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Indian aggression at LOC


Since Pakistani army is responsible for protecting Pakistan's border, this is a complete failure of the Pakistani army.
Quite a few benefits to pakistan from their weird behavior.
pakistan is quickly dumping its soon to be expired ammo , NS to divert attention from the political nautanki (and at the same time make mends with pak army honchos-hate India, that works every-time!!), show India as the aggressor, put kashmir on the burner....
While it may work wonders back home, no one will gv a flying f**k on the global scale. At most, they might chuckle...Look!! They are at it again, Sad but true.
LoC tension live: 5 civilians, 3 BSF jawans injured in Pakistan firing

Three BSF jawans have been injured due to Pakistani shelling in the RS Pura sector, according to the latest reports coming in.

The incident had taken place at about 6.15 am today, according to a report on Times Now.

In addition to the jawans, five civilians were also injured in overnight firing along the border.

LoC tension live: Pakistan fires at seven Indian sectors; death toll now at 8

LoC firing: Pakistan firing spreads along international border, 60 Indian posts targeted; at least 8 injured

Written by Arun Sharma | Jammu | Posted: October 9, 2014 9:52 am | Updated: October 9, 2014 10:32 am
At least eight people, including three Border Security Forces personnel, were injured as firing by Pakistani Rangers spread all along the nearly 200 km-long international border from Hiranagar sector in Kathua district to Pargwal in Chicken Neck area near Akhnoor on Wednesday night.

Sixty border out post (BOP) areas were affected, BSF sources said, adding that firing was still continuing in Pargwal, Kanachak, Arnia and Samba areas. The BSF retaliated in a “befitting” and “caliberated manner”, they added.

The injured BSF personnel have been identified as Head Constable B S Rakhi, besides Irfan Khan and Meti, both constables. They got injured in Pakistani shelling on S H Way BOP around 6.30 pm.

ources said nearly 150 villages on Indian side of the border were pounded with mortar shells by Pakistan throughout night, provoking the BSF to retaliate. The shelling was so intense that the bang of mortar shells was being heard even in major towns which were out of the firing range of Pakistan. Eight people have so far died and an over 80 injured in continued firing and mortar shelling on civilian population on the Indian side by Pakistan since October 3. Since situation along the border continues to escalate, the Jammu Kashmir government has set up “crisis management groups” to evacuate people from areas affected by shelling from across the border. - See more at: LoC firing: Pakistan firing spreads along international border, 60 Indian posts targeted; at least 8 injured | The Indian Express
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12.45 pm: Pakistan will retaliate too, says official
A foreign official of Pakistan told Times Now that Pakistan will retaliate too. "We are capable of retaliating too," she told the channel.
Pakistan PM Advisor Sartaj Aziz told CNN-IBN that there has been unprovoked firing from India's side for several days. "Pakistan is for peace and wants India to understand that," he added.
This comes after defence minister Arun Jaitley said that the Indian forces would be forced to give a 'befitting' reply that would make the cost of Pakistan's 'adventurism' too high.

LoC tension live: India must understand Pak wants peace, says Sharif's advisor
I hate LOC tensions. Both PAkistan and India should go for full fledge war. What ever the result/ For us it is glorious to become Ghazi or Shaheed :pakistan:
Actually very silly in military terms. Nobody is sure about why there is escalation, Pakistani internal power structures are too fogged up for anyone to make that assertion as anything more than a guess. However that still remains a political excuse, your references were military. Spent some of my time yesterday arguing with a Pakistani poster who imagined that India was doing this to help Sharif. Infiltration happens, though this year has been a difficult one for the infiltrators. However the bulk of the firing is taking place across the IB (not the most preferred areas for infiltration)and is aimed at primarily Hindu villages. Moreover there have been two cases of IED's being planted in this sector which Indian sources believe had to be done by either the PA or someone they allowed (terrain, location, Pakistani positions etc - few meters into Indian territory). The most recent one was on October 4 which killed a Mahar regiment soldier & injured 5 (an earlier one on Sep 15th killed a porter & injured 2 BSF personnel). This isn't happening in a vacuum.
If you are going to look at the situation "sensibly", then you would have to take into account the fact that the Pakistani Army has a significant number of troops and resources deployed in the West (FATA, Swat and Balochistan). The largest recent military purchase undertaken by the Army is for MRAP's, equipment that is largely beneficial in COIN operations. The Army has publicly identified domestic terrorism as the biggest threat to national security, under two successive Army chiefs. The military has had to slow down many of its modernization plans because of the economic slowdown in Pakistan. Given all of the above, allegations that the Pakistani Army escalated the situation along the IB/LoC for the sake of pushing in a handful of militants before the winter sets in sounds ludicrous.

Then there is the argument that this is on the behest of Sharif to deflect attention from domestic issues. Here too the facts contradict this particular allegation - Sharif and most of the PMLN senior leadership have been largely silent during this whole issue. At the very least, if this was an exercise to deflect the attention of the Pakistani public away from the PTI/PAT dharnas, Sharif and his senior leaders would have been engaging in the kind of hostile and inflammatory rhetoric we have seen from the likes of Arun Jaitley and other BJP leaders. In addition, given the military preoccupation with domestic terrorism outlined above, and arguments that the Pakistani Army has yet to cede space to the elected government on foreign policy issues, I don't see how Sharif could convince the military to engage in a pointless escalation along the IB/LoC. Sharif is banking on the "Turkish model" of economic growth leading to increasing civilian control over the military. This is one of the reasons he has been such a strong advocate of increased trade links with India. To argue that he would throw his entire agenda away over some protests that are diminishing in terms of impact every day is, again, ludicrous.
Its not a failure of Pakistan Amry its trying its best indians do mortar shelling but our Pakistan Army cant read their minds duh !! What the Heck !!! Man they do reply to these shellings
Okay then what is your side of the story, wrt losses, destruction?
I am sure you would agree that both sides have largely similar weapon systems when it comes to the caliber of weaponry being used in the recent clashes. And if you also agree that both sides are professional and well trained military/paramilitary forces who know HOW to use the aforementioned weapon systems, that casualties on either side will be similar. And Indian mortar is not going to be guided by "Ram" into causing greater casualties on the Pakistani side compared to a Pakistani mortar guided by "Allah" ...
I am in favor of this kutay-bili wala game... the reason is... Pakistan economy is already in bad shape... incase of Military aggression or increase of movement by militaries on the border.. foreign investment to economy of India will go down cuz fear of escalation... So this kuta-bili ka game in favor of Pakistan technically.. @ the end... China will again intrude into Indian's north border.... other side Pakistan India kuta bili game will turn into war.... I like this.. I like this.... best way to drain down Indian economy...
I am in favor of this kutay-bili wala game... the reason is... Pakistan economy is already in bad shape... incase of Military aggression or increase of movement by militaries on the border.. foreign investment to economy of India will go down cuz fear of escalation... So this kuta-bili ka game in favor of Pakistan technically.. @ the end... China will again intrude into Indian's north border.... other side Pakistan India kuta bili game will turn into war.... I like this.. I like this.... best way to drain down Indian economy...
Thumbs up for pakistan:pakistan:
I'm watching TV ..they are showing "43 Pakistani Post destroyed" That's called response. Kudos!

Also, note that Arnia Village is 5KM from BSF post but they are consistently targeted. Many died and injured. It shows the unprofessionalism of Pakistani defense apparatus.

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