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India vs China - a comparative statistica

True that "INDIA keep it up".

But you missed miserably the fact that 60+ years ago, India was much richer and stronger than China in many areas such as literacy, GDP, etc.

Superpower, ...of course, but not unless it abdicates the throne of illiteracy, child death, pregnant women death, infant mortality, malnutrition...

Frankly, I love to see their competition in these areas more than in military powers.

Very true - let India get ahead - then the Chinese in PRC will actually have a model to recommend to themselves and say "told you so" to the CCPers ...

So I wish Mother India all the best.

As I always say - stand-down with Pakistan, resolve Kashmir (i.e., let Kashmir become "independent" while India keeps Jammu and Pak keeps Azad), and everybody can get on with lifting folks out of poverty and shooting rockets to the moon.

Now PRC will have wise up on an "independent", but friendly Taiwan eventually, too (a separate, but related kettle of fish, although not immediately germane).

Then the people of the extended region can all talk futher integration and :blah:.

Until then - :cheers: to nuclear ahimsa.
China is too powerful India so no need to compare.......
india is weaker then china russia and USA and everyone knows....these three countries are very strong nations so dont compare any ohter nation with the three mega powers
for the first time in this forum, i am seeing sane comments from all sides...There is hope in this world!
china is very strong compared to India. India's comparison with china is only possible when its economy is at least 2.5 times times larger than today.
Very true - let India get ahead - then the Chinese in PRC will actually have a model to recommend to themselves and say "told you so" to the CCPers ...

So I wish Mother India all the best.

As I always say - stand-down with Pakistan, resolve Kashmir (i.e., let Kashmir become "independent" while India keeps Jammu and Pak keeps Azad), and everybody can get on with lifting folks out of poverty and shooting rockets to the moon.

Now PRC will have wise up on an "independent", but friendly Taiwan eventually, too (a separate, but related kettle of fish, although not immediately germane).

Then the people of the extended region can all talk futher integration and :blah:.

Until then - :cheers: to nuclear ahimsa.

Fair enough,but my friend if everything goes as per China's wish then we would be living in the Great Ya Ya World of the Yahoos!:P
As a stronger nation if China expects these wishes to come true then u must show some form of concession and free Tibet first,then all the tiny pieces of the terrible gigsaw will fall in place.

No pun intended.

Chinese military power is mainly meant for the East. .

Wrong..its not for east. even China admits its for west.

India is still relatively irrelevant to overall Chinese national interest.

No one can agree to this completely, else a tie up with Pakistan, String of pearl are meaningless. You andd me both know that its been done for a purpose and the purpose is China is concerned to do this alone.

Interest groups in India want to grab more taxpayer's money by hyping up Chinese “incursion”/threat, so big cheeses can fatten their bank accounts further through eight bribery/embezzlement or sales of lying papers and sub-quality military wares

To grab taxpayer's money. Like what just making it a news. News doesnt add that much to our GDP anyway...:lol:
Fair enough,but my friend if everything goes as per China's wish then we would be living in the Great Ya Ya World of the Yahoos!:P
As a stronger nation if China expects these wishes to come true then u must show some form of concession and free Tibet first,then all the tiny pieces of the terrible gigsaw will fall in place.

No pun intended.

