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India Vs. Australia WC 2015

I hope so too. But facts are against India.

Another troll in the forum. You losers have a lot of free time in your hands eh? Stop being an embarrassment to the country.
no,not up to your standard still in learning curve.By looking by the amount posts you post i can rather guess you have much more free time,do some work and make your family proud rather than posting BS in pdf.I guess hindi is your weak point uski doesn't means literally you,people generally say dog(kutta, which i find very degrading as i find they are most loyal because i am an avid dog lover,got 14 of them lol).it was not directed against you(you misunderstood)and regarding dho daala that's for you because he literally whooped your a_s.By keeping your username Indian patriot doesn't mean you are Indian or more Indian or patriot than others.
Both were and are capable of playing good cricket on their own. I think it rather proves the point about how dynastic it NOT.

Congratz you are the first person I have talked to who thinks Rohan Gavaskarwas a good cricketer at international level.
You are a special one.
Did I say international cricket ? Go to sleep, you're seeing things.

He wanted to play, played, retired. No one gave him a seat just because he was gavaskar's son. Gave him a chance maybe ? Yes.

Keep the taunts. I'm better at it.

There you go.Finally you got it.
Well done.
LoL...like everybody else. So ? He was a player himself who played cricket..not a dumbass on the internet like you. He did deserve the chance. He did not deserve the place in the team, just by being gavaskar's son if that is what you mean. He just got a chance to play for it like 100 other players. Nobody helped him an ounce more.

Have a point before saying anything, too many smartasses online nowadays. Like I said, it's late, go to sleep.

Dumbass, smartass...big words for someone with IQ equal to a chimp.
Play attention in English class in school,
Forget about difficulty in comprehending other people's posts, you are contradicting yourself.
This idiot agrees with me that Rohan Gavaskar played in international cricket because of his father but claims I am wrong in saying this is the dynastic effect.

Moreover he is persisting with his convulated line of thought and hurling insults at me like a monkey throwing faecal matter at onlookers from a glass cage.
All this at 4 am in the morning.

Truly a special breed of retard.
Was he helped through it unfairly because he was gavaskar's son ? No. Still with me dumbass ? Goood !

He just got one favor . That is, to apply for the national team. His career is built on his capabilities. Nobody helped him through it. Ok ?

If you can figure out the contradiction in your own post, I will offer you a banana as your reward.
Get on it Abu :D
Guys , I used to watch highlights of the match on my cricket highlights , but they dont show them anymore , maybe 2 mins of batting each team.
Where can I watch proper 10- 15 mins highlights of previous matches .
Much Much appreciated.
That was not really a favor per as , why are you getting your panties in a a bunch "top gun"

A hundred guys apply for the Indian team every single day. It was 101 that day. What favor ?

Favor is too strong a word for it.

First you claim he got a favour and you now claim he didn't?

Let me quote you O smart one

He just got one favor . That is, to apply for the national team.

Talking to you is like watching a trained chimp trying to play a game of cards.
You know the chimp is gonna fail, but by gosh, its entertaining :D

Guys , I used to watch highlights of the match on my cricket highlights , but they dont show them anymore , maybe 2 mins of batting each team.
Where can I watch proper 10- 15 mins highlights of previous matches .
Much Much appreciated.

Star sports official website gives match highlights in bite sized pieces of 2 mins.
You can try that :-)
Dynastic effect that a state level proven cricketer himself was merely given a chance to apply for the national team ?

Every state level cricketer is eligible to play for national team.
Considering Rohan for national team is no favour by selectors, genius.

Would you be gracious enough to elaborate on the nature of favour your highness mentioned here.
He just got one favor . That is, to apply for the national team.

Also I would like you to gently remove whatever hard object you are witholding within the boundaries of your anal sphincter while having a conversation with me.
That would help in getting rid of the unpleasantness of your general tone.
some noxious verbal diarrhoea possibly owing to personal butthurt

Are you Rohan's bitch by any chance ?
That would go a long way in explaining the context of this conversation :D
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That was the only help he ever got for being gavaskar's son.

Does this mean you are now back to agreeing with me about Dynastic effect ?

Have I finally trained you to grasp the fkin point with my patience and persistence ?
No. It does not. However it indicates comprehension issues as well with you.

anyway, you give some proof of this "dynastic effect" you paraded. Let's see that.

Proof is for publishing .
We are hypothesizing here.
I don't expect you to know the difference.
So you don't have any, mean ?

You were just flowing with the flow and ended up exclaiming that Indian cricket has a "dynastic effect" ?

Without expecting anyone to pick that up ?

Its called opinion, every one has it, except for lower forms of life like yourself.
India will win, it may not be a hugely convincing margin as the previous matches, but India will win!
talk sense not like a kid.

I am getting curious to know little about you after reading your so many posts in this thread.

"Are you a choker in real life ? "
What i mean is , do you run away from tough time in your life or face it with courage ?
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