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India warns Pakistan of more pain in Kashmir fighting

Shouting persons never do anything...Although it sounds very offensive but Indian political establishment should understand that ...Learn something from China...How many times do you see they provide such domestic consumption statements?.....Either do something silently or not put such kind of silly statements...
I think according to UN resolution; both India and Pakistan should go for a referendum in Kashmir and let Kashmiries decide about their future. At current Kashmir is the only major issue between Pakistan and India which is causing such clashes and only civilians are getting effected. As per my knowledge the people of both countries love each others and want a peaceful movement to both side but Leaders................................
not going into more detail but I request you all to please discuss the things where you could get a solution to this problem and not the War. Remember one thing... "NO ONE CAN WIN A WAR" every one looses.
Before that, Pak needs to retreat to status quo ante bellum and that is the accord of the treaty.
You ought to be. Big brother is after your beef! :D
I thought Indian dont eat beef. btw happy diwali

I hope there is no fire work on border on this day .. we can start fighting after people enjoy their Holy holiday
Shayad Indians ko Hamara. Beef Khana acha nahi laga isiliye Eid k Din Firing kardi ?
Here's a short video of Indian mortar shelling of a Pakistani post as video-graphed from a nearby Pakistani bunker.....This vid is just 20 seconds, but this firing from the Indian side continued throughout the day on many Pakistani posts.

Youtube iz Banned .....
write that 1000 times .....so that u remember this NEXT TIME
Before that, Pak needs to retreat to status quo ante bellum and that is the accord of the treaty.
That is the problem with both countries.. Pakistan asks the same to India. The policy of "We'll do everything but you can't" is not applicable anymore.
Hell's bells! That sucks! I think you guys should approach your Supreme Court to file a PIL to lift the ban! You don't know what your missing!
Huh...! Our Supreme Court was involved in massive Rigging of 2013 Election
Look what they did to IK and they wont do anything Positive for us until they've some hope of CORRUPTION and money involve cases
(Reuters) -

Indian army commanders, for their part, were incensed by the killing of a soldier on their side of the Line of Control in Kashmir in a remote-controlled explosion that they blamed on militants backed by Pakistani army regulars.

This is exactly the kind of thing that could easily be set up as a false flag operation by RAW.
A remote-controlled explosion is the kind of event in which India can accuse Pakistan of having set it up; yet who can prove that it was Indian agents themselves who planted the device there as a way of creating a conflict?
You can not give more pain to someone who's whole body is wounded and have severe pain in it i.e. Pakistan.
That is the problem with both countries.. Pakistan asks the same to India. The policy of "We'll do everything but you can't" is not applicable anymore.
It's not the matter of asking. According to the treaty, Pak has to de-mobilize first. And if they want India to do the same, then there should be some trust. We cannot give independence to Kashmir simply bcoz they are demanding. People need to understand that the best for them can be done by India only. Kashmir has managed a better per capita income, PPP and adult literacy than many parts of Pak.
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