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India will be hit by a super cyclone Amphan in the evening today

I hope there is no Fukushima part 2.
The risk is here of Fukushima. Although in Japan the cause was tsunami but this is the strongest storm Indian east cost will ever face in history. Tidal waves can be as dangerous.
I hope there is no Fukushima part 2.
The risk is here of Fukushima. Although in Japan the cause was tsunami but this is the strongest storm Indian east cost will ever face in history. Tidal waves can be as dangerous.
land fall will be at Gangetic Delta in West Bengal and Bangladesh far away from Tamil Nadu
land fall will be at Gangetic Delta in West Bengal and Bangladesh far away from Tamil Nadu
If land fall is even Tamil Nadu even then it will not effect atomic plant. The threat is not cyclone it is tidal waves. That will effect and for that land fall is mot required. There is an under construction reactor just south of this one that has already been effected by strong winds but that is not the threat as it is only building damage. This old plant is in danger there are no ocean barriers to guard it. Ocean side is open.
But huge storm surges are very possible towards the TN coast
Already past TN coast last night.

Very weak by super cyclone standards.
Last years was twice as strong.
Very weak by super cyclone standards.
Last years was twice as strong.

But fortunately that missed the Indian west coast and went away in to the Arabian sea, This one is heading on to impact while strengthening in to a mega storm
Someone needs to reboot 2020
Too many disasters in this version
Be it weekly earthquakes in Delhi to Chinese Raita called Covid19 to now mega storms threatening our coastal populations

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