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India will be hit by a super cyclone Amphan in the evening today

The cyclone epicenter will pass over my head on the day after tomorrow. Wish me luck.
It has been officially declared a super cyclone even before land fall. First in 21 years.

Just a thought. I believe Bangladesh has shelters built for such storms. I don't know if there are any in India.

By the way, who names these storms ?

Be it weekly earthquakes in Delhi

When ? I am not aware of this.

The cyclone epicenter will pass over my head on the day after tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Good luck.
Just a thought. I believe Bangladesh has shelters built for such storms. I don't know if there are any in India.

By the way, who names these storms ?

When ? I am not aware of this.

Good luck.

Their have been 4 earthquakes with in Delhi since April

but since their magnitude have been low at around 2.5 to 4 , so their has not been much damage
The risk is here of Fukushima. Although in Japan the cause was tsunami but this is the strongest storm Indian east cost will ever face in history. Tidal waves can be as dangerous.
This is the most strongest one in recorded history
Another notable one

Just a thought. I believe Bangladesh has shelters built for such storms. I don't know if there are any in India.

By the way, who names these storms ?

When ? I am not aware of this.

Good luck.
Amphan Cyclone has reached to 145kt (270kph). Amphan is now the strongest cyclone ever recorded in the Bay of Bengal, passing the 1999 Odisha cyclone (260kph).
Someone needs to reboot 2020
Too many disasters in this version
Be it weekly earthquakes in Delhi to Chinese Raita called Covid19 to now mega storms threatening our coastal populations
Remember the move "2012'. It shall be '2020'. I think they messed up the year..
More to come , the year of 2020 will be full of natural disaster.
Forget India it will rip through bangladesh. May Allah protect every one from this disaster at a time when everyone is struggling from COVID 19. Ya Arab apni Makhlooq pay reham farma aur sab ki bakhshish kar day.
Their have been 4 earthquakes with in Delhi since April

but since their magnitude have been low at around 2.5 to 4 , so their has not been much damage

Not good, not good.. That is a early sign of incoming massive earthquake.
But fortunately that missed the Indian west coast and went away in to the Arabian sea, This one is heading on to impact while strengthening in to a mega storm
Not at all.
This one is half the strength of Fani which hit last year
Not at all.
This one is half the strength of Fani which hit last year

Where do you get your information from ? :disagree:

Super Cyclonic Storm #Amphan is the 1st SUCS in the Bay of Bengal since the 1999 Odisha Cyclone, which holds the record for the strongest cyclone in BOB with top sustained winds of 265 km/h (160mph) & pressure of 912mb. The Arabian Sea had Super Cyclonic Storm Kyarr in 2019.
By the way, who names these storms ?


Northern Indian Ocean Names - Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal

The RSMC New Delhi Tropical Cyclone Center is responsible to name the tropical cyclones that have formed over the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea when they have reached the relevant intensity.

In 2020, the first name to be used will be the one not used yet from the list: Amphan (suggestion by Thailand)

The WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones (herafter the Panel) at its twenty-seventh Session held in 2000 in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, agreed in principal to assign names to the tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. The naming of the tropical cyclones over north Indian Ocean commenced from September 2004, with names provided by eight Members. Since then, five countries have joined the Panel.

  • The Panel Member’s names are listed alphabetically country wise.
  • The names will be used sequentially column wise.
  • The first name will start from the first row of column one and continue sequentially to the last row in the column thirteen.
  • The names of tropical cyclones over the north Indian Ocean will not be repeated, once used it will cease to be used again. The name should be new. It should not be there in the already existing list of any of the RSMCs worldwide including RSMC New Delhi.
  • The name of a tropical cyclone from south China Sea which crosses Thailand and emerge into the Bay of Bengal as a Tropical cyclone will not be changed.

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