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Ḥashshāshīn;3745988 said:
Why did the police let them run away? Jail the bastards...

It seemed the priority of the police- rightly was the safety of the woman and her friend and you can see as soon as the police were on the scene the sewer rats scuttled like the scum they are. The police then stayed close to the woman to ensure her safety for a while. There's very little the police could do in this incident unfortantly to catch the a-holes.

There is no doubt there is a culture clash going on here in India right now between modernity and medieval. It is no coincidence Delhi- the MOST populous city in India is the rape capital of India especially as the prosperity of the NCR craws in migrants from all over India. If the "rape capital" were anywhere else in INdia this would be more worrying tbh. I really don't know what the answer is, all the rhetoric being thrown about on all sides be it the govt with fast track courts and help lines or the public with capital punishment and the like are all just treating the symptom and not the cause. The Cause is ignorance and backwardness in certain elements of the Indian society and this is an incredibly hard thing to counter, it takes decades and generations.

Right now I am so saddened by this entire incident and the wider implications in India, normally I try and rationlise and use logic to remove most of emotion from such news ie using data and statistics and context to paint a fair and balanced picture in my mind but I am incredibly down about this news. I guess because it is close to home, this was just a girl going about her life, with dreams and ambitions, her family had worked hard to get her to where she was and had high hopes for their daughter and then come a long a bunch of sick boys and snatch it all away in the most horrific way imaginable. It is beyond tragic.It would be no exaggeration to say I am close to tears just thinking about what has happened.

There are simply no words.

The only postiitve I can take away is the scale of the outrage shows that much of India is still good and that these incidents are not so common and routine as to become accepted as a part of how it India is as is the case in other nations. The level of outrage shows the world and the nation that India aspires for better. Complacency is surely one of the worst human traits.

@Koovie as someone of North Indian heritage (not necessarily UP/Bihar)I did not appreciate the North-South aspect you brought to the conversation. I didn't expect this from you bro. Surely this incident should infuse a Indian identity more than ever or the very least a HUMAN identity.
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I dnt understand why the fcuk few people seems to have lost sensibility. On facebook all over is damini and that should be but what is beyond my understanding is her pics is also posted on facebook while she was in hospital and when she was normal. Is it ok??would'nt it be trouble for her family ?? Would'nt it be nice to keep her anoynomous? This is really ****..
In a Trustlaw poll,India is classified as the worst among a group of influential countries around the world in their attitudes and treatment of women.

1. Canada
2. Germany
3. Britain
4. Australia
5. France
6. United States
7. Japan
8. Italy
9. Argentina
10. South Korea
11. Brazil
12. Turkey
13. Russia
14. China
15. Mexico
16. South Africa
17. Indonesia
18. Saudi Arabia
19. India

Successive Indian governments have done virtually nothing in decades of abuse of women in Delhi and other cities in India to end this evil mindset. Women can be molested with impunity,and that attitude pervades the thinking of some men in the country.
MMS, Sonia and the entire establishment would have been blind and deaf to what has happened if it was not for the outrage expressed by a segment of Delhi's citizens, articulated loudly and visibly for the world to view.

Women from the lower castes are routinely raped and molested with impunity, the perpetrators secure in the knowledge that the "law enforcement" authorities would be looking the other way.
India had better wake up , and instead of uttering pious plattitudes, actually do someting to end these unimaginable horrors that confront the female populace on a daily basis.

How many sitting members of parliament, or prospective candidates, have court cases pending against them of a sexual nature.
The "world's greatest democracy" had inherited a judicial system that would see the accused brought swiftly before a judge.
Since independence years may elapse before anything is done regarding dispensing justice and, if you are from the lower class, then praying might be more productive than waiting for the wheels of justice to turn.

India Shining, indeed!!
I didn't understand the video at all...can anyone explain. Why the police hit those guys & why one guy was standing with that girl crying & hiding from camera? @KRAIT
Seems like they attacked the girl. Like in many cases, girls were attacked by Mob who came out of discos and roaming late. They might be molesting her. No one will dare rape in open.

The guy is friend of hers who wanted to protect her identity and then called his friends to bring the car to take her home.
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Police did a good job for a change .

They were trying to molest her it seems.

Btw , this is a very old video, this happened during the 2012 New Year celebrations.

that's actually a very bad job done by police. gang rapers should be locked up immediately. what's the point to beat them away? so they can target at new victims?
It seemed the priority of the police- rightly was the safety of the woman and her friend and you can see as soon as the police were on the scene the sewer rats scuttled like the scum they are. The police then stayed close to the woman to ensure her safety for a while. There's very little the police could do in this incident unfortantly to catch the a-holes.

There is no doubt there is a culture clash going on here in India right now between modernity and medieval. It is no coincidence Delhi- the MOST populous city in India is the rape capital of India especially as the prosperity of the NCR craws in migrants from all over India. If the "rape capital" were anywhere else in INdia this would be more worrying tbh. I really don't know what the answer is, all the rhetoric being thrown about on all sides be it the govt with fast track courts and help lines or the public with capital punishment and the like are all just treating the symptom and not the cause. The Cause is ignorance and backwardness in certain elements of the Indian society and this is an incredibly hard thing to counter, it takes decades and generations.

