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India very "worried" about beating from China in Ladakh: Indian media

The entire Indo-China border is disputed. For one, India has not officially recognized Tibet as part of China.

that's easy do you think we recognized Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh, Tamil Nadu as part of India.?

We can very well bring up ULFA leader to prove you wrong :lol:
Nobody is interested in peace.. Conflict between india-china will follow the billions of dollars of contracts to their companies..

and as for china, if china falls so will the world economy. and nobody will want that.
One thing Indian miscalculate is sovereignty trumps everything in China, including economic growth. If India is thinking China will not do anything about Donglang they will be in for a surprise.

If Chinese soldiers are "unleashed", something more serious than a bloody nose is bound to happened, and it could happen anywhere along 2000 km LOC. India may regret they started this Doklam fiasco.
I guess this is just the beginning. Chinese border troops are ordered to be harsh on Indians. If they hurl abuse. Physical attack are permitted. :enjoy:

These will included all China border with India. Chinese will harass and provoke Indian all along.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, don't say you didn't see it coming:lol:
India very "worried" about beating from China in Ladakh: Indian media

Watch it here:

Battle of Pangong Lake August 15 2017 - Indian beaten down cold by PLA kungfu master!

The Fake "Indian" strikes again.
There are a lot of Indians in this forum who I have serious differences with, like @padamchen @The_Showstopper and few more seculars BUT I know they will stand shoulder to shoulder when it comes to interests of the nation & give a spanking to anyone who threatens the security of India.

YOU on the other hand are a despicable, especially if you claim to be an Indian.
The Fake "Indian" strikes again.
There are a lot of Indians in this forum who I have serious differences with, like @padamchen @The_Showstopper and few more seculars BUT I know they will stand shoulder to shoulder when it comes to interests of the nation & give a spanking to anyone who threatens the security of India.

YOU on the other hand are a despicable, especially if you claim to be an Indian.

I have a slightly different problem, which I hope you can solve.

Will the sanghis be found wanting again when it comes to war or the nation?

Quit India. No sanghis.

Fly the tricolour for more than 6 decades of Independence.

You guessed it - no sanghis.

We seculars would love to have you fight alongside us when the time comes.

You can keep fighting us internally the rest of the time.

Cheers, Doc
I have a slightly different problem, which I hope you can solve.

Will the sanghis be found wanting again when it comes to war or the nation?

Quit India. No sanghis.

Fly the tricolour for more than 6 decades of Independence.

You guessed it - no sanghis.

We seculars would love to have you fight alongside us when the time comes.

You can keep fighting us internally the rest of the time.

Cheers, Doc

Make a separate thread & tag me on all your grievances about Sangh and I will definitely engage you in that thread.
FYI, the flag thing has been debunked too many times now. Few others are debatable. So, make a new thread and tag me. Let's have a debate and see where it goes.

To start the debate, I am linking the flag code Changes in year 2002, brought in BJP govt as genuineness of my intent.

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Make a separate thread & tag me on all your grievances about Sangh and I will definitely engage you in that thread.
FYI, the flag thing has been debunked too many times now. Few others are debatable. So, make a new thread and tag me. Let's have a debate and see where it goes.

To start the debate, I am linking the flag code Changes in year 2002, brought in BJP govt as genuineness of my intent.


That was exactly my point.

The Sangh refused to fly the tricolour till as little as 10-15 years ago.

Even today, it is just ceremonial, from HQ.

Most shakhas still do not.

And please do not bs me.

I have been to shakhas in Pune. Inside them. With some very "hardcore" guys ....

Cheers, Doc
That was exactly my point.

The Sangh refused to fly the tricolour till as little as 10-15 years ago.

Even today, it is just ceremonial, from HQ.

Most shakhas still do not.

And please do not bs me.

I have been to shakhas in Pune. Inside them. With some very "hardcore" guys ....

Cheers, Doc

Have you read the link I provided OR you are being intentionally pedantic?
When govt brought in law in 2002 which allowed non-govt organizations to fly flag, RSS has started doing it.

Even before that the flag was flying on a lot of Sangh institutions albeit unofficially.

I don't deny that Sangh was against the current form of flag but you are being intentionally pedantic with this when you very well know WHY they couldn't fly Indian flag before 2002.
Have you read the link I provided OR you are being intentionally pedantic?
When govt brought in law in 2002 which allowed non-govt organizations to fly flag, RSS has started doing it.

Even before that the flag was flying on a lot of Sangh institutions albeit unofficially.

I don't deny that Sangh was against the current form of flag but you are being intentionally pedantic with this when you very well know WHY they couldn't fly Indian flag before 2002.

Face saving slimy Brahmanical sanghi nonsense.

Like beef for some, no beef for the rest.

Banyas and Bammans. Deadly combo ...

Cheers, Doc
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