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India very "worried" about beating from China in Ladakh: Indian media

Face saving slimy Brahmanical sanghi nonsense.

Like beef for some, no beef for the rest.

Banyas and Bammans. Deadly combo ...

Cheers, Doc

A genuine discussion where I had provided proof, not from any third rate web site but from GOI web site results in you abusing me.

Should I next reply in kind and derail the discussion? NO

Care to take another shot at the GOI Official release of the flag act of 2002?
Or you will continue to spread your lies & abuses?

Anyway, why not make a thread on all your grievances about RSS? I promise I will not abuse you one bit in that thread, no matter how ugly your response becomes.

BTW, I am neither a Bramhim nor Bania. Even if I were, the proof I provided exposing your lie would still be good ;)
Indian Army: August 15 Pangong was a "skirmish" and Rawat is worried about IA preparedness for war


Now I understand how the PLA used the iron rods on the IA jawans. They did not strike the jawans with it but rather stuck it up their a$$.

Coward Modi is afraid of potential assassination in China, hence may not go to BRICS summit:

While India has not yet officially announced the participation of PM Narendra Modi in the Brics summit, which will be held September 3-5 in Xiamen in China,

Probably he will take his own Bisleri water bottle with him.
Or will not drink a drop at the round table.
I am waiting for Chinese side to install loud speakers on the Border and start yelling Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai..Yeh Zameen hamara Hai..Iss Zameen ko chod do... Like the way they did in 1967... right before their balls got chopped off by Indian Army.
Coward Modi is afraid of potential assassination in China, hence may not go to BRICS summit:

Probably he will take his own Bisleri water bottle with him.
Or will not drink a drop at the round table.

Head of state of all large nations carry they own food and water you moron. :lol: Its part of their security detail.
Little China and its cheerleaders. Will you be issuing a fresh warning today?

Coward Modi is afraid of potential assassination in China, hence may not go to BRICS summit:

Probably he will take his own Bisleri water bottle with him.
Or will not drink a drop at the round table.
Make a separate thread & tag me on all your grievances about Sangh and I will definitely engage you in that thread.
FYI, the flag thing has been debunked too many times now. Few others are debatable. So, make a new thread and tag me. Let's have a debate and see where it goes.

To start the debate, I am linking the flag code Changes in year 2002, brought in BJP govt as genuineness of my intent.


The point was NEVER about flying the flag alone. Till the furore erupted nation-wide which sent the Sangh's PR cell into overdrive (you should know), the Sangh never even hoisted the flag on Independence Day and Republic Day!!!!!! Never sung the National anthem!!!!!!!!! Are you friggin kidding me here Pheku??????

Poor attempt at trying to resort to technicalities. This is as weak (and more disgusting to any Indian) as the Sangh's stand on beef for NE and Goa. So sickening the slimy duplicity that it has TOTALLY turned off a HUGE number of now ex sanghis who have opened their eyes to the true nature of their champions.

On our Indian Flag:

RSS never accepted the Indian Tricolor as the national flag because it wanted a saffron flag to be flag of India. Here is the quote from the 14th August 1947 edition of Organizer:

“The people who have come to power by the kick of fate may give in our hands the Tricolor but it never be respected and owned by Hindus.The word three is in itself an evil, and a flag having three colours will certainly produce a very bad psychological effect and is injurious to a country"

One more quote from M. S. Golwalkar in his essay The Eternal Basis, in the paragraph "Drifting and Drifting:

"Our leaders have set up a new flag for the country. Why did they do so? It just is a case of drifting and imitating...Ours is an ancient and great nation with a glorious past. Then, had we no flag of our own? had we no national emblem at all these thousands of years? Undoubtedly we had. Then why this utter void, this utter vacuum in our minds"

In fact, one of the conditions Sardar Patel imposed on the RSS for lifting the ban on them was that they unconditionally accept the national flag.

They hoisted the flag at their headquarters first on 15th Aug 1947 and then 26th January 1950. After that they stopped hoisting the Tricolor even on Independence Day and Republic Day until 26th January 2001 when three young men belonging to Rashtrapremi Yuva Dal forcibly hoisted the National Flag at Nagpur.

The entire Flag Hoisting Code thing is a disgusting excuse. The code prevented private organisations from hoisting National Flag barring special occasions. Independence Day and Republic Day do not count as special occasions? What stopped the RSS from hoisted the flag at least on those two days when all institutions, including the private ones do it with respect and honor? DO NOT LIE!

Walrus Mohan Bhagwat is on record saying that the TriColor should be replaced with a saffron flag!!!!

They are also ashamed of Jana Gana Mana, the national anthem. They claim that it is a song of servitude, composed by Tagore as a mark of respect to the British monarch.

Though RSS had sided with the British during the independence struggle, collaborators, refusing to join the Quit India movement, they say they feel a deep sense of shame when hearing it, and hang their heads in shame!!!!!!


And you have the FRIGGIN' GUMPTION to hand out certificates of patriotism and nationalism to me and @The_Showstopper ??????

@Joe Shearer @scorpionx @jaunty @Grevion @baajey @ranjeet @Robinhood Pandey @nair @jbgt90 @Abingdonboy @Bombaywalla @Stephen Cohen @SOUTHie @Juggernaut_is_here

Cheers, Disgusted Doc
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