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India will be Taliban's next target: Ex-NSA Narayanan


Aug 14, 2013
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India will be Taliban's next target: Ex-NSA Narayanan - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India will be the next target of terror groups like Taliban operating in Afghanistan if they succeeded in capturing power in the war-ravaged country, former national security adviser MK Narayanan said here on Monday.

The West Bengal governor also said what was particularly worrying was that Pakistan shows no inclination to desist from pursuing "high risk" strategies, and it appears determined to support Jihadist elements as a strategic instrumentality to keep India off balance.

Narayanan said given India's location, it is easy to see how the threat posed by terrorism — most of which emanates from outside the country's borders — is dependent on what prevails in the volatile and difficult neighbourhood.

"Surrender to extremist forces like Taliban in Afghanistan, and Pakistan's willingness to hold unconditional talks with Taliban have the gravest consequences for us," he said addressing the first Radha Vinod Raju memorial lecture organised on the occasion of National Investigation Agency Day.

Late RV Raju was the first director general of NIA, which was set up in the aftermath of Mumbai terror attack in 2008.

Narayanan, also former chief of Intelligence Bureau, said in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a combination of state weakness and the presence of myriad terrorist groups in both the countries constitutes a direct threat.

"Taliban extremism in both the countries shows no signs of muting itself ... the basic weakness in administration there and presence of various terror groups, including Taliban, allowed them to do what they like. If they succeeded in Afghanistan, India is their next target. That has always been the premise and presumption and therefore we need to be on our guard," he said.
They want to Scare India to choose India-USA Security Ties, which at the moment looking too much dull.
Unless, there is local support, these terrorist groups cannot survive. They may do something on the lines of 26/11, but cannot create havoc that they have unleashed in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Exactly. They cannot live among and recruit from the people, like they can in Pakistan. At most, they can do a terror attack once in a blue moon, if they manage to infiltrate through the border or sea. India is no Pakistan, and Indians are no Pakistanis. The Republic of India rests securely on firm foundations.
Indian citizens ought to worry about two things.

* Blowback from the continued occupation of Kashmir.

* So called 'anylists' who can't even differ between a terrorist movement and an insurgent movement.

Any blowback in Indian including Kashmir from Taliban will be squarely blamed on Pakistan. This will further isolate Pakistan from international community making it, as MMS spoke in UNGA, an epicenter of terrorism. So it in Pakistan's interest to stop these groups within your borders.

You created this monster called Taliban, now it is upon Pakistan to destroy it.
Indian citizens ought to worry about two things.

* Blowback from the continued occupation of Kashmir.

* So called 'anylists' who can't even differ between a terrorist movement and an insurgent movement.

If you mentioned about J&K.we heard that 'occupation' claim for last 65 years.But nothing happens.J&K will remain as integral part of India
Indian citizens ought to worry about two things.

* Blowback from the continued occupation of Kashmir.

* So called 'anylists' who can't even differ between a terrorist movement and an insurgent movement.

You mean poor Indians who cannot differentiate between good terrorists and bad ones. The sort of distinction that has led Pakistan into its present state. I'm glad we don't have that kind of 'analysts'.

Make no mistake - in India, anybody who picks a gun against the state or its citizens, will be killed with extreme prejudice. You can call them terrorists or insurgents or mujjus or lashkis or "freedom fighters" or god almighty, for all we care. For us, only the state has a legitimate right to the use of force, except in self defence. Anybody violating that principle will ingloriously lie in unmarked graves. Kashmiri policemen and their SOG will make sure of that.

Oh and BTW, the topic is about afghanistani talibans who might cause trouble for India post 2014. I find it amusing that you link it to Kashmir, and call it an "insurgent movement". Since when do people go do an insurgency in a faraway country? Afghans doing insurgency in Kashmir? Shouldn't insurgency or freedom fighting be done in one's own country?

In 1989 when the Soviets withdrew, ISI and Hamid Gul succesfully funneled the mujahideens to make Kashmir a hell. That is not going to happen again - the world class walling and border management we have since put up, and the world's best counter insurgency force (RR) we raised, and the sons of the soil, the salt of the Kashmiri earth, the policemen, will ensure that it won't happen again, except maybe for isolated attacks. And this time the talibs don't have any love for Pakistan - before reaching India, they have another country in between Afgh and India to deal with.
Time to seal our borders with Gurkha regiment

Anyone crosses border would be in two pieces. :)
As long as there's wood, there will be fire. Blame it on Pakistan as much as you want.

You have done it so many times, that no one believes you anymore.

As long as Kashmir is occupied and our people are opressed, India will remain a target of resistence.
As long as there's wood, there will be fire. Blame it on Pakistan as much as you want.

You have done it so many times, that no one believes you anymore.

As long as Kashmir is occupied and our people are opressed, India will remain a target of resistence.

Proverbs and cliches are easy to find. But Kashmir will remain India's. Not an inch shall come to you.
For Taliban to reach doorsteps of India ...it will have to trample and cross the Pakistan that straddles in between.

I am sure Pakistan will not let itself be defeated by Taliban just to allow clear passage to it to reach India .

Pakistan has become victim of Frankenstein it created ...
As long as there's wood, there will be fire. Blame it on Pakistan as much as you want.

You have done it so many times, that no one believes you anymore.

As long as Kashmir is occupied and our people are opressed, India will remain a target of resistence.


Extinguishing fire successfully since decades.
As long as there's wood, there will be fire. Blame it on Pakistan as much as you want.

You have done it so many times, that no one believes you anymore.

As long as Kashmir is occupied and our people are opressed, India will remain a target of resistence.

If you go by the definition: Pakistan is the occupying force and not India(The same is also mentioned in UN resolutions). India was invited by the king to thwart the Pakistani invasion into Kashmir.

Anyway, 'Kashmir is oppressed' has become rather cliché' and boring.

And will you be clear in what way 'Kashmir is oppressed'?

Did India denied Kashmiris their political right? No...Ali Shah Gelaani has as much right to become the prime minister of India as I have.

Did India denied Kashmiris their religious rights? No..India has 200 million Muslims and are flourishing

Did India denied Kashmiris their rights because they are ethnically different? No... India has more than 1000 ethnicities and there is no such thing as 'Indian Look'. North easterner look much different from a 'typical' Indian than ever a Kashmiri.

So on what ground Kashmiris are oppressed that other Indians are not?
Indian citizens ought to worry about two things.

* Blowback from the continued occupation of Kashmir.

* So called 'anylists' who can't even differ between a terrorist movement and an insurgent movement.[/* So called 'anylists' who can't even differ between a terrorist movement and an insurgent movement.[/* So called 'anylists' who can't even differ between a terrorist movement and an insurgent movement.[/* So called 'anylists' who can't even differ between a terrorist movement and an insurgent movement.

Insurgents like late Fazullah ?? Even your political leaders consider them insurgent.Take care ,I think your country's biggest province too has insurgency problem.Don't irritate us to the extent that things get out of control.
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