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India v Pakistan, 2nd ODI, Kolkata Jan 3, 2013 (12:00 local | 06:30 GMT)

Junaid is bowling really good, but luck is not favoring him at the moment...
What does SAW mean ?

"May Allah pray on him and grant him peace.": (Arabic: صلى الله عليه وسلم‎ ṣall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam - S.A.W., SAAW, or SAAS) - this expression follows specifically after saying the name of the last prophet of Islam, Muhammad...we add before and after a dua so dua may get accepted...
Good to see Sewag appreciating the good deliveries of Junaid. that's the sport's man spirit :tup:
very lucky ghambir... ball went over the stumps

are you guys sure that is a dead pitch?-

dont think so after watching Junaid Khan.. it got some thing for both the bowler & batsman
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