Right now I am so saddened by this entire incident and the wider implications in India, normally I try and rationlise and use logic to remove most of emotion from such news ie using data and statistics and context to paint a fair and balanced picture in my mind but I am incredibly down about this news. I guess because it is close to home, this was just a girl going about her life, with dreams and ambitions, her family had worked hard to get her to where she was and had high hopes for their daughter and then come a long a bunch of sick boys and snatch it all away in the most horrific way imaginable. It is beyond tragic.It would be no exaggeration to say I am close to tears just thinking about what has happened.

There are simply no words.

The only postiitve I can take away is the scale of the outrage shows that much of India is still good and that these incidents are not so common and routine as to become accepted as a part of how it India is as is the case in other nations. The level of outrage shows the world and the nation that India aspires for better. Complacency is surely one of the worst human traits.

[MENTION=139575]Koovie[/MENTION] as someone of North Indian heritage (not necessarily UP/Bihar)I did not appreciate the North-South aspect you brought to the conversation. I didn't expect this from you bro. Surely this incident should infuse a Indian identity more than ever or the very least a HUMAN identity.

Ya, I know it was not correct. My emotions got out of control, not only on the internet.... read my earlier post:

"Ok listen guys I will take back my statement: "dirty biharis and ups .... scum of India, scum of of humanity, deport them into the ocean.... filthiest people I have ever seen, now these scum is even invading my beautiful Kerala...."

I was just cracked up because of this sad news and then I saw this video here and was thinking about my own family and emotions started to come up. I am sorry, I know that I cant generalize any people by the acts of a few."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/226962-india-10.html#ixzz2GWHnzP1e
In a Trustlaw poll,India is classified as the worst among a group of influential countries around the world in their attitudes and treatment of women.

1. Canada
2. Germany
3. Britain
4. Australia
5. France
6. United States
7. Japan
8. Italy
9. Argentina
10. South Korea
11. Brazil
12. Turkey
13. Russia
14. China
15. Mexico
16. South Africa
17. Indonesia
18. Saudi Arabia
19. India

Successive Indian governments have done virtually nothing in decades of abuse of women in Delhi and other cities in India to end this evil mindset. Women can be molested with impunity,and that attitude pervades the thinking of some men in the country.
MMS, Sonia and the entire establishment would have been blind and deaf to what has happened if it was not for the outrage expressed by a segment of Delhi's citizens, articulated loudly and visibly for the world to view.

Women from the lower castes are routinely raped and molested with impunity, the perpetrators secure in the knowledge that the "law enforcement" authorities would be looking the other way.
India had better wake up , and instead of uttering pious plattitudes, actually do someting to end these unimaginable horrors that confront the female populace on a daily basis.

How many sitting members of parliament, or prospective candidates, have court cases pending against them of a sexual nature.
The "world's greatest democracy" had inherited a judicial system that would see the accused brought swiftly before a judge.
Since independence years may elapse before anything is done regarding dispensing justice and, if you are from the lower class, then praying might be more productive than waiting for the wheels of justice to turn.

India Shining, indeed!!

the level of protest shows how despicable these acts are in our country unlike certain others where its routine. use you brain a little, false flag scumbag
I am sure all rapists and criminals listened to you and now they will never do it again.
I should sleep with my door open, people should not get in other people houses.
and everyone will live happily ever after now

i hope that day will come
that's actually a very bad job done by police. gang rapers should be locked up immediately. what's the point to beat them away? so they can target at new victims?

There were only a few cops at that time, their highest priority was to get them away from her.
This is crazy. In the public, on open road, with potential police force existing there.


I sincerely hope you guys can fix this ****.
that's actually a very bad job done by police. gang rapers should be locked up immediately. what's the point to beat them away? so they can target at new victims?

The first priority then was to protect the girl and her friend. Had they run after the culprits , the girl would have stood there alone helpless .
Simple! 5% of our netas in Parliament and legislatures have been accused of rape and their trials are pending! These buggers sitting in Parliament are not Law Makers but Law Breakers. So how do you expect any justice and stringent laws to be made in Parliament by these dorks?

Remember a few months ago, three of our worthy knucklehead netas in Parliament were caught watching **** in Parliament? And they bl00dywell got away with it!! Jeeez!

Is there any hope for this country when we have these ratbags sitting in Parliament lording over us? We got our independence from the Britishers but got enslaved again by these a$$holes. We need to fight back and send these thugs packing. :angry:

Just hang those 5% of law breakers as well. Just because they are in Parliament don't mean they are above the law. If the judicial process doesn't give justice, justice will be done by the people via private mean.
Just hang those 5% of law breakers as well. Just because they are in Parliament don't mean they are above the law. If the judicial process doesn't give justice, justice will be done by the people via private mean.

Judicial process does give justice. The problem is people are afraid to act as witnesses against such politicians . Given proper evidence the judiciary in India has always upheld the truth.

In fact, the only two things that are protecting this country from breaking down completely today apart from the civil society is the media and judiciary.

Btw, you can't hang people accused for anything , they have to be convicted.
There were only a few cops at that time, their highest priority was to get them away from her.

i still don't get it. are you saying even if police locked up one bad guy the others still wont stop raping because they are outnumbered the police?? in a busy street? where are all the good guys?:no:
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