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India wants land access to Afghanistan-Tajikistan,Pakistan denies

It will be a cold day in hell before we allow an enemy state to use our land!
Solve Kashmir issue and you will get the best friend on next door. Simple as straight.
Solve Kashmir issue and you will get the best friend on next door. Simple as straight.

Assume that means India give up Kashmir. Nope. No interest. That's an asking price for "friendship" that will never get paid.
We should rather shove a middle finger(of course wrapped in a glove) up their smelly @sses..Oh wait ! we just did..:lol:
Assume that means India give up Kashmir. Nope. No interest. That's an asking price for "friendship" that will never get paid.

Nope that doesn't mean that all.. It's your politicians are making up. Go and check the 7 proposed solutions including 3 of them being argued and then Indian politicians running away from it.

And we already know Indians will never interested in friendship, that's why Manmohan didn't come back to Pakistan even when Pakistani PM went, same as modi did... It is Indian politician's mentality to show how monstrous Pakistan is , and how victimised you poor people are. You don't want friendship yet blame others for being cruel on you. Be it Bangalis who are stealing your land, China, or your old alley Nepal. Some who don't have choice surrenders, But Pakistan is much big in region to accept Indian supremacy. So lets solve the issues and move or you sit in 70 years ignorance and we will move into globalization.
Nope that doesn't mean that all.. It's your politicians are making up. Go and check the 7 proposed solutions including 3 of them being argued and then Indian politicians running away from it.

What solutions? Put it up here.

And we already know Indians will never interested in friendship, that's why Manmohan didn't come back to Pakistan even when Pakistani PM went, same as modi did... It is Indian politician's mentality to show how monstrous Pakistan is , and how victimised you poor people are. You don't want friendship yet blame others for being cruel on you. Be it Bangalis who are stealing your land, China, or your old alley Nepal. Some who don't have choice surrenders, But Pakistan is much big in region to accept Indian supremacy.

Yup, things like 26/11 really help in creating an atmosphere of goodwill.

So lets solve the issues and move or you sit in 70 years ignorance and we will move into globalization.

Solution already exists. You want to change the status quo, the onus is on you to come up with one that will meet with Indian approval.
You can't realistically expect us to open such a huge trade link on the assurance of ' there would be talks '. All will happen in due time but right now the relations are very strained due to various issues and thus for now India will have to use other links...

With talks the cold Ice that is upon us will thaw and melt which will allow more trade and approving of such trade links... Just bcz our NSA met and FM came doesn't mean that we bend over...

Pursue talks and melt the ice then this will come to pass. Simple as that.
What solutions? Put it up here.

There are multiple threads running on kashmir where I did put up those solutions. Don't have time to re-discuss, when point here is just to refute. Like I said it's mentality. If you want to solve solutions are out there, accept or reject will come only once both side sit on table or run away like as usual.

Yup, things like 26/11 really help in creating an atmosphere of goodwill.

Again, same old discussion. I am still unable to explain how can Ajmal Qasab say bhagwan mujhe kabhi maaf nahin karray ga? Grow up. Interior Punjabi ascent is much different from Urdu speaking of Karachi Hyderabad. This facts we know but you will deny. So lets be it like this.

Solution already exists. You want to change the status quo, the onus is on you to come up with one that will meet with Indian approval.

In globalization there is no status quo. And it's just 15 years more when you will realize yourself. But will it be too late? You people have good palmist to check that out.
It will be a cold day in hell before we allow an enemy state to use our land!
It is forcasted India will be quite hot tomorrow, so all good
You support terrorism in Balochistan. Watching Indian news for couple of hours is enough to prove that you guys support separatism. You have trained and financed MQM militancy which is well established and people have confessed to being trained in India. NDS under your supervision shelters, trains, arms and finances TTP. BJP and Indian media spews venom against Pakistan relentlessly. They have created an atmosphere of hate and war hysteria bringing entire region dangerously close to war. You guys have mixed politics with sports, a shamefully low standards of international diplomacy. You guys can't even stand losing to our hockey team.

If it is the trade access you wanted, then you should not have taken this route. If you want a favor, be nice. We will consider it after we see the change. Please remember, India has nothing to offer in this trade deal. You are not giving any access to any party. Your bargaining position is weak. If you still want to play macho, by all means use Chahbahar port. Don't embarrass yourself with repeated requests.

Yr dossier to the UN about Indian involvment in Balcohistan has been rejected by UN. Secondly the freedom struggle is indeed indigenous.Indians don't come to Balcohistan to attack yr gas pipelines,kindnap baloch activists or attack trains coming from Rawalpindi nor protest on the streets of Quetta. First is was Nawab Akbar Bugti and now Brahma Bugti,one goes another comes. About BJP spreading hate,u have Bhutto talking of 1000 year war with India which is alright for you. What about Hafeez Sayeed and other miltitant leaders giving anti Indian speeches. Lastly if MQM is a terrorist party according to you,then why don't u ban MQM. How did MQM contested local elections,do u have answer. Are there laws in Pakistan,Yr logic is indeed poor . Well it is true the MQM had written letters to UN and several other countries including India highlighting the kidnapping,killing and disapperance of MQM workers,mqm ppl also protested outside the UN assembly when Nawaz Sharief was giving a speech.
Baba Ji ka thullu :haha::haha:
And then pakistani say we dont talk.
what is the point of talking if there is going to be NO for every development policies of the region ?
If these talks also fail, dont expect talks anytime soon.
let them be happy once chabahar corridoor is oprational we wont even need to talk to them.... jo hota hai kuch achhe ke liye hi hota hai :coffee:

Games- where? In Pakistan nobody comes, in India you won't come.

Student to Student exchange program- ever heard about SAARc or south Asian University in New Delhi?

Cultural Exchange program- Almost all of your top musicians and artists stay in India more than they do in Pakistan.

Add to that, India already has given MFN status to Pakistan but Pakistan is yet to reciprocate.

100s if not 1000s come to India for free medical treatment.

India has offered its stattelites to its SAARC fellow members, but only Pakistan has rejected the offer. All other nations have shown interest.
in short tum roothe hum chootte :sarcastic:
India should be allowed to join this route but through Pakistani Trucking Companies. :-) They should pay money to NLC to transport their goods to Afganistan.
I say stick with Chabahar route
Yr dossier to the UN about Indian involvment in Balcohistan has been rejected by UN. Secondly the freedom struggle is indeed indigenous.Indians don't come to Balcohistan to attack yr gas pipelines,kindnap baloch activists or attack trains coming from Rawalpindi nor protest on the streets of Quetta. First is was Nawab Akbar Bugti and now Brahma Bugti,one goes another comes. About BJP spreading hate,u have Bhutto talking of 1000 year war with India which is alright for you. What about Hafeez Sayeed and other miltitant leaders giving anti Indian speeches. Lastly if MQM is a terrorist party according to you,then why don't u ban MQM. How did MQM contested local elections,do u have answer. Are there laws in Pakistan,Yr logic is indeed poor . Well it is true the MQM had written letters to UN and several other countries including India highlighting the kidnapping,killing and disapperance of MQM workers,mqm ppl also protested outside the UN assembly when Nawaz Sharief was giving a speech.

Do you really think we are so naive? We don't know how you are playing the game?

Your comments are so full of lies and hate. And you want trade access? We ain't Nepal.

As I said, learn to respect if you need something from us. Or else you can use Chahbahar port. Hate mongering won't lead you any where.

P.S. I'm a Baloch by the way and know exactly what is happening in Baloch lands.
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