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India will be Taliban's next target: Ex-NSA Narayanan

And unlike Pakistan, Kashmir is not the priority of the Afghan Taliban.

proxies in Afghanistan
Dude these guys fought the shit out of America THE STRONGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD TODAY (as per 2014)
And you're saying they will let India open up proxies in Afghanistan? :crazy:
But if some Indian is genius enough to send his troops there....... THEN INDIA WILL FLOURISH AND IT'S ECONOMY WILL DOUBLE UP AND IT WILL BE THE NEXT SUPERPOWER :rofl:

Dude these guys fought the shit out of America THE STRONGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD TODAY (as per 2014)
And you're saying they will let India open up proxies in Afghanistan? :crazy:
But if some Indian is genius enough to send his troops there....... THEN INDIA WILL FLOURISH AND IT'S ECONOMY WILL DOUBLE UP AND IT WILL BE THE NEXT SUPERPOWER :rofl:

Proxies is not equal to own troops.

You support the taliban we support the ANA - both lose by getting involved in a civil war, our region remains sc@ewed.
Robert Oppenheimer was a physicist. He was the inventor atom bomb

Jade, many raised questions about "Father of Atom Bomb" (Not inventor of Atom Bomb) tag for Oppenheimer. He worked as a Manager and co-ordinator only in Manhattan Project directly reporting to Major General Groves. It is more of a political post rather than a scientific. There were many renowned physicists in Manhattan Project namely stalwarts like Niels Bohr ,Hans Bethe, James Chadwick, Richard Feynman. There were 20 Nobel laureates in total in the team. Oppenheimer was a kid in front of them as a scientist. So telling him "Father of Atom Bomb" is a gross exaggeration as many think.

Latter there was many controversy and official trail against him for his alleged Communist connection and also for espionage although not proven
Sir i don't know if we support Talibs or not but your gov. openly supports ANA, which it can and it should because it serves their purpose but considering the population distribution of Afghanistan 70+% are Pashtuns, most of which directly support Talibs. So, question is...... who will win? the battle hardened Talibs with numerical superiority or the ANA? Plus, it should be left with the region to decide who comes on top, if India interferes Pakistan might interfere too..... All in all i wish for Afghans to live a peaceful life. Amen!
Best options in our region are most difficult ones

I agree.

Sir i don't know if we support Talibs or not but your gov. openly supports ANA, which it can and it should because it serves their purpose but considering the population distribution of Afghanistan 70+% are Pashtuns, most of which directly support Talibs. So, question is...... who will win? the battle hardened Talibs with numerical superiority or the ANA? Plus, it should be left with the region to decide who comes on top, if India interferes Pakistan might interfere too..... All in all i wish for Afghans to live a peaceful life. Amen!

Times have changed buddy, as fauj said its 2014, let's come together and drill some sense into the Afghan government that talk to the taliban and give the pushtuns their rights is the ideal way forward.

Taliban coming to power in Afghanistan is not a rosy scenario for Pakistan and as an extension to India - least of all for the Afghans.
i don't know if we support Talibs or not.
You're not aware that Pakistan is supporting the Afghan Taliban? :woot: Dude! Which world are you living in? Are you from Mars? Jeeez! The ignoramuses we have to put up with here! That's what I call spectacular ignorance of epic proportions! :fie:
You're not aware that Pakistan is supporting the Afghan Taliban? :woot: Dude! Which world are you living in? Are you from Mars? Jeeez! The ignoramuses we have to put up with here! That's what I call spectacular ignorance of epic proportions! :fie:
Well...... :undecided:
:jester: :D
For Taliban to reach doorsteps of India ...it will have to trample and cross the Pakistan that straddles in between.

I am sure Pakistan will not let itself be defeated by Taliban just to allow clear passage to it to reach India .

Pakistan has become victim of Frankenstein it created ...
PAKISTAN shift the fighters of haqqani network to iok . after withdrawal of usa and nato forces from Afghanistan .:enjoy:
even your generals knowzz that ..

Exactly !! Hence it should attract concrete action , isn't it ??
concrete action . by whom ? even usa failed ..

It will be a sucide for Talibaboons. India is not Afgan-Pakistan border.
nor indian forces as good as nato forces .
after all india is a 3rd world country ..
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PAKISTAN shift the fighters of haqqani network to iok . after withdrawal of usa and nato forces from Afghanistan .:enjoy:
even your generals knowzz that ..

concrete action . by whom ? even usa failed ..

Ok then no need to get tense, chill dude . :rofl:
Yes Taliban will come after them if they don't leave Kashmir and this war will be fought on Indian streets
Yes Taliban will come after them if they don't leave Kashmir and this war will be fought on Indian streets
Welcome to India
Yes Taliban will come after them if they don't leave Kashmir and this war will be fought on Indian streets
no they only love to kill muslims the dont kill hindus and americans m talking abt these TTP scums
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