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True. India today is much stronger than it was 30-60 years ago.

But believing that prosperity would bring Unity is a fallacy.

On the contrary prosperity has always brought wars and divisions from the time of Mahabharata to Ambanis.

US survived the breakup of USSR not because it was prosperous but it was successful in creating a new enemies.

Creation of EU, EURO and EU's détente with Warsaw pact countries were direct threats to NATO and the unity of US but it had AK, IS, NK, Russia, China etc. come to it's rescue.

India and Pakistan are not joined. to the Hip two different nations which took diverging paths post independence. The most immediate threat that comes from the "Supposed" breaking up of Pakistan is

1. Syria Like Situation
2. Refugee Crisis is neighboring Countries.
3. Nukes Going Rouge

And if you believe that the purpose of a state is the constant existence of an adversary, Then don't worry we would be having more than our plates full with China (This article sums up where Sino-Russia ties are headed).

The point that prosperity always brings about divisions then, makes me worry, we shouldn't prosper in first place ? We will have plenty more adversaries. Prosperity always brings more friends and more enemies. So the game will continue.

LOL... why ?

Syria like situation. Migrant Crisis.
Can someone tell SS that its already hard to figure out to whom to talk in Pakistan.
With 4 countries based out of same pot hole it would be nightmare for external affairs leave aside the Armed forces.
Can someone tell SS that its already hard to figure out to whom to talk in Pakistan.
With 4 countries based out of same pot hole it would be nightmare for external affairs leave aside the Armed forces.

Whaat ?? there will be 3 more IFS posts in the years UPSC Exams that's bout it. (and a few other things, but lets just keep it minimal for the time being :P )
Which is why we have a Electrified Barbed wire fence and a Armed BSF with a strength of a million men who is sanctioned to shoot to kill anyone unwanted.

Barbed wires wont do. We'll need walls like "World war Z". Topped with all weather automatic sentries. And those Damned tunnels are a pain in the a$$.
One enemy is better than 4.

Lol. They won't be enemies. Division of resources, manpower Connectivity. everything. Just need to make Bilawal the Emir of Sind, and The Sharif clan for Punjab Emirate. :D
Lol. They won't be enemies. Division of resources, manpower Connectivity. everything. Just need to make Bilawal the Emir of Sind, and The Sharif clan for Punjab Emirate. :D
All the people of Sind or Punjab does not acknowledge the imperialism of sharif and bilawal or others.They are the kings of their political parties but not of Sind Punjab or other.
these Indians are damn stupids . some are talking about fence and some are talking about Syria like situation. A honest advice to all Indians , get your head out of your arse and stop talking rubbish. First of all, check your country . Kashmir , Khalistan , Assam ,Nagalim and Tripura are demanding Freedom. sheikh chilli ke mansoobay :crazy:
Keri ?


Only THing interesting in this thread :D
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