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India will be Taliban's next target: Ex-NSA Narayanan

its not India's responsibility to focus on our problems, just deal with your own **** before trying to remind the world of ours[/COLOR], and as for the number of terror organisations I stand corrected you have 65 organisations to deal with
65 terror groups active in India: Govt - The Hindu
try and google naxalism etc on India's terrorist incidents, I am not starting a dick measuring contest but giving plain facts....

Funnily enough, your first post on the thread was an advice to Indians on what our priorities should be. If only you had followed your own advice and bothered only about your problems, instead of telling us what our problems are...
Any blowback in Indian including Kashmir from Taliban will be squarely blamed on Pakistan. This will further isolate Pakistan from international community making it, as MMS spoke in UNGA, an epicenter of terrorism. So it in Pakistan's interest to stop these groups within your borders.

You created this monster called Taliban, now it is upon Pakistan to destroy it.

and how you think that will save India
Pakistan is screwed as of now and if things dont change in few years for the better, Pakistan would careless about what world thinks and does.
this is a stereotype perpetrated by the mass media, who in his right mind lets a thing that may or may not benefit him in the future kill him in the present, what you are saying has definately been true in the past but now the military has realized that the taliban and other proxies can never be trusted

So it is Pakistan and its army that has had trouble figuring out who to trust ad who not to. That is why you need not advice Indians to concentrate on the so called 65 separatist movements. We know who to beware of, and who not to. It's your judgement that shoulod worry you.
Funnily enough, your first post on the thread was an advice to Indians on what our priorities should be. If only you had followed your own advice and bothered only about your problems, instead of telling us what our problems are...

when you use hypothetical scenarios to belittle my country I have to give you neighborly advice to keep your opinion to your own self, since your reply has no scholarly value I am not even going to try and reply further.....Peace
Then you have not seen my posts on this topic

Let Pakistanis figure out our issues.

Ask not what pakistan can do for you

Ask what you can do for Pakistan.

Thank you

Nobody does anything for other. We live for us.

The point here I am making is that you cannot make peace with others by pointing a gun towards the other's forehead.

Here, in this case, the gun is Taliban.
So it is Pakistan and its army that has had trouble figuring out who to trust ad who not to. That is why you need not advice Indians to concentrate on the so called 65 separatist movements. We know who to beware of, and who not to. It's your judgement that shoulod worry you.

again no intellectual capacity for discussion seen in your post so I am ignoring it, Good Bye and Peace
its not India's responsibility to focus on our problems, just deal with your own **** before trying to remind the world of ours, and as for the number of terror organisations I stand corrected you have 65 organisations to deal with
65 terror groups active in India: Govt - The Hindu
try and google naxalism etc on India's terrorist incidents, I am not starting a dick measuring contest but giving plain facts....

again to answer your original question you had 181 killed in terrorist incidents in 2013

181 in whole India by 65 terrorist orgs including naxslism . Now compare that with your just one city Karachi's 2200+ death in 2013. That's why we need to focus on TTP more than 65+ terror orgs.
and how you think that will save India
Pakistan is screwed as of now and if things dont change in few years for the better, Pakistan would careless about what world thinks and does.

Give up that suicidal tendency. Learn to live. The fun is there in living and not in dying.
As long as there's wood, there will be fire. Blame it on Pakistan as much as you want.

You have done it so many times, that no one believes you anymore.

As long as Kashmir is occupied and our people are opressed, India will remain a target of resistence.
Dont you think same applies to Pakistan too.. In terms of wood that is... Isnt the risk of fire greater there.. ?
All India can do next to nothing about the terror infrastructure in Pakistan, all it can do is sure up its own security- Ie all it can do is fight the symptoms and not the cause. Pakistan is going to have sort its own issues out and hopefully long-term this will happen but there is little India can conceivably do to reduce the terror threat it faces. As such measures such as high-tech fencing along its land borders, expanding the Indian Coast Guard and installing a network of radar/EO tracking stations (measures it has taken) is about as much as it can do.
when you use hypothetical scenarios to belittle my country I have to give you neighborly advice to keep your opinion to your own self, since your reply has no scholarly value I am not even going to try and reply further.....Peace

I didn't paint any hypothetical scenarios. Maybe you confused my post with somebody else's. Nor did I belittle your country. My only point was that you came into the thread and ADVISED Indians about who we should worry about, and now you are ADVISING us tto keep our ADVICE to ourselves. You are the one who came here with unsolicited advice, so don't advice us to keep our advice to ourselves.

And pleas don't give me that "Oh you are not worth replying" crap, because my responses can only reflect the scope of the post I am responding to. You cannot expect scholarly analysis in a post that is simply telling you that your advice is unwanted and unnecessary.
181 in whole India by 65 terrorist orgs including naxslism . Now compare that with your just one city Karachi's 2200+ death in 2013. That's why we need to focus on TTP more than 65+ terror orgs.

I agree with your post 100%, the only thing I dont agree with is the ''we'', Pakistan will deal with the issue in its own way and you should in the mean while focus on yours, just shit slinging eachother is not going to get us anywhere, I wish you God speed on your journey and hope you do the same for mine......
"India will be the next target of terror groups like Taliban operating in Afghanistan if they succeeded in capturing power in the war-ravaged country, former national security adviser MK Narayanan said here on Monday."

It's a BIG IF actually. I won't even venture into the WHEN.

The Taliban will venture towards Kashmir only once their objectives in Afghanistan are met. Deny them Afghanistan, and Kashmir wont enter their head. :)

The World community is vigilant enough this time around to not allow afghanistan to fall back into the hands of Taliban. The country has a capable military force now, equipped with some decent firepower too. Once the ISAF/US withdraws, there won't even be many foreign targets for the Taliban to hurt and claim the tag of liberators like before.
Nobody does anything for other. We live for us.

The point here I am making is that you cannot make peace with others by pointing a gun towards the other's forehead.

Here, in this case, the gun is Taliban.

self interest drives being extremely nice with neighbors.

Read dawkins

"India will be the next target of terror groups like Taliban operating in Afghanistan if they succeeded in capturing power in the war-ravaged country, former national security adviser MK Narayanan said here on Monday."

It's a BIG IF actually. I won't even venture into the WHEN.

The Taliban will venture towards Kashmir only once their objectives in Afghanistan are met. Deny them Afghanistan, and Kashmir wont enter their head. :)

The World community is vigilant enough this time around to not allow afghanistan to fall back into the hands of Taliban. The country has a capable military force now, equipped with some decent firepower too. Once the ISAF/US withdraws, there won't even be many foreign targets for the Taliban to hurt and claim the tag of liberators like before.

Well said!

Too many ifs are being used to shoot stink out of butts
I didn't paint any hypothetical scenarios. Maybe you confused my post with somebody else's. Nor did I belittle your country. My only point was that you came into the thread and ADVISED Indians about who we should worry about, and now you are ADVISING us tto keep our ADVICE to ourselves. You are the one who came here with unsolicited advice, so don't advice us to keep our advice to ourselves.

And pleas don't give me that "Oh you are not worth replying" crap, because my responses can only reflect the scope of the post I am responding to. You cannot expect scholarly analysis in a post that is simply telling you that your advice is unwanted and unnecessary.

Does the Indian educational system teach hypocrisy as a subject ( retrace your posts to see what I mean), by painting hypothetical scenarios I meant the jack *** of a minister this article is about and I can judge exactly how much ''scholarly analysis'' you are capable of by the scope of your reply so stop acting like you are capable of it, this Indian act of blatant accusations on Pakistan is getting old you should try something new.......
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