The Chinese government has made it repeatedly clear to the world that Taiwan and Tibet are "core interests". That's diplomatic speak for War.
I don't think it going to change.
India must focus on absolute measures like calorie intake, child mortality, literacy, access to primary health, safe water and sanitation, electricity for all, etc. Dollars and per capita and GDP growth will all reflect the investment in these areas. Actually, by these stats, it looks like India has more road KMs compared to China and almost similar rail length. That is news for me. I also know that China's arable land from CIA stats is smaller than India's. This is because in reality 2/3rd of China is a waste land. For all practical purposes, China lives pretty much in its eastern sea board which is only 1/3 rd of entire China. That area is the real comparison. In that 1/3rd area, China has achieved 3 times more output than India. I have always seen India and China as the same size when looked at livable areas. This is why perhaps the road and rail KMs in both countries are almost similar. One only has to look at China's density map to know that India and China are pretty much the same size. It is just that India's service industry focus means less volume output than China's. I would not for one minute believe unsupportable theories that some Chinese members here regurgitate constantly. India needs to get its installed power capacity to 3 times its present position, to around 500GW. And educate its masses both in "Services" and "manufacturing" and allowing them to CHOOSE which way they want to go, rather than imposing the slave wages that China has imposed on its people, with debilitating consequences for the world. Just look at the unabashed gift giving culture in the US largely comprised of $5 teddy bears on Valentine's Day and you'll note how much garbage we are producing. First Indians are not being rational if they think that their livable area size is less than China's.
India must focus on absolute measures like calorie intake, child mortality, literacy, access to primary health, safe water and sanitation, electricity for all, etc. Dollars and per capita and GDP growth will all reflect the investment in these areas. Actually, by these stats, it looks like India has more road KMs compared to China and almost similar rail length. That is news for me. I also know that China's arable land from CIA stats is smaller than India's. This is because in reality 2/3rd of China is a waste land. For all practical purposes, China lives pretty much in its eastern sea board which is only 1/3 rd of entire China. That area is the real comparison. In that 1/3rd area, China has achieved 3 times more output than India. I have always seen India and China as the same size when looked at livable areas. This is why perhaps the road and rail KMs in both countries are almost similar. One only has to look at China's density map to know that India and China are pretty much the same size. It is just that India's service industry focus means less volume output than China's. I would not for one minute believe unsupportable theories that some Chinese members here regurgitate constantly. India needs to get its installed power capacity to 3 times its present position, to around 500GW. And educate its masses both in "Services" and "manufacturing" and allowing them to CHOOSE which way they want to go, rather than imposing the slave wages that China has imposed on its people, with debilitating consequences for the world. Just look at the unabashed gift giving culture in the US largely comprised of $5 teddy bears on Valentine's Day and you'll note how much garbage we are producing. First Indians are not being rational if they think that their livable area size is less than China's.

Gee, why doesn't India just hire you and all of their problems would solved.
China is very strong in "Manufacturing" compared to India and produces 3 times the industrial output. Not overall. I think it is important to be rational and scientific in discussions. I do not consider producing massive amounts of cheap goods for the world to consume as "powerful". Not everyone agrees with this cheap manufacturing led consumption. I really do not think we want another cheap manufacturing led manufacturing from India. Better to produce quality products and pay fair wages. keeps everything, including the environment, in balance. Will Indians pay heed? Only time will tell.
India must focus on absolute measures like calorie intake, child mortality, literacy, access to primary health, safe water and sanitation, electricity for all, etc.
Dude, have you heard about corruption ?? We spend more on poverty than you, but their is alot to change. Nothing reaches the poor. According to the figures a couple of years back, for every 1 rupee spend on poor, only 1 paise reaches them (1 rupee=100 paise), in short only 1 % reaches them.

You don't understand the problem in India. Nobody wants to solve the actual problems. If poverty, road and infrastructure like issues will be solved then on what issues will our parties fight the election ??/ Racism, religious difference, regional differences are definitely the issues but the parties cannot salvage them all the time.

My uncle is a social worker in M.P. (a state in India), he was telling that government is pouring alot of money for the poor. The situation is like, the farmers have stopped working and they wait for the village to come under draught hit, which they actually come in summer and the farmers get their money without doing work. Not to mention, NREGA scheme is a mess. People are readdy to take daily wages but since no one is their to monitor, they don't work. Not to mention what collectors do with NREGA money. There was a report according to which almost all the collectors in MP where involved in corruption cases especially NREGA, MP government had sent a plea to HC because it would sabotage the state's reputation.

Now lets compare India vs Pakistan :). Its ironic that such kind of thread is open by a Pakistani and not a Chinese.
Then use technology or something. Find a way. It is a struggle but you have to overcome. I dont have the answers neither does America. But you must find a way and that too quickly. I believe using IT is the best way to tackle corruption as everything is there on a system and evidence can be recorded for effective prosecution, should there be any malfeasance. Rapid implementation of IT in governance using India's famed IT companies might be the real solution. Or perhaps even learn from China's judicial system? How are they tackling corruption when the power structure there is so much similar to India? Maybe this is the area where ordinary Indians could get help from Chinese. Just my thoughts.
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