military has had to slow down many of its modernization plans because of the economic slowdown in Pakistan. Given all of the above, allegations that the Pakistani Army escalated the situation along the IB/LoC for the sake of pushing in a handful of militants before the winter sets in sounds ludicrous.

Then there is the argument that this is on the behest of Sharif to deflect attention from domestic issues. Here too the facts contradict this particular allegation - Sharif and most of the PMLN senior leadership have been largely silent during this whole issue. At the very least, if this was an exercise to deflect the attention of the Pakistani public away from the PTI/PAT dharnas, Sharif and his senior leaders would have been engaging in the kind of hostile and inflammatory rhetoric we have seen from the likes of Arun Jaitley and other BJP leaders. In addition, given the military preoccupation with domestic terrorism outlined above, and arguments that the Pakistani Army has yet to cede space to the elected government on foreign policy issues, I don't see how Sharif could convince the military to engage in a pointless escalation along the IB/LoC. Sharif is banking on the "Turkish model" of economic growth leading to increasing civilian control over the military. This is one of the reasons he has been such a strong advocate of increased trade links with India. To argue that he would throw his entire agenda away over some protests that are diminishing in terms of impact every day is, again, ludicrous.

Ludicrous is right considering what influence Sharif has with the army that put conditions to stay largely neutral in the ongoing protests. Whatever ideas Sharif had has long gone out of the window & his immediate look-out is simply of survival. I don't buy the story of him wanting a diversion, I see no reason why the PA will oblige. This is a murky picture but logic still favours a Pakistani provocation.

before going to logic LOL first think who will benefit for these kind of non-sense aggressions.... India or Pakistan ???? Pakistan Military already busy on western side of border and alreeady fukded so called talibans who are FUNDED elements made by you and the 10% control Afghan regime... who dont even dare to move outside kabul.... ... so think before jump into every BS... who is doing and for what.... you're busy with fulll force on your right side.. why would you start another front ????
you need kashmir..don't you?
Now the LOGIC comes.. With talks you can't get it.. Now whats the option?
And are not funding talibans.. They are muslims and that too uneducated..aren't they?
So they can't accept fund from hindus and kafirs..
you need kashmir..don't you?
Now the LOGIC comes.. With talks you can't get it.. Now whats the option?
And are not funding talibans.. They are muslims and that too uneducated..aren't they?
So they can't accept fund from hindus and kafirs..

oo bhai thora demaag use kar... let suppose you said "we need Kashmir" is that are you really in your sense or any Army in sense when their entire Military Aviation - SSG - 60% of Military busy @ other end ... that military will engage "Military" of the enemy on the other side ?? thora sa demaag use karooo lol
I am sure you would agree that both sides have largely similar weapon systems when it comes to the caliber of weaponry being used in the recent clashes. And if you also agree that both sides are professional and well trained military/paramilitary forces who know HOW to use the aforementioned weapon systems, that casualties on either side will be similar. And Indian mortar is not going to be guided by "Ram" into causing greater casualties on the Pakistani side compared to a Pakistani mortar guided by "Allah" ...

Btw, here's some information that has now come out on the trigger.

Like so many of the little wars that have erupted on the India-Pakistan frontier in Kashmir, military sources told The Indian Express, the spark that lit the fire was small: a pile of burning bushes outside the BSF’s Pital Post — so named, local accounts have it, because brass artillery casing was piled up here after the 1971 war, to be auctioned to scrap-dealers. The BSF had begun clearing the undergrowth along the border late in the summer, and the Pakistan Rangers had protested, saying the fires threatened their positions.

Then, at 11:15 am on July 17, a day after a flag meeting held by local commanders to sort out the problem, constable Sanjay Dhar of the 192 Battalion was shot dead outside Pital Post, killed in a burst that left three of his colleagues, and three more labourers, injured.

“We’d had some firing in the sector because of the undergrowth dispute,” an officer familiar with the area told The Indian Express, “but they were in the nature of warning shots. No one was expecting someone to be shot.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, military sources said, then issued orders for ceasefire violations to be responded to in strength. And that’s just what the BSF did, firing for days at several Pakistan Ranger positions facing Pital Post, killing at least four soldiers, according to sources in the force’s intelligence wing, the G-Branch. The unusually hard response drew retaliation, with every cycle turning the heat a notch upwards. Each week after, both sides fired thousands of rounds at each other, and clashes reached levels of magnitude higher than anything seen since India and Pakistan almost went to war in 2001-02.

Indian intelligence officials say the Pakistan Rangers got the worse of it, and responded by stepping up the fire from their side. In an August 18 battle, for example, the Rangers shelled the villages of Treva, Suhagpur and Pindi, around Arnia, with 82 mm mortar, after two of their soldiers were injured in small-arms firing. In Suhagpur, Des Raj Saini’s home was blown apart by a direct hit.

Early on Eid morning, Indian border guards at Pital Post, not far from the small market town of Arnia in Jammu, began their routine march along the giant, barbed-wire border fence that runs from the Rann of Kutch to Kashmir. Like any other day, they wore body armour and carried guns — but this time, they had an unusual message to pass on. “Let’s stop firing”, they had been ordered to shout out to every Pakistani patrol passing by, “it isn’t good for your people or for ours.”

For a while, it looked like the tactic had worked: no shots were fired across the India-Pakistan border in Jammu that day, or the next.

Then, before dawn on Monday, mortar shells arched over the border, landing in middle of Arnia and the adjoining hamlet of Mashan-De-Kothe. Lined up at Arnia’s cremation ground that evening were the bodies of Parshottam Lal and his 13-year-old daughter Kajal; Satya Devi, wife of Chajju Ram; Rajesh Kumar, son of Makka Ram; and Ram Lal, an ageing shopkeeper. The ground had space for just four bodies, and space had to be made for the fifth

But now, following the shelling of Arnia, the rules have changed and civilians on both sides have begun to pay the price. The village of Dhamala, perched near the border east of Sialkot, took the brunt of the BSF’s first display of rage, hours after Arnia was shelled. Salima Bibi, an ageing resident of the village, was shot dead along with 10-year-old Adeel Ahmad and his four-year-old brother, Hamad Ahmad. In nearby Tulsipur, another senior citizen, Mohammad Ishaq, lost his life.

”They killed our people,” one mid-level BSF official told The Indian Express. “We’re not going to shower their villages with rose-petals for doing that”.

In New Delhi, a BSF spokesperson said its troops had strict instructions to avoid targeting civilians. Local commanders, however, admitted villagers across the border were targeted in an effort to mount pressure on the Rangers.

Fighting now rages on a giant arc running from Jammu to Poonch — where shelling of civilian settlements has also broken out. In statements issued on on Wednesday, Pakistan said three of its nationals had been killed in the Sialkot sector, while Indian authorities reported one fatality.

“The border tension suits Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Pakistan army just fine,” a senior Indian intelligence official said. “Both are facing crises of legitimacy, and this will rally people behind them.”
Prime Minister Modi, who promised an aggressive response against ceasefire violations during his election campaign, cannot, however be seen as backing down either. India has rejected calls for a flag meeting until the firing ends.
oo bhai thora demaag use kar... let suppose you said "we need Kashmir" is that are you really in your sense or any Army in sense when their entire Military Aviation - SSG - 60% of Military busy @ other end ... that military will engage "Military" of the enemy on the other side ?? thora sa demaag use karooo lol
tu kar bhai we don't need any kinda war.. Its you who want to send so called freedom fighters and mujjies.. If kashmir is not the issue here then why there is no firing in other areas?

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