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India welcome to explore oil and gas in Vietnam: Vietnam President

It is merely a political gesture made by the vets to piss China off. If indians were to come, it will a one way trip. You come, you drown and you die. And oil is bured deep under sea as usual.
Cut out your expansionist ego and see how friendly the entire region becomes to China.
It is a fact that all cooperation projects between Vietnam and other partners in the field of oil and gas are located on the continental shelf, within the exclusive economic zone and under the sovereign rights and jurisdiction of Vietnam, entirely in conformity with international laws, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Talking about expansionism, you really should listen to your neighbours, Thailand, Cambodia.
Thanks to the Viets, Royal Thai Army have Chinese Tanks and their navy have Chinese made frigates.
We have given one block for China, There are some more blocks may be India is thinking we will give those to China as well.

Srilanka is repeating the same mistakes it committed in 1960's w.r.t India when it USA to scare india and look what consequences they faced for 3 decades..

It is again bringing China thinking It will scare us...but they have not understood we are very good at protecting our interests..
Talking about expansionism, you really should listen to your neighbours, Thailand, Cambodia.
Thanks to the Viets, Royal Thai Army have Chinese Tanks and their navy have Chinese made frigates.
As I can remember we destroyed many Chinese tanks in 1979 already :lol:,

An even Israel best tank also can be destroyed by Rpg-29 that we have alot , bro :lol:
We have given one block for China, There are some more blocks may be India is thinking we will give those to China as well.
you know what..India will just do fine without srilankan oil..
Srilanka is repeating the same mistakes it committed in 1960's w.r.t India when it USA to scare india and look what consequences they faced for 3 decades..

It is again bringing China thinking It will scare us...but they have not understood we are very good at protecting our interests..

Hey buddy, It is entirely Sri Lanka's wish whom they want to give oil contracts to. It is their sovereign right. Let us respect that right please.
The sad truth for you people and the Viet is neither of you have the capital or know-how to develop oil in the high sea. That's why both of the two countries relies heavily on foreign oil, especially for India. If the Saudis cut you off, you'll find yourselves out of oil for 9 month of the year.

When I say the know-how, I mean something like this,

Heard about Bombay High, genius? You need to come out of your frog's pond and stop feeding on what the CCP tells you alone. Capability my foot. Talk about yourself when you're twice as much dependent on foreign oil as we are.

Lack of capital? :lol: Guess the money has gotten into your head.

It is merely a political gesture made by the vets to piss China off. If indians were to come, it will a one way trip. You come, you drown and you die. And oil is bured deep under sea as usual.

News for you, einstein. We're already there with ONGC Videsh. Now don't say you don't see because oil rigs take time to be setup. Give it your best shot. What's stopping you? :devil:

The fox which has its tail cut telling another fox how nice it feels to lose the tail!

Says someone who not just got its tail cut but the entire bone structure removed 4 times and almost the 5th time. :rofl:

Calling Vietnam a fox? You need some serious history lessons in international warfare.

Sri Lanka also invited to all other nations for oil exploration but our problem is India now.

Can you tell us WHERE we said no to anyone you invited? Within your EEZ you can call anyone and we internationally cannot do much. What are you talking about? :what:

I am not sure till how long Vietnam will sustain the pressure from China to allow India to explore oil in South China sea? I really doubt it...

You need to know about Vietnamese, bhai. They handled the dragon far far better than what the joker called Nehru did. Viets ain't the kind of people who take shyte in their own region and call it "ahimsa". ;)
Hey buddy, It is entirely Sri Lanka's wish whom they want to give oil contracts to. It is their sovereign right. Let us respect that right please.

Wasn't it Cairn's Indian subsidary which struck oil in Sri Lanka?
Sri Lanka also invited to all other nations for oil exploration but our problem is India now.

Please remember that your have only one neighbour and that is India
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