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India welcome to explore oil and gas in Vietnam: Vietnam President

no problem. Remember to carry some lifeboats at high sea.

---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

Why is China such a bully ? Vietnam is a sovereign country and they can have a good relation with anyone they want to have. They can invite anyone to their sovereign sea area as designated by international laws. Why is China showing such ridiculous attitude ?

I wish India do the same!
Sure it's important...If China engineering to divert any indirect flow to Ganges especially those rivers that flown from Tibet to nepal then merge to Ganges...400 millions Indians will in great panics...I certainly woundn't do anything to Brahmaputra River..because it will affect Bangladesh
As to Ganges,it is originated from Uttarakhand state of India.
What are yu talking about? Vietnam will never escape China's gravity, this country has been within our claw for millenium, you know what's mean tributary state? they will forever be indirectly, When China regain it strengh and power, Vietnamese government will crawl to Beiing begging for pardon as old time. As for you Indian, we will come to Indian ocean for good...and be ready to welcome us :lol:

Where were your claw during Mongol invasion period ??We only saw lots of Han fled to VN and seek for protection :lol:

Wake up , bro, we control far more islands in Spratly than you now , with US-India-Japan help, we will take back few illegally occupied islands from you soon.:P
Hey buddy, It is entirely Sri Lanka's wish whom they want to give oil contracts to. It is their sovereign right. Let us respect that right please.

China is not a nation that keeps its promises..they are known all over the world for their backstabbing..
Do u really think China will have only economic interests in Sri lanka? How long before they start putting their naval ships in our vicinity in the name of protecting their economic interests

I am all for not interfering in Sri lanka's economic or military or political decisions..But when their choices affect our national sovereignty, we should and will have to act and nullify that threat by any means possible.
What are yu talking about? Vietnam will never escape China's gravity, this country has been within our claw for millenium, you know what's mean tributary state? they will forever be indirectly, When China regain it strengh and power, Vietnamese government will crawl to Beiing begging for pardon as old time. As for you Indian, we will come to Indian ocean for good...and be ready to welcome us :lol:

---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

India should? why not do it now...big mouth :lol:..you Indians should know where your drinking water from :lol:

We're living in the 21st century sir, not in the time when Chinese claimed the entire world as their "Under Heaven" (天下)。 So, please stop your sweet dream about that glory past and your tributary system.
Now, I partly understand my teacher's saying when he arrived in Beijing at the 2008 Beijing Olympic. He said" Chinese people show great hospitality but sometimes it's really annoying while they keep talking about the past, particularly their history".

In fact, there was time in the past when Vietnam was China's tributary state but now Vietnam is an independent state already sir. It's an obvious fact and people all over the world do recognizance that, only Chinese like could not realize.

Who say China is not a world power now. Indeed, it is. But we don't care. We like India, we sell oil for her. We do not like China, we drive you out of the South China Sea, that's simple.

Don't worry after few weeks everyting will be over, Vietnamese gorvernment will come to China ask for moneys and Investments, not only that it will offer China bring chineses to exploit some mining resource and do construction project in Vietnam...it will be a win-win...don't you think? :lol:
We're fed up with low-tech, short-value, environmentally harmful and resources extracting Chinese investments and projects here in Vietnam sir.
Do not talk about a win-win cooperation when Chinese do not intend to have any long-term relationship with Vietnam. For China, it's only about resources extracting and cheap goods exporting to kill the Vietnamese homegrown economy.
I certainly woundn't do anything to Brahmaputra River..because it will affect Bangladesh

Oh thank you dragon emperor... We are nothing without your mercy. On a serious note, how insignificant should a person's opinion in China be that they decide to become policy makers on defence forums and live in make believe world.

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

I wish India do the same!

Instead of spitting venom, tell me what has India done that makes you sound depressed ?
Where were your claw during Mongol invasion period ??We only saw lots of Han fled to VN and seek for protection :lol:

Wake up , bro, we control far more islands in Spratly than you now , with US-India-Japan help, we will take back few illegally occupied islands from you soon.:P

Sure SOS vietnam call for help :lol:...how much you Vietnamese had enjoyed your so call "more islands in Spratly"? we can take back any time...you have no place to hide...as for Mongol...you know Inner mongolia? :lol:
As to Ganges,it is originated from Uttarakhand state of India.

Oh no. why did you burst my emperor's bubble. He was happy in his world of total control. It is unfortunate that some members think they are supreme and try to throw mercy on poor Indians.
Oh thank you dragon emperor... We are nothing without your mercy. On a serious note, how insignificant should a person's opinion in China be that they decide to become policy makers on defence forums and live in make believe world.

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

Instead of spitting venom, tell me what has India done that makes you sound depressed ?

This is funny, I don't know why you don't hear these news out there. When we call for bids for oil exploration in Mannar basin India is worrying about it.
Star√ation;2179144 said:
We're living in the 21st century sir, not in the time when Chinese claimed the entire world as their "Under Heaven" (天下)。 So, please stop your sweet dream about that glory past and your tributary system.
Now, I partly understand my teacher's saying when he arrived in Beijing at the 2008 Beijing Olympic. He said" Chinese people show great hospitality but sometimes it's really annoying while they keep talking about the past, particularly their history".

In fact, there was time in the past when Vietnam was China's tributary state but now Vietnam is an independent state already sir. It's an obvious fact and people all over the world do recognizance that, only Chinese like could not realize.

Who say China is not a world power now. Indeed, it is. But we don't care. We like India, we sell oil for her. We do not like China, we drive you out of the South China Sea, that's simple.

We're fed up with low-tech, short-value, environmentally harmful and resources extracting Chinese investments and projects here in Vietnam sir.
Do not talk about a win-win cooperation when Chinese do not intend to have any long-term relationship with Vietnam. For China, it's only about resources extracting and cheap goods exporting to kill the Vietnamese homegrown economy.

Said what ever you want...that fact is Vietnam will never escape Chinese's gravity wether you like or not...that's the reality...you can call up any power you want but we will alway manage to get you one way or other...just matter of time
I wish India do the same!

be thankful that india is nothing like china. if it was, there would be no sri lanka.

just ask china's neighbors who are piss scared of the big bully

This is funny, I don't know why you don't hear these news out there. When we call for bids for oil exploration in Mannar basin India is worrying about it.

have we harrased ur ships or cut ur cables like china does to vietnam?
Oh no. why did you burst my emperor's bubble. He was happy in his world of total control. It is unfortunate that some members think they are supreme and try to throw mercy on poor Indians.

Don't laugh so fast..do a little research about Ganges rivers before you regret it...
be thankful that india is nothing like china. if it was, there would be no sri lanka.

just ask china's neighbors who are piss scared of the big bully

have we harrased ur ships or cut ur cables like china does to vietnam?

AS I alway said Indians are not angels...that's why we evil Chinese are in India Ocean to take care of you...Poison is a good antidote against another poison...enemy of enemy is a friend.
Oh no. why did you burst my emperor's bubble. He was happy in his world of total control. It is unfortunate that some members think they are supreme and try to throw mercy on poor Indians.
Actually it will be a thrilling nightmare for any one including emperor himself to face a real dragon.